Hello everyone, so im on a difficult part of my project right now and it's getting my enemies to move correctly,navigate,roam and chase the player through the maze. Currently, I've tried a method that was suggested to use for Ai navigation and that is the Pathfinding behavior. I've gotten them to move and follow the player a bit, but it's not going exactly how I want it to go. They take a bit to pick up the player, and when they do follow the player, they go through walls and just really all over the place. I also did it with line of sight,but like I said, they're slow to pick up. Currently, im thinking of making my NCP's just use the 8 Dir Behavior to stimulate they're movements and just have them roam kinda like in the Eat Em up(PacMan clone demo). Maybe I can also use the bullet behavior for them and chase the player as well? Idk, but if someone can send some links of using these behaviors for enemies Ai then that would be helpful. I've also checked out this site https://howtoconstructdemos.com/category/enemy-ai/ which helped a little with the pathfinder behavior, but im not sure how to make the enemy avoid walls. Another thing I would like to point out is that there's not much videos or tutorials of teaching how to us it for enemy Ai's. It shows for the player, which is to use a mouse and click a spot, but not much for enemy use. Any help would be appreciated. I just don't know where to go with these Enemy Ai. Also, my notification keeps on giving me errors not allowing me to view my notifications. This been going on for a month and 2 weeks now. But anyways, hopefully someone has some alternative ways of doing this. The pic below is there to help see the idea of them roaming and chasing player.