The Big NW.js Roundup - News & Tips

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  • Great, I just wasn't sure what "IT" was, so I guess we're all good!

  • Last I wrote that it was true (quite a while ago now), but if you can rename the .exe and everything still works... I guess they fixed it!

    Sounds good, the more personalized our games get the better.

    I guess before spreading false information all around here, I'll head over to their git and ask them about this.

    Thanks again for the quick response!

  • TheRealDannyyy Any idea what could be causing youtube videos not to play via NW.JS anymore?

  • TheRealDannyyy Any idea what could be causing youtube videos not to play via NW.JS anymore?

    Thanks for the heads up, waiting for a response now.

    This will either be included in future NW.js installer releases or I will add a simple tutorial to the roundup.

    EDIT: Burvey and all the others with codec problems, please take a look at THIS topic.

    Sorry but I don't think that I will add this to the roundup, I might reconsider it if a lot of people demand it.

  • Hello everyone,

    I got small but anoying stuttering about every second when exporting a project with NodeWebkit. I tested an HTML5 export and it works a lot smoother. I tested some things displayed on the first page related to vsync and single process but didn't help. My project has about 30% CPU usage all the time and I can't explain the stuttering.

    Any help on that would be welcome.

  • Hello everyone,

    I got small but anoying stuttering about every second when exporting a project with NodeWebkit. I tested an HTML5 export and it works a lot smoother. I tested some things displayed on the first page related to vsync and single process but didn't help. My project has about 30% CPU usage all the time and I can't explain the stuttering.

    Any help on that would be welcome.

    Could you please provide more information like:

    • Your NW.js version
    • Hardware specs (CPU, GPU, OS)
    • Brief explanation on when it stutters
    • Maybe some details of your game as well

    Single processing is kinda broken again so I recommend waiting for the NW.js team until they sort things out.

    The disable V-Sync feature should only be used for debugging as mentioned in the roundup.

  • TheRealDannyyy, thanks for the reply,

    I just released a game in alpha stage on and found jerkiness problems with the Node Webkit export.

    Heres my specs :

    • NW.js 0.20.0, the last one
    • I7 3630QM 2.40 GHz
    • GeForce GTX 660m
    • OS is Windows 7 SP1

    The game has 20 to 200 sprites on screen with about 100 average, and some shaders. The stutters occurs about every second whatever happen on screen, in cpu intensive times or not. Average CPU usage is 30%, up to 50% some times, with less than 10% for the engine and the same for draw calls, the rest being logics. The preview under Chrome and HTML5 export works smooth on various browsers. Only NodeWebkit export is jerky.

    I found the stutters are almost invisible running the application with my Intel integrated graphic card 4000, although a lot more visible and annoying with the GTX 660m.

    I also tested the game exported with NW.js on a low end computer and it worked well and smooth.

  • TheRealDannyyy, thanks for the reply,

    I just released a game in alpha stage on and found jerkiness problems with the Node Webkit export.

    Heres my specs :

    - NW.js 0.20.0, the last one

    - I7 3630QM 2.40 GHz

    - GeForce GTX 660m

    - OS is Windows 7 SP1


    I cannot reproduce it on my end, runs well on my laptop and desktop PC.

    I think your GPU isn't blacklisted either so the problem might be related to your eventing but I doubt it.

    1. Did this happen in previous NW.js releases before 0.20.0 as well?

    2. Are you preloading all your audio files at start or do they load in while progressing?

    3. Can you reproduce this bug while all Shadow lights are off? (invisible/destroyed, aka not rendered)

    4. Do you make use of render cells on layers with a lot of static objects?

  • TheRealDannyyy, thanks for the tips

    1 - Yes this happened with previous releases,

    2 - The sounds are preloaded.

    3 - Not rendering Shadow Lights didn't change anything.

    4 - I used render cells and still got stuttering.

    Strange this happen only with the dedicated GPU, and run smooth on the integrated one. Both 32bits and 64bits versions stutter. Maybe it's related to NW.js or Chromium. You can confirm you experienced no framerate drops ?

  • TheRealDannyyy, thanks for the tips

    1 - Yes this happened with previous releases,

    2 - The sounds are preloaded.

    3 - Not rendering Shadow Lights didn't change anything.

    4 - I used render cells and still got stuttering.

    Strange this happen only with the dedicated GPU, and run smooth on the integrated one. Both 32bits and 64bits versions stutter. Maybe it's related to NW.js or Chromium. You can confirm you experienced no framerate drops ?

    It just slightly stuttered 1-2 sec. after it loaded into the layout but I assume that's the expected behavior. I didn't experience stuttering after that so I guess it might be GPU related. I don't know how to further help you out with this, you should consider reporting this as a bug (following the guidelines + all details included) and let the experts get their hands on it.

  • TheRealDannyyy, thanks for the reply,

    I just released a game in alpha stage on and found jerkiness problems with the Node Webkit export.

    Heres my specs :

    - NW.js 0.20.0, the last one

    - I7 3630QM 2.40 GHz

    - GeForce GTX 660m

    - OS is Windows 7 SP1

    The game has 20 to 200 sprites on screen with about 100 average, and some shaders. The stutters occurs about every second whatever happen on screen, in cpu intensive times or not. Average CPU usage is 30%, up to 50% some times, with less than 10% for the engine and the same for draw calls, the rest being logics. The preview under Chrome and HTML5 export works smooth on various browsers. Only NodeWebkit export is jerky.

    I found the stutters are almost invisible running the application with my Intel integrated graphic card 4000, although a lot more visible and annoying with the GTX 660m.

    I also tested the game exported with NW.js on a low end computer and it worked well and smooth.

    This is a very common with NV graphics on laptops. NV's drivers detect "browser" and puts the GPU into idle mode to save power usage. It's very aggressive, resulting in very low power for browsing. But because C2/NWjs is Chromium based, it thinks our games are browsers..

    This can be fixed (in the past, not sure now) by setting a power profile in windows or NV's control panel to "Maximize performance" instead of "Balanced" or the default option.

    Exceptions or game-specific profiles can also be made with the NV control panel.

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  • This is a very common with NV graphics on laptops. NV's drivers detect "browser" and puts the GPU into idle mode to save power usage. It's very aggressive, resulting in very low power for browsing. But because C2/NWjs is Chromium based, it thinks our games are browsers..


    This should no longer be an issue in the upcoming NW.js v0.21.0 release, judging by this confirmed fix:

  • Hey I'm new to working with nwjs and I have some questions about how to manage display size.

    Is it possible to resize the game window from in the game, from a settings menu for example or alternatively on start of the game?

    Just say my game's window size is 240 x 160. Can I make the game window scale up to be 720 x 480 for example?

    I thought 'Set Canvas Size' might do it, but it doesn't change the size of the game window.

    It seems like, the only way I can resize the game window is by using the mouse to drag out a corner. And beyond that I can have the game open at its set window size (240 x 160) or fullscreen via the Browser > fullscreen action. But I can't specify a different window size?

    Is that the deal, or I just havent found the right tutorial yet?

    I had plans to make a 'Display Settings' menu screen, where the player could choose from preset sizes like 720x480, 1200x800... that kind of thing, and the game window would resize accordingly..

  • Hey I'm new to working with nwjs and I have some questions about how to manage display size.

    Is it possible to resize the game window from in the game, from a settings menu for example or alternatively on start of the game?


    Already tried the "Set width; Set height" actions, found inside the NW.js plugin?

    If you're however asking for something like a traditional "resolution change", I don't think that it's possible since C2 is using a more modern scaling method for that.

  • Already tried the "Set width; Set height" actions, found inside the NW.js plugin?

    This is what I was looking for. Thanks TheRealDannyyy

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