GloryF90's Forum Posts

  • Yes, i have 2. 1 for web, and 1 for android. For android:

    i have client ID - ♦(chosen by google)

    uris- ♦(chosen by google), ♦ and localhost (anyway, i can not change this)

    name package- ♦

    sha1 ♦(this is correct)

    deep links ♦disabled

    is your game working on Android? I was beginning to think it did not work with android

    any idea?

    tnk u

  • (Release 200)


    Thats the question:

    ♦ i have a server with a game exported as HTML5

    ♦ i have the same game exported as .apk (cordova -> intel XDK -> Crosskalk). Signed and aligned for Android. And submited.

    In both games there are "GooglePlay" object. I had put this object to show Scores. For example with "GooglePlay.HiScoreMyBest", i can show my best Score ever.

    The game at the server have a diferent configuration at GooglePlay object, compared with the cordova exported for Android. (in GooglePlay Developer Console i have

    2 vinculated aplication, 1 for web and 1 for android.

    ♦ The game exported as HTML has APLICATION ID, CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET (taked from web aplication, in GooglePlay developer console)

    ♦The game exported as Cordova has APLICATION ID and CLIENT ID (taked from android aplication), and has the same package name.

    All looks correct. But, with HTML5 website, Gloogle play works well and i can see Scores,

    however it doesn´t work on my mobile phone downloaded from Google Store. Sign in doesnt work too. What is happening? why doesn't work?

    Maybe crosswalk doesnt work. I dont know.

    Any idea?

    Thank you so much, and sorry for my English.



    Alguien sabe como se hace para que funcione GooglePlay Services en un juego exportado con Cordova->intel XDK ->Crosswalk?

    Pongo el cliente ID y el nombre del paquete, lo firmo y alineo, pero los servicios de google no funcionan, ni siquiera se conecta (Sign In).

    Tengo el mismo juego exportado y configurado para HTML5 (no para android. En cliente ID, etc) en un servidor y funciona todo correctamente.


  • Thank u

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  • Thank you.

    is loopindex the only parameter i can use?

  • For example,

    in my game, when i loose i can submit my score to googleplay. For example 10.000 points

    Next time i play my score is 5.000(for example) and it is submited.

    So, i would like to see at the "game over" Screen:

    Current score: 5.000

    Latest score: 10.000

    Sorry for my english

  • Thanks for response.

    How can i do to see the latest score sended?

  • Hello everybody!

    I have a question:

    When you use "Google Play" item for a "text item" to show scores and others, there is an option:


    WTF index means?

    I send my score to google play correctly, becose i can see my best rank "Googleplay.MyBestRank", but i want to see my lastest sended score. I mean, THIS game, the last game i played.

    Thank you so much, and sorry for my bad english.