2 more questions
Question 1:
How do you check a variable within a fork?
I have a variable "hasappointment" .I set it to 1 when he does and 0 when he doesnt
here is what the dialog sequence says:
{setdelay:0}-Guard Chief Bruno-{setdelay:50}
Checking... {#hasappointment}{pause}{fork:{#hasappointment}=1,12,11}
I was going off of the money checking example that was there before. Maybe that was not just checking a variable. I want it to go to dialog 12 if "hasappointment" is set to 1. If not, then go to 11.
Question 2
is there a way to call another sequence from the end of another sequence? for example- say at the root I have a bunch of questions on sequence2. After every answer instead of ending after he answers the question, id like to go back to that sequence2 so they can ask other questions. Is there an easy way to do that? I tried the ::2 at the end like you see in the choice example but that didnt seam to do anything. Thanks in advance! Sorry for hounding you with so many questions!
Something like this:
s1 - hello how can I help you?
s2 - choice:
what am I supposed to do?
tell me about this place?
why are you so ugly?
How long have you been standing there?
I must be going now.
s3 - answer / return to s2
s4 - answer / return to s2
s5 - answer / return to s2
s6 - answer / return to s2
s7 - ok, bye {end}