GloryF90's Forum Posts

  • How to know what cookies are currently running on an construct 3 app (on Android)? And how to disable?

    To show on the RGPD (GDPR) consent dialog.

    Sorry i have no idea


  • No one?

  • Any of you know how to change the language of the consent dialog?

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  • How can i change the language of the consent privacy policy dialog??

  • Same issue

  • Thanks

  • In the event of a delayed IAP approval or denial for a consumable product that the store does not keep track of, what happens if the game is closed before triggering on purchase success/failed (slow card)?

    I assume the purchase would simply be lost. Although I was under the impression that credit card processing happens entirely in the store overlay, with success or failure determined before even returning to your game.

  • Mmm... Strange...

    When u export your project to cordova there is an option:

    URL List: http://*/* https://*/*

    Do you modify it?

  • I haven't tried it yet but...


    Every X seconds -> (Subcondition)Is online -> Set Var to true // Else -> Set Var to false

    Instead of:

    ->On went Online -> Set Var to True

  • Someone?

  • Thanks for response.

    I tryed but it didnt work.

    Anyway... What happen then if it is never approved? How can i know?

  • By the way..

    Do you know how to use Mobile IAP?

    Maybe u could help me...

  • Alright,

    First of all sorry for my English.

    If you use: Every tick/Start layout -> Sprite1: Set X -> (ViewportRight("layer 0")/2)

    Or if you use: Every tick/Start Layout -> Sprite1: Set X -> LayoutWidth/2

    In theory Sprite1 will be all time centered with the screen, but the first only wokrs while your ratio is bigger, (ex: 16:9, 1:1). If you make the window smaller(width) it wont work well. This is because the Device is modifying the ViewportRight and Viewport Left to 1/3 of the reduced size of the screen. LayoutWidth doesnt change (still being 1920).

    -> ViewportLeft/Right/Bottom/Height or whatever only works with "Scale inner" while the aspect ratio is 'positive', and the same but oposite with "Scale outer".

    The problem is that while the aspect ratio is bigger (ex: 1920x1080 and the actual width is >1920) there is no problem. The device/PC keep the 1920 width. If you stretch the screen more than 1920, doesn't really change the width (for the device/PC), and resize the screen with the same width.

    Hard to explain to me...

    BUT if the width is smaller than 1920, then the device change the new width (only with Viewport), and that's why the calculations doesnt work. Because its an exponential resize (1/3).

    With Set X -> LayoutWidth/2 there is no problem because doesnt matter the width, but if you do

    With Set X -> LayoutWidth/3 the machine goes crazy.

    So the answer is:

    Use this:

    Sprite1 Set X-> ViewportRight("layer 1")-ViewportRight("Layer 1")*0.1

    If you want, for example, the Sprite 1 to be at the 10% of the right side all time.

    Its really hard to explain, and more for me in English.

    I made something for you. An example.

    Check it out.

    You will understand easier.

  • Ashley Please, help

  • Someone?