Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Oh, you can just save it to json and then load from json.

  • You can load an image from url into the tilemap, but you can't have 2 instances of the same object with a different image, so 1 image per tilemap object.

  • Problem Description

    Loading a saved game doesn't update layers to new parallax/scale rate values.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    save/load/restart layout, show values in text object.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run layout and save, see layer parallax and scale rate values.
    • Change layer parallax / scale rate values in the editor.
    • Run layout see new values.
    • Load saved state.

    Observed Result

    Values returned after loading are not correct.

    Expected Result

    Layers should update all their settings to new one after loading, restarting the layout doesn't reset it either, but since in most case scenarios the user won't have the option to restart the layout it's better if it'll happen when loading, same goes to previous layout size bug that was fixed but requires a layout restart.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

  • Ashley

    This is similar to a previous bug I reported where the layout size was not updating after loading a save with a different layout size.

    As you can see in the video, when I enter the scene it shows the parallax on the layer background2 is set to 45,40

    Now If I load and older save slot (official saving system) and go to the same layout and it changes to 80,80 (previous settings)

    I have no actions to change the parallax or the scale rate of any layer in runtime, In face I wasn't sure if they even existed until I came across this bug, thinking I might need to reset them manually for every layout, or just patching changes after loading.


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  • I see NWjs v 0.21.1 is available for download, anyone tried it already?

  • Will C3 allow selection for exporting with all it's previous engine builds, in case the newest version breaks an old project?

    I'm asking because I have a project that broke after C2 v203, I barely update it anymore, but when I do need to, I must load and export it with v203 for it to work properly.

    I am using nvidia built-in recorder, get the best results, but you need a geforce 600+

    I haven't tried the canvas recording yet though, sounds interesting.

  • Great, I just wasn't sure what "IT" was, so I guess we're all good!

  • I see, but it also says at the top that some of these issues only apply to version 0.12 and lower, we're on version 0.19.4 already, so that might not be an issue anymore.

    My point is that my game runs, steam overlay is accessible, achievements are being registered and pop is shown, so unless I'm missing something, I don't see any problem.

  • TheRealDannyyy I've noticed that Ashley mentions in the greenwork plugin post that the game's exe must be named nw.exe for it to work, I also notice you didn't write anything about it, my game and steam overlay seems to work fine for me with a different exe name, but I'm not sure what was the original problem that required this action, can you shade some light on the subject?

    I think what he meant was that even when porting you can do fishy things, intentionally or not, not to mention support and maintenance for the long term, official plugins are always safer than 3rd party, I've seen more than once that bug reports were dismissed because of 3rd party plugins.

    Now, if it was somehow officially supported by scirra as a trusted plugin, where they have a contract between them that makes sure the plugin will be supported and updated, that would be more reassuring.

    So I finally got the overlay to show up, but once it does it's not responsive to any clicks, it seems like the game is still in focus and it's receiving the keyboard input instead of the steam overlay, pressing shift+tab doesn't close it.

    I remembered the Big Roundup post mentioned adding --in-process-gpu if the overlay is not showing, though it did show I thought giving it a try and it works.

    Ashley did it work for you without it? you might want to add it to your installation instructions.

    Also it seems to work for me with badpad.exe and not just nw.exe, is there something specific I need to test that might not work and come back to bite me in the ass later?, or if it's showing up then it's all good?

  • NP, you can always use len() to get the length of the string, but seems unnecessary in your case.

  • Here's one way to do it


  • I noticed you're using the old OBS and not the new "Studio" version, I thought that might help, but it doesn't work either

    When I switch out of the game window and it loses focus I can see the NW.js window frame with the game title in the recorder but the inside window is still black.

    My game is already live on Steam for a few days now, but it's in early access, so maybe they treat it differently.