Geo's Forum Posts

  • Yes I need this feature too; I ended up with a long "switch" (as in the programming structure) that I keep adding to whenever I need a new object type created by the "factory".

    Is it possible to create by "class ID" or something?

  • Yes you need to pick what you want to destroy, if you don't pick, it will destroy that which is already picked, i.e. the target that was involved in the collision. You got this right now.

    Not sure what you mean by picking a third object under a collision event, in a subevent. If you mean an object of a type that wasn't involved in a collision (e.g. "bullet" and "target" collided, and you want to pick "flower"), that IS possible, just tell the System->Pick all what to pick, or filter by that directly, i.e.

    event: bullet on collision with target

    event action: save coordinates to some local variables like in my post above

    subevent: flower->[ X and Y like in my post above...]

         subevent action->flower.destroy

    This should destroy all flowers around the collision, and not destroy the target or the bullet.

  • Can you post simple capx?

  • Yeah, I once did something similar. It went something like this.

    I had an instance variable on the "target" called objectID that was an internal ID I was keeping, so there would be no two targets with the same ID (probably I could have used the UID but anyway).

    Event: Bullet on collision with Target, Actions save Target.objectID to a local variable auxID, Target.X to auxX, Target.Y to auxY


    - system pick all Targets

    - Target.objectID <> aux

    - Target.X > auxX - 100

    - Target.X < auxX + 100

    - Target.Y > auxY - 100

    - Target.Y < auxY + 100

          Action for subevent            -> Target.destroy

    This should destroy all targets within 100 "radius" (rather a rectangle but too lazy to do sin, cos etc) of the hit, except the one which got hit.

  • Regarding the translation, there's countries (like Finland and apparently Italy) where mostly everybody speaks English. And then there's countries (like Germany) where generally people don't. If you travel to Germany and need information from the locals, you're lucky if you find someone speaking English (at least in my experience).

  • Since the thread got bumped I'll throw in my 2 cents (and a probably boring story) here too. I made a game and tried to "monetize" it. Asked a few friends here and there, seems like Flash is really easy. There's FGL, and loads of portals. There's APIs to integrate ads and sites you can ask for sponsorship on. So #6 (clearer path to monetization) is really what Flash is still much better at. Not sure when HTML5 will catch up.

    So I thought I don't want to wait for HTML5 to catch up, I'll just port the game to Stencyl, should be pretty straightforward, there's not too much logic and all the sprites are done, so how long can it take, really?

    Went in and downloaded the 2.0, after reading about it and all the cool things it has over 1.0 (it does sound VERY promising). But I couldn't make much progress with it because there's no tutorial yet for 2.0, you have to know 1.0 as the concepts are the same, then get to 2.0 and you pick it up. So I download 1.0 and shoot the first crash course tutorial. To make an actor move, you have to "code" it, i.e. you have to tell it when W is pressed move up, when S is pressed move down, when they are released, Stop. And I'm thinking "8 direction...". The interface with the puzzle blocks seems clumsy to me too, but I'm sure I could get used to it in a couple days.

    Apparently the 2.0 has built in behaviors so you don't need to code movement and such. I decided to wait for that (should be released soon, like in a couple weeks or so) and give it one more go then.

    Their forums are active enough, I asked a couple questions and got pretty quick responses.

    But at the end of the day, after playing with Stencyl (both 1 and 2) for a few hours: I find C2's interface way easier and more intuitive. Grouping, event sheets, property sheet - everything is familiar to me (sounds like #regions, code files, property sheets from Visual Studio). It's also faster. I find C2 superior, but for this monetization aspect which to me becomes more and more important. I know things will improve, but I don't think it will be in the near future.


  • +1 what ColPhilBilko said <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />, that's what I meant actually. The downside is that you need to buy windows and parallels (or vmware), but then again you do that once and get to run ALL windows software on your mac with minimum hassle (for the price of a small performance downgrade, but on today's computers this should be hardly notice-able).

  • If anyone's making bets, my money is on C++ <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Windows actually runs pretty well on Macs. Better than on PCs, in my experience. There is no conflict here <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

  • Just published my new game Chessnut: Episode 1 on Kongregate.


  • They don't require approval for Flash games (never did AFAIK) and they're doing just fine. You can "flag" trash and they'll remove it. Natural selection works everywhere <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • The workaround for the export bug works on Kongregate.

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  • You can host on dropbox for free until you hit some bandwidth limit (which if you do, I think you can afford to pay for a host or to upgrade the dropbox package).

    I think the next thing is for mochi ads to get HTML5 support, I asked them and they said they only do Flash. Kongregate apparently only allows mochi ads or something like that. And of course for more portals to support html5. And of course an fgl equivalent (or official fgl support for html5).

    Still I think it's a good first step, very easy to make a few cents <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> on Kongregate now (I didn't hit my target of $1 yet <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> but with the next game I surely will exceed it). Then it's just a matter of scaling a few orders of magnitude until I quit my job <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. I will get there, with C2 or some other game maker (the infrastructure for Flash games monetization is well established, and very tempting...)


  • That's right, as of last night you can just self publish iFrame based games on Kongregate! No longer approval required from them.

    This is great news, I think it's the first "big" portal that allows this.

    Good luck guys!

  • Firefox is asking to store stuff on my games as well (other browsers don't). I don't know why it doesn't load, unless it's this bug: check it out.

    Good luck!