Yes Im noticing some problems with MobileAdvert > Consent as well.
The issue you mention about ConsentStatus expression returning NON rather than NON_PERSONALIZED, I mentioned that in a bug report here (under More Details part of bug report):
The issue I am having with Mobile Advert is the condition 'On User Personalization Updated' doesnt trigger when 'Personalization' is updated via the User Consent Dialog..
I was thinking this conditon should trigger when the User Consent Dialog window closes. ie, user makes a choice on User Consent Dialog, Consent Status is updated to PERSONALIZED, NON, OR AD_FREE.. And therefore 'Personalization' has been updated So condition 'On User Personalization Updated' should trigger but it doesn't...
Or maybe I have it wrong, and that condition is NOT supposed to trigger in that scenario. If thats the case, then there needs to be a separate condition that triggers when Consent Status Dialog closes???