GameeApp's Forum Posts

  • MPPlantOfficial yes, off course we accept games with levels/endings. To answer which would be better - depends on the game, really. If it would be just for GAMEE-style games, endless / randomly generated would be the way to go. But only 2 out of 6 judges are connected to GAMEE

  • GameeApp everything is ok now. Btw no need appstore im ok that it is playable un facebook messenger.

    Are there limitations on which modules we can not use? Such as ajax, multiplayer, websocket, localstorage and third party plugin except yours of course.

    Aw Im sorry if it is no outlined anywhere this is very important question Yes limitations are given by GAMEE platform itself. That doesn't allow any outside of package connecting such as ajax, websockets. Also cookies and localstorage is not working there as expected.


    multiplayer - not possible in GAMEE, disallowed in competition

    assets outside of package - not possible in GAMEE, disallowed in competition

    instead of cookie and localstorage - use save state, that is part of the plugin and allows you to save some data for later usage

    any plugin that doesn't use previous - allowed


    Can You share the original assets of those controllers, so our games can have same visual appearance that your player used to?

    And is there a specific ratio between game/controls area?

    Back to you, our controllers were internally marked as "deprecated" because our audience was more interested in fullscreen games. Our plugin uses only Full screen controller and there is no way to switch it.

    For this competition, please use Full screen controller only If you need some kind of controllers, I suggest to make your own, that should be very easy with construct as I know.

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  • GameeApp I guess is was a temporary server issue. Now is accesible .


    great news, thanks!

  • pinoypixel hmm, I'll check on our side if something is wrong, sorry about that!

    MPPlantOfficial sounds right, we distribute our games through multiple channels - iOS/Android app, bots at messaging platforms (Kik, Telegram, Viber and Messenger)

    Sebastien cool, we have games of both kinds, regarding dimensions - those games with controllers were square, yes... Recently we are developing full screen portrait games. To center everything is our best practice . We usually have graphics prepared for 9:16 / 640x1024 px, keeping in mind that most of the action should be happening in the middle. The game should adapt to any resolution as we have games across many devices (anything from older Samsungs to iPhone X)

  • Morning guys! Sorry for late replies, needed to get some sleep

    Isaske the emulator itself has 1:1 ratio, our games are usually developed for 9:16 ratio (portrait) and we recommend having at least 10% on each side as a "safe-zone". As a rule of thumb, the game should get the info about available height and width and adjust accordingly.

    lapinchatware should be possible, once you implement them, those will automaticaly load within the emulator (let me check first with our developers, I'll get back to you asap)... Fullscreen games will have no problem.

    shinkan those controllers are loaded within emulator if you call for them, I'll also check with our guys and get to you asap

    lapinchatware yeah App Store is constantly changing Terms & Conditions and they kind of hate us, we already have new build submitted, should be back up soon in the meantime, you can check our games at

    MATAGUIRIS yes, just make sure it works within the emulator

    AlceX yes, as long as both are your / your team's creations, that is ok!

    pinoypixel below 5 MB size of the final zip, so compressed

    Cipriux that is strange, would you be so kind and send me screenshot of what you see while trying to access the page to contest(at) ? Thanks!

  • Great questions guys, keep them coming! Looking forward to see all your games!

  • Hi Sebastien, it is preferable to use your own graphics - every game on our plarform was done by our graphic designers (so we don't have any problems regarding intellectual property later on).

    skymen yes, multiple submissions are allowed (obviously, those has to be games created by you/your team)

  • it should be already exported HTML5, sent as zip file + link with working game in the GAMEE emulator, both to contest(at) . To show you how to make it work with the emulator, we prepared step-by-step tutorial available here

  • thanks for pointing those out, I shall add it to the webpage to clarify to answer you first:

    1) It is an option - obviously we would like to publish winning games on GAMEE if authors of those games wish to do so (not mandatory though).

    2) Yes, if the game is published on GAMEE, the licence is non-exclusive for games submitted in this competition.

    3) For the competition itself, no (but we have cool prizes!). For future cooperation after the competition, that would be on case-to-case basis. If you are asking about the relationship with 3rd party developers in general, yes, there is monetary incentive based on performance of each game.

    skymen we know it might be limiting, this restriction is due the platforms we distribute the games to... Most of our games are below 2 MB actually so it is doable

    Valter Filho (hyper)casual games in general, we are excited to see what you can come up with, just please stay away from themes with blood, sex, violence, etc... (the game has to be PEGI 3)

  • we are currently developing the platform and aim to open it to partner game developers soon, then the cooperation is based on revenue share from ads (interstitial ads at the moment, rewarded video coming soon)

  • Hi guys!

    We are really excited about this contest! If you have any questions or if we can help you with anything, please let us know! To get some inspiration, maybe check our site, we have 70+ games!
