GSPforChrist's Forum Posts

  • I am trying to get an explosion sound for a boss ship but when it plays, it is static and choppy. The file, in VLC, plays fine. I tried it on an unused channel, 3, but same results. What could cause this, if anything?


  • I love free. All I can afford really, and I really like v1. I mean, I just started using it too.

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  • I had to do the "forgot password" (which of course is a lie I take personally from websites) several times and every time I put back a password, I can not log in and have to click that button again. I am doing this post now, using the password from the recovery email, before attempting another try. Else, I am going to leave it the way the email provides next time.

  • tulamide, thank you for clearing that up with me. It works well now. I also found these two comments of yours quite pleasing:

    "As you can see it isn't very complicated..."

    "EDIT: Made a mistake."

    Was entertaining to me.

    newt, I tried MP3 but they do not play. I converted to WAV to play and will definitely learn more as time goes on. I tried the way even as tulamide has shown above, but MP3 not play. An issue i can deal with later.

    shinkan, will still keep this plugin in mind. Never know when it may come in handy.

  • The example is great!! Thank you.

    I added in a global variable called �mode� and defaulted as 0, as this CAP. I made my boss' movement �custom� under behaviors as well.

    I focused on this from the example...

    + System: Every 2000 milliseconds

    -> move_point: Set position to play.X+random(20)-10, 100

    -> bass_main: Set speed : 50 towards move_point

    And mine looks:

    + System: Every 2000 milliseconds

    -> BossMovePoint: Set position to Hero.X+random(20)-10, 100

    -> Boss001: Set speed : 50 towards BossMovePoint

    Over this...

    + bass_main: bass_main overlaps move_point

    -> System: Set global variable 'mode' to 1

    I did:

    + System: Is global variable 'Score' Greater or equal 500

    -> System: Set global variable 'Mode' to 1

    I did not bother with this since my boss comes at a certain point instead of the beginning...

    + System: Start of layout

    -> bass_main: Set speed : 50 towards move_point

    But I did try:

    + System: Is global variable 'Score' Greater or equal 500

    -> System: Set global variable 'Mode' to 1

    -> System: Create object Boss001 on layer 1 at (random(640), 0)

    I can not get the boss to still come. Could someone take a quick gander please? All boss stuff is under the group of the same name: boss. ... Fnqg%3d%3d

    Files will expire on Monday, June 27, 2011, 6:38 PM CST

    Thank you for any more help on this.

  • I like quick and dirty, especially since the professor extended the deadline to 2a. 12h to go.

    I check this out. Thank you.

  • I will try that other plugin out today and let you know. Thanks. Right now, with XAudio2, it plays the sounds or the music. Not both at the same time. The sound effects kill the music off. I will see if Audiere can make them all play together.

  • Arima, I tried but I still do not understand the whole coordinate bit yet. Is there a game you know of I could look at their CAP file, or if you can whip up a quick demo?

    Thank you again for your help.

  • I did some reading (yes, I are a college student) and found that to keep sounds with an EXE file is to add them in resources. This worked for my background music:

    + System: Start of layout

    -> XAudio2: Load resource "Skillet - Hero (instrumental).wav" to channel 1 (Loop)

    -> XAudio2: Play music "Skillet - Hero (instrumental).wav"

    That plays the music. However, it seems I get a conflict when I use this for a laser:

    + MouseKeyboard: On key Space pressed

    -> System: Create object Bullet on layer 1 at (0, 0) from Hero 's image point 1

    -> XAudio2: Load resource "imphenzia_soundtrack_laser36.wav" to channel 1 (No loop)

    -> XAudio2: Play music "imphenzia_soundtrack_laser36.wav"

    That and three other laser sounds. Same as above just with different files.

    Now, all four laser sounds will play together but not the music. Disable those four lasers, and music plays. Music plays but if laser sounds enabled and a shot is fired, music ends.

    I have tried changing each to channel 2 and leave the other 1, but nothing changes.

    I like to get these sounds working while music is playing, and then get explosion sounds and such in there.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you.

  • I will try that out. Thank you. Will let you know how it goes.

    I fixed the link. I did a lot of changes since this file but it gives the idea what I am doing.... I think.

  • DIALOG!! That is the word I am looking for. Dialog in the game. Will see if I can change the title again to reflect that.

    I actually have a thought I am going to try. I think a layer, to keep them separate, of different text boxes of dialog. Then add an image point and call it "chat" on whatever. Then in the events, either based on time or score or something, the text comes up near that image point.

    All i need is basic and that seems like it may work. Have to try.

  • Hello. Just three days left to get a working game passed in for class, and then finals next week. I wanted to know if it can quickly be done to make a boss (I have a sprite) to come down at a certain score (I need to work on that and will be following the steps from the shooter tutorial with the three ghosts). Say the boss comes from down the screen after, er, 500 points. Stays on the top of the screen moving randomly left and right until destroyed or player destroyed. If I can do this once, I can do it again at another score interval.

    Thank you for your help and patience with me while i try and rush this.

    Once school is done, I get to spend more time on Construct on my own time without being rushed. I think it is great so far.

    This is a CAP I uploaded a few days ago for another post, if you need an idea of the vertical. ... 9Enw%3d%3d

    (link expires Monday, June 20, 2011, 1:23 PM CST)

    EDITED to fix title. Had "what" instead of "want."

  • Okay, I see my mistake. I am getting HOTSPOT and IMAGE POINT mixed up. I am thinking they are the same thing.

    Thank you!!

  • Thanks for checking. I did that when I made the ship and double checked my copy and the indicator is there. I did reclick it and now it works as your copy does. So now I am not sure why it did not work before. When you opened mine, did you not see the image hotspot there? Is there some way to confirm it takes when I click the spot?

    Thanks for confirming.

  • I changed the title of the post, to make it more clear. Just want to make short text appear in order to act as a conversation. For example:

    Hero ship (captain): Time to blast our way through.

    Hero ship (member): Aye, aye.

    Enemy ship: Think so, do you?

    Either like bubbles/blocks or different colors to show different people talking (if from same ship).

    Like an RPG style. I have been looking around but can not seem to find anything to what I am looking for. Looked at the "Mikey's RPG" but did not see anything there.