Governador's Forum Posts

  • Governador

    What was wrong with the >>>set "MetalGear" invisible and visible? I think that set up you had was better for performance than create/destroy.

    Anyway here is a capx changed to create/destroy see if that helps you: to open the capx you need the latest beta of construct 2

    Perfect was what I was looking for! The reason I'm opting for this path is because I've looked at an Ashley article that says invisible objects does not make the project more optimized. My game has many enemies and it would get very heavy each enemy to generate a sprite "MetalGear". There would be 30 "enemies" + 30 sprites "MetalGear" totaling 60 sprites: / It would be too heavy for a mobile game. I'll soon send you my playstore link here. Thank you saved my project: 3

  • 1 - Open up my game for better understanding - Follow game link:!8ehkxDhQ!feFEgy-4MAo_bonoIAKK3oWsT2YhJ-DaxuKEM51Hq_4

    2 - The problem is that the "container" function creates many unnecessary sprites when the "enemy" object is created.

    3 - Is there any way to make the sprite "MetalGear" be created and destroyed the moment the bullet passes near the enemy?

    Sorry for the translation Portugues / Ingles. If you do not understand, let me know if I write the post again.

  • I had this problem also until I learned that you can add an EXTRA condition using OBJECT that is colliding to PICK INSTANCES using the Z ORDER where you can say for example pick the top one when many collide.


    1) OBJECT #1 collides with OBJECT #2

    and 1 more condition: OBJECT #2 Z ORDER pick top/bottom > top

    >> ACTION: badaboom badabang

    That will solve your problem

    Perfect!!! Saved my project

    Thank you very much =D

  • 1 - I'm doing a fighting game between two base

    2 - Both sides create units to fight each other.

    3 - The problem is when the units meet <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    Instead of just attacking a single enemy unit, it ends up dealing damage to several other units that are together.

    How do I attack him one at a time?

    .CAPX!5bg10TBZ!QOleGSxRMazB ... fazKbswUio

    Translate PT/BR

  • Governador

    1) Add all the questions to an array.

    2) Use a shuffling technique to randomise the order of the questions.

    3) Call the questions in sequence from the array.

    Here's a capx that shows a way to shuffle - there are other techniques out there if you search the forums and tutorials: ... .capx?dl=0

    That's exactly what I was looking for, I put it in my project and it's working perfectly!

    Thank you <3

  • What is the most effective way to create random questions without repeating them? <Google Translate

  • 1 - Estou utilizando o addon cranberrygame_CordovaAppodeal_1.0.9 em meu projeto no construct 2.

    2 - Logo após eu compilo no utilizando o plugin Estou apenas usando esse plug in em meu projeto

    3 - Quando fui compilar deu esse erro: Log de erro do


    /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1


    [2017-04-13 18:24:09.189] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore platforms

    [2017-04-13 18:24:09.207] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding engine androidwvw@6.1.0

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk

    [2017-04-13 18:24:56.899] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore plugins

    [2017-04-13 18:24:56.902] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding plugin ... podeal.git

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/

    skipping existing file: applicationKey.png

    skipping existing file: index.html

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/LICENSE

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/package.json

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/cordova-plugin-ad-appodeal/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: applovin-sdk-5.4.3.jar

    skipping existing file: appodeal-1.12.2.jar

    skipping existing file: appodeal-1.12.2_cranberrygame_remove_com_mopub.jar

    skipping existing file: supersonic-sdk-5.14.jar

    skipping existing file: AerServSDK

    skipping existing file: ASAdView.h

    skipping existing file: ASInterstitialViewController.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: CodeDirectory

    skipping existing file: CodeRequirements

    skipping existing file: CodeResources

    skipping existing file: CodeSignature

    skipping existing file: embedded.mobileprovision



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-unityads-sdk/appodeal-android

    Subproject Path: cordova-plugin-ad-mopub/appodeal-mopub-sdk

    [2017-04-13 18:25:03.608] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1

  • Estou usando AppOdeal Atualmente, mas estou tendo muitos problemas :/ O que vocês me recomendar ?



    Uh oh!

    "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!



    skipping existing file: MPMoPubNativeAdAdapter.h

    skipping existing file: MPMoPubNativeCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPMoPubRewardedVideoCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAd+Internal.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdAdapter.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdData.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdError.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderer.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererImageHandler.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendererSettings.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRendering.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRenderingImageLoader.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest+MPNativeAdSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequest.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdRequestTargeting.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdSourceQueue.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeAdUtils.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCache.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativePositionResponseDeserializer.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativePositionSource.h

    skipping existing file: MPNativeView.h

    skipping existing file: MPNetworkManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateBannerCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateInterstitialCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPPrivateRewardedVideoCustomEventDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: MPProgressOverlayView.h

    skipping existing file: MPQRunLoopOperation.h

    skipping existing file: MPReachability.h

    skipping existing file: MPRetryingHTTPOperation.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo+Internal.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideo.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoAdapter.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoConnection.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoCustomEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoError.h

    skipping existing file: MPRewardedVideoReward.h

    skipping existing file: MPServerAdPositioning.h

    skipping existing file: MPSessionTracker.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdImpressionTimer.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRenderer.h

    skipping existing file: MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings.h

    skipping existing file: MPStoreKitProvider.h

    skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacementData.h

    skipping existing file: MPStreamAdPlacer.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacer.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewAdPlacerCell.h

    skipping existing file: MPTableViewCellImpressionTracker.h

    skipping existing file: MPTimer.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLActionInfo.h

    skipping existing file: MPURLResolver.h

    skipping existing file: MPUserInteractionGestureRecognizer.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCompanionAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTCreative.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTDurationOffset.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTIndustryIcon.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTInline.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTLinearAd.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMacroProcessor.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTManager.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTModel.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResource.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTResponse.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTStringUtilities.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTracking.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTTrackingEvent.h

    skipping existing file: MPVASTWrapper.h

    skipping existing file: MPVideoConfig.h

    skipping existing file: MPXMLParser.h

    skipping existing file: MRBridge.h

    skipping existing file: MRBundleManager.h

    skipping existing file: MRCommand.h

    skipping existing file: MRConstants.h

    skipping existing file: MRController.h

    skipping existing file: MRError.h

    skipping existing file: MRExpandModalViewController.h

    skipping existing file: MRImageDownloader.h

    skipping existing file: MRNativeCommandHandler.h

    skipping existing file: MRProperty.h

    skipping existing file: MRVideoPlayerManager.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub-Bridging-Header.h

    skipping existing file: MoPub.h

    skipping existing file: NSHTTPURLResponse+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSJSONSerialization+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: NSURL+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIButton+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIColor+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: UIWebView+MPAdditions.h

    skipping existing file: mopub-ios-sdk

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: audio_mute.png

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: audio_on.png

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: InfoPlist.strings

    skipping existing file: UnityAds

    skipping existing file: libAPDUnityAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK.h

    skipping existing file: Info.plist

    skipping existing file: __vungle.db

    skipping existing file: vg_close.png

    skipping existing file: vg_cta.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: vg_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: vg_privacy.png

    skipping existing file: VungleSDK

    skipping existing file: libAPDVungleAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: .DS_Store

    skipping existing file: YMAAdRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdSize.h

    skipping existing file: YMAAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlock.h

    skipping existing file: YMABlocksInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YMACreative.h

    skipping existing file: YMAErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAIcon.h

    skipping existing file: YMAInterstitialController.h

    skipping existing file: YMALog.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMediaFile.h

    skipping existing file: YMAMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdAssets.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdDelegate.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdImage.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdLoaderConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAdTypes.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAppInstallAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeAssetsAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeContentAdView.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeGenericAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeImageLoadingObserver.h

    skipping existing file: YMANativeTemplateAppearance.h

    skipping existing file: YMARating.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTAd.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTErrors.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVASTTracker.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMAVideoAdsRequest.h

    skipping existing file: YMAYandexVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileNativeAds.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileVASTAds.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileAds

    skipping existing file: YMMVersion.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaConfiguration.h

    skipping existing file: YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo.h

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    skipping existing file: YandexMobileMetrica

    skipping existing file: libAPDYandexAdapter.a

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn-cut.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd-report-btn.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_background_mrec.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_close_fill.tiff

    skipping existing file: apd_star.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_adbadge.tiff

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_off.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_mute_on.png

    skipping existing file: appodeal_pattern.tiff

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Localizable.strings

    skipping existing file: Appodeal

    skipping existing file: APDBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: APDDefines.h

    skipping existing file: APDImage.h

    skipping existing file: APDInterstitialAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDMRECView.h

    skipping existing file: APDMediaView.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAd.h

    skipping existing file: APDNativeAdLoader.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: APDRewardedVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDSdk.h

    skipping existing file: APDSkippableVideo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfo.h

    skipping existing file: APDUserInfoProtocol.h

    skipping existing file: Appodeal.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealBannerView.h

    skipping existing file: module.modulemap

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/

    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.h

    skipping existing file: AppodealPlugin.m

    skipping existing file: appodeal.js



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    [2017-04-11 17:10:05.323] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - Uh oh! "/workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/libs/android/appodeal-1.15.9.jar" not found!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Ok, in that case, install the following version of plugin: ... plugin.git (appodeal-cordova-nodex-plugin on

    And enable multidex option in for android settings:

    https:// / t / in-case-you-are-having-multidex-issues / 2086 (withput spaces)

    Perfeito! Consegui compilar e agora consigo visualizar as propagandas premiadas perfeitamente =D

    Mais estou com problemas em BANNERS eles não aparecerem

  • Why do you use a version from It's very old. You can try one of the official packages: - standart version without iOS SDK. Use it if you are not going to build iOS application. - big plugin with iOS SDK. ... plugin.git - Android only. Use it if you get DexIndexOverflowException ... plugin.git - Crossplatform. Use it if you have enabled multidex for android build to solve DexIndexOverflowException.

    Please try these versions.

    Infelizmente todos deram erro na compilação:


    /workspace/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: /workspace/platforms/android/src/com/ludei/googleplaygames/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForArmv7Debug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.



    cp: dest file already exists: /workspace/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin/plugin.xml

    skipping existing file:

    skipping existing file: appodeal.js



    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: com.appodeal.plugin/FlappyPimba-cheetah-mobile

    Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.

    :preBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :preArmv7DebugBuild UP-TO-DATE


    :preX86DebugBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :CordovaLib:preBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :CordovaLib:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE




    :CordovaLib:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE


    :CordovaLib:copyDebugLint UP-TO-DATE






    :CordovaLib:packageDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE











    :CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    :CordovaLib:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE







    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE


    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preDebugAndroidTestBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preDebugUnitTestBuild UP-TO-DATE




    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE


    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:copyDebugLint UP-TO-DATE






    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:packageDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE












    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE









    :preArmv7ReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :preX86ReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE

    :CordovaLib:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE




    :CordovaLib:compileReleaseNdk UP-TO-DATE

    :CordovaLib:copyReleaseLint UP-TO-DATE






    :CordovaLib:packageReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE











    :CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    :CordovaLib:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE







    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE


    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:preReleaseUnitTestBuild UP-TO-DATE




    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:compileReleaseNdk UP-TO-DATE

    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:copyReleaseLint UP-TO-DATE






    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:packageReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE












    :com.appodeal.plugin:cheetah-mobile:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
































    :compileArmv7DebugJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

    Note: /workspace/platforms/android/src/com/ludei/googleplaygames/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

    :compileArmv7DebugNdk UP-TO-DATE






    :transformClassesWithDexForArmv7Debug FAILED

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithDexForArmv7Debug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 43.579 secs

  • Hi, Governador! This is Alex from Appodeal developers team.

    Can you describe your problem more detailed? Errors, logs and any relevant information will be helpful.

    I will speak in my native Portuguese

    Aqui são os passos que eu já conclui:

    1. App key no plugin dentro Construct 2

    2. Link your Admob account

    Admob reporting enabled: Yes

    Admob ad units synced: Yes

    3. Instalei esse plugin dentro do contruct2: ...

    4. Fiz esses passos no construct2:

    Rewarded Video =!wUlE1IbQ!3ek8_p_P2Z83 ... SzaoiGvI6Q

    Banner =!0Yc3SRBR!1rSE-8OxWe24 ... 05R_3OZEXE

    5. Esses são os Plugin que instalei no!RJtUCDyT!-y6LpTQcTUnU ... MfGXDJVZBA

    6. Problemas que estou encontrando! ----- APK compilado pelo

    O banner não inicia de forma alguma

    O vídeo premiado as vezes não carrega

    Depois de algumas tentativas o vídeo premiado carrega normalmente mas quando finaliza volta para o jogo e inicia outro vídeo premiado infinitamente

    Thank you =D

  • I am using plug in AppOdeal but I am having problems :/

  • I've always saved the progress or any other data within my apps with the Local Storage Plugin. This far, I've never experienced any problems with it so I would say that it is the best way to do it. I don't think there is any other simple way of storing data locally on the user's device.

    Thank you =D

    I was afraid of this method but now I'm safer

  • Do you have to delete these values by accident?

    Is there a more efficient way than this?

    Sorry for english "Google Translate" =D

  • Are the objects pinned to each other?

    Because of my bad english "Google translator xD" I'm sending this .capx

    Pt br - Eng