here's the breakdown of what you should do :
1. Copy these objects to your project (an event-less layout works wonder, like the "Dummy" layout) : ContinueIndicator, PortraitSprite, SpriteFont, WindowFrame
(edit: Version 1.02 now needs additional objects : UpArrow, DownArrow, ChoiceSelector)
2. Create these objects and name them like so :
1 Array Object named "DialogueData"
1 Dictionnary Object named "DialogueDictionary"
1 Dictionnary Object named "DialogueCommands"
1 Dictionnary Object named "GameVariables" (this is where you game should store its variables, so that dialogues can fetch them)
1 Function Object named "Function" (default)
3. Create a new event sheet, and copy over all the content from the "DialogueEvents" sheet from the template. If all objects were correctly copied / created, it should give no error message.
I did all this and I am embarrassed to admit I am getting an error message doing step 3...
Any help would be appreciated- purchased tonight and excited to get it incorporated into my game. Thanks!
Edit: -I figured it out... Copied in pieces, starting with the variable on top which is what was missing in the error message. I got too excited I ran to the forums before reading and trying to figure it out myself... Thanks anyway! I am sure Ill have some questions shortly.