GameeApp's Forum Posts

  • Hey GameeApp, are you gonna make a top 6 or you could to a top 10 or 20 of the games that have been sent to the contest?

    We will do Top 6 + 4 honorable mentions (places 7-10)

  • GameeApp

    i send my game in contest but no have answer

    you do now game works nicely, thanks!

  • GameeApp how many games can participate in the contest

    1,2,3 ?r more

    As many as you want, just one conditions - all the games must be created by you / your team.

  • Hello Gamee, I'm having trouble with Media, we are trying to use microphone but when I test it on Gamee Emulator it get "Permission Error", but game after compiled to Android works fine! Is it avaliable to use with Gamee Plugin? Anyway, how can I publish a game in gamee plataform without entering in contest?? I looked around but didn't find nothing about...


    Input from microphone is not allowed within our framework, sorry.

  • Ok, just get worked. My steps: On the first layout (loader if the game has one), update the score to 0. Also and i think is the most important uncheck Minify.


    Thanks for sharing your solution!

  • GameeApp You have forgotten me too!

    > Hi GameeApp! We've already discussed about portrait mode despite the existence of games with a square layout on your platform. However, can we submit anyway a game with this square format as part of the contest?


    And this one days ago (about performances):

    Finally, another question, can you precise us the exact time and time zone for the deadline on 28 February? Thanks a lot!

    Sorry Sebastien, this one slipped through! Yes, square game can be submitted - even though I would advise so the game adapts to portrait at least visually - meaning the core of the game remains square but the rest of the screen can be filled with nice background, for example.

    About the performance - yes, we know about this issue and we are working on a solution for all our released games within out apps. The final deadline is on 28th of February, midnight UTC (London time)

  • GameeApp

    Soo... You didn't actually answer my questions.

    - Should be at least 3MB or 5MB?

    - Should I send only a zip folder or a zip folder + link to emulator?

    - Why the emulator on localhost works fine, but when I uploaded to bitballoon and placed the link on the emulator says "Waiting for game to send init method"?


    Sorry about the delay, we were trying to replicate your issue with bitballoon - so far no luck, could you contact us at contest(at) so we can look into it deeper? We have already had successfull submisisions using bitballoon so this issue seems to be a little different.

    To answer your other questions - below 5 MB is ok, please submit zip file with your game + working link to emulator to contest(at)

  • ViktorEisenmann think we should go with 3mb now. I got a bit scared with that before though.

    My game right now 1.2mb, but I estimate it being around 2.8mb when i add all sfx & art. I don't even scale down graphic so much.


    As of today I can confirm I will be making an entry with my #STF provided my composer makes cool music ;D

    I didn't get your answer for use of scale outer, but I suppose it must be OK.

    I make my game to be playable on as many devices as possible and it's future investment for it to work well with large screens.

    Can't wait to share, but there's still tons of work

    Great to hear that! Looking forward to play your game

  • GameeApp sure. At which email address can I contact you?

    contest(at) is the best one

  • JhomasJhomas

    Thanks, I replicate that. I suggest:

    2) Include them and hope the judges are notified & don't score me less because of this?

    I will make sure judges will know about this. We are working on patch for plugin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> In case you win we will just ask those to replace plugin in project with new version.

    also reported here: ... 3/issues/1

    I responded to your email. We will solve it here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">


    Same for you Keyo, I cant tell just from this why it doesn't work. If you still didn't solve this send us email and we will solve this in private conversation.

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  • First i thought "Cool! Even if i have only 8 days left i try it." Then i saw that the the emulator test was just for construct 2. THEN i saw the problems Construct 2 users have with testing.

    Yeeeaaah.....i´m out. Making a game that have to run on an emulator and not be able to test it is not great.

    Tip for the next contest (if there will be one): Test booth versions of construct and give a tutorial for booth.....

    Edit: Ah! And just a suggestion, it would be cool if everyone could get an Email if something like a Contest is happening. ^^

    Im sorry to hear that,

    sadly C3 preview doesn't work in our emulator if you don't have license for C3. We didn't notice remote preview is only part of the licenced version. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed"> I asked Ashley what we can do about this: ... -364891324

    You can still test game in emulator even without the licence, but you have to export it as HTML5 game and run local server <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Most of the problems here are people do not know how to run a local server or how to publish game on public web server. But it is not everyone. We had few games submissions second day of the competition without a single question. I belive it is mostly about how advanced are you in IT.

    So far we have only several games so if you change your mind your chances are quite high.

    PS: You can run local web server many ways, the most simple I use and recomend is to install python and then in your cmd/bash/whatever your system has cast "python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]"

  • AnD4D

    Short guide you should be able to replicate.

    1. I create new project with C2, I used Vertical shooter demo as inital project. I just added GAMEEConnector plugin and create one new condition GAMEEConnector.start where I put activate group "gameplay" action and also I put everything else into gameplay group that I set NOT active.

    2. I exported project as HTML5 website and created new repo on with file. Then I select upload file and uploaded all files from the exported project.

    3. Via I made a public link for this project and pasted this to emulator: ... index.html

    We already know about one bug that we are working on. You must not hit green play button before game loading finish in behind. But even if you hit it too fast you should still see some part of the gameplay (except not working properly):

    Please reply if it helps.

    PS: This is just a fast prototype project, not a complete one

  • GameeApp, does Scirra Arcade works for a free hosting?

    I'm not familiar with Scirra Arcade but I think you can't.

    Use any kind of free hosting, or as I prefer for my simple projects allows you to use github as hosting for html.

  • > we are currently developing the platform and aim to open it to partner game developers soon, then the cooperation is based on revenue share from ads (interstitial ads at the moment, rewarded video coming soon)


    Hi GameeApp,

    while the platform seems very interesting the lack of details might hold back serious developers that have to consider daily costs to run their studios. I think a more precise information, especially done before the start of the jam, would have helped you in get more interest on it. Still there's time and people can join it if you share those details within a couple of days.

    Talking for myself for example, I would really like to have spent one month in develop something customised for your platform, but it means that I have to cut on other projects, where, I am aware about the risks and costs. I might still give it a go making something small in one day, but it would be more for curiosity to test the platform more than a serious effort.

    My personal case, but I am sure it will be the same for any other professional developer, would be a loss of chance for you and for the developers as well. That's why, once again, my suggestion is to make clear the revenues, at least from the ads. Then privately, you might have some other form of agreement too, but people are always happy to know why they are investing time on making a game that will give to you an income, and maybe, one day, something to the developers (that might still not be enough to cover even the development costs).

    Sorry if my post seems a bit too harsh, but I love when people comes out with new ideas and opportunities, so I wish that everyone can benefit from that, rather than lose the chance

    Thank you

    Hi, thanks for the feedback and sorry for delayed reply

    I understand your point, I have heard it before as a feedback. We (as GAMEE) are a very young company, we are still building the platform. Obviously we want to open it to 3rd party developers and at that point, all the info should be available, including the monetization. That being said, we are still working on the platform itself (we started testing monetization with interestial ads only last month on 10% of our users).

    The main goal of this Contest is to introduce GAMEE platform to developers + get feedback. Also with the best games, we would want to cooperate more and eventually launch those games on our platform. But that would be about individual deals with individual developers / studios. The incentive to submit your game for this contest should be the prizes + possibility of future cooperation.

    I know that to evaluate the ROI of such possibility, you need more data. Unfortunately we don't have them yet - we don't know exactly how much can a game earn at our platform and thus we don't have any rev-shares models .

    So what can developer gain by the cooperation?

    • Exposure - we have 10M MAU (monthly active users) across multiple platforms
    • Early access - you can be one of first 3rd party developers to work with us, one of the first to have the monetization once we have it ready. If we go big (and we plan to) you go big as well.
    • Money - eventually, we can discuss possible solutions before the monetization is available, again case-to-case basis.

    I hope this helps answer some of your questions.

  • skymen we can let you modify the plugin. Sadly we can't add you additional points for using replay/ghost in this competition. It would be unfair. But if manage it correctly we will definitely consider future cooperation

    you need to publish your game somewhere. You can use github for example or any kind of free hosting. Then copy link from emulation and paste it into email

    alihaider123 You can't have ads in your game. But you can publish it anywhere you want, game is still yours and in case you win you agree that game will be published on our platform. Thats it.

    Valter Filho yes you can use this size as it is 9:16

    PapiSaig I'm sorry this was unexpected You still have option to publish game and then test it. I admit workflow is complicated, I will ask Ashley why normal preview doesn't work in iframes.

    Hey, ignore web and just do portrait. Any resolution that match 9:16 is alright. It's your call to use resolution so game will look nice but stays performant.