The Big NW.js Roundup - News & Tips

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  • This was really helpful! Thanks! In my game, which is a 2d side scroller, right clicking makes the character roll. But it was also making the context menu pop up on screen. Now if I can just find a way to hide the mouse cursor completely....

  • This was really helpful! Thanks! In my game, which is a 2d side scroller, right clicking makes the character roll. But it was also making the context menu pop up on screen. Now if I can just find a way to hide the mouse cursor completely....

    You can, using the mouse plugin and setting the cursor to "none".

  • Yeah, I've done that, the problem is my game is in a letterbox style...with black borders at the top and bottom. The mouse cursor is hidden until you hover over the black borders. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Thanks for the reply though

  • Yeah, I've done that, the problem is my game is in a letterbox style...with black borders at the top and bottom. The mouse cursor is hidden until you hover over the black borders. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Thanks for the reply though

    Yeah that sucks, no clue if I can find a workaround for that. Manually executing JS to hide the mouse cursor might do it.

  • There is a way to force NW.js to use "hight perfomance" video card? (like new C3 do in Settings> GPU preferences (for multi GPU system)

  • There is a way to force NW.js to use "hight performance" video card? (like new C3 do in Settings> GPU preferences (for multi GPU system)

    I think Ashley has already implemented this in the lastest stable release (R244).

    I'm not 100% sure if it works though. There is already a feature request for this one, if it for some reason doesn't work. (NW.js Issues)

  • Updated the Roundup with the following changes:

    • <Added> How To: Force GC To Instantly Unload Audio From Memory
    • <Added> How To: Add Chromium-Args & Js-flags
    • <Added> NW.js Bugreports (Github) section
    • <Changed> Moved some "how to's" to Custom Features & Debugging
    • <Changed> Minor design updates here and there, nothing interesting

    Construct 3 is out and things seem to be a lot easier there, will update this topic as soon as I have a C3 license.

    From what I've seen so far, you can't preview in NW.js (yet) and the most of the chromium args can be added during export.

    That's everything, cheers!

  • Thanks for all the info, it will be useful when the time comes to publish my game with NWjs.

  • I've noticed a huge performance decrease from v0.24 (affecting 0.25 too)

    Anyone noticing it? Can someone confirm?

    UPDATE: basically, versions 0.23.6 and previous ones, and also 0.24.0 beta1, are NOT affected by this problem. 0.23.7 and 0.24.0 onwards are. Seems like the problem is not related to chromium, but is caused by an update (maybe to Node.js?) made around 20 july...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I've noticed a huge performance decrease from v0.24 (affecting 0.25 too)

    Anyone noticing it? Can someone confirm?

    UPDATE: basically, versions 0.23.6 and previous ones, and also 0.24.0 beta1, are NOT affected by this problem. 0.23.7 and 0.24.0 onwards are. Seems like the problem is not related to chromium, but is caused by an update (maybe to Node.js?) made around 20 july...

    Could you please provide the reliable example(s) that you've used for these tests?

    I'd also like to request a list of chromium-args that you've used in your tests. Anything useful you got for debugging this issue is helpful and could make things easier.

    Before reporting this to the NW.js Team, we'll have to make sure that this isn't a chromium issue in general and a problem with NW.js's implementation of it, assuming that chromium is at fault at all. There is also a quite impactful issue caused by --in-process-gpu in the recent versions of NW.js. It might be worth testing out if you have better performance without that chromium-arg in use.

  • I've noticed a huge performance decrease from v0.24 (affecting 0.25 too)

    Anyone noticing it? Can someone confirm?

    UPDATE: basically, versions 0.23.6 and previous ones, and also 0.24.0 beta1, are NOT affected by this problem. 0.23.7 and 0.24.0 onwards are. Seems like the problem is not related to chromium, but is caused by an update (maybe to Node.js?) made around 20 july...

    So since im stuck with 0.24 on steam now, i guess ill have to wait and see if 0.26 is better..

  • dimitriosfl ; Danwood

    Could one of you guys please provide me an example to do tests on? I'll report it to the NW.js team if their software is at fault.

  • dimitriosfl ; Danwood

    Could one of you guys please provide me an example to do tests on? I'll report it to the NW.js team if their software is at fault.

    Sadly i cant help coz i cant reproduce the issue.

    On my pc (c2q+ati r5 230) works great. On a friends (c2d+onboard intel) stucks after 30min to 1h. On another friends (i7+nvidia980) also stucks.

  • Possible addendum re changing the icon of the window frame (when exporting windowed mode), unless already covered somewhere that I might have missed:

    In short: modify the "icon-128.png" found in the current project's /icon folder as it is used for the window icon.

  • Possible addendum re changing the icon of the window frame (when exporting windowed mode), unless already covered somewhere that I might have missed:

    In short: modify the "icon-128.png" found in the current project's /icon folder as it is used for the window icon.

    Just checked it out real quick and you are correct, seems like more recent versions of NW.js use the "icon-128.png" file and apply it automatically as the application icon when starting the application. This wasn't the case in older versions so it would be great to find out when this feature got implemented into NW.js.

    By the way, it's not necessary to manually edit any icon files found inside C2's directory, editing the "icon-128.png" inside your project works fine.

    Just in case for people that didn't get the "current project's /icon folder" part from your post.

    Here are the steps:

    • Click on the Project bar
    • Click on the Files folder
    • Click on the Icons folder
    • Double-click to edit the "icon-128.png" file

    I think I will add a <!> mentioning this, thanks for the heads up!

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