GameeApp's Forum Posts

  • GameeApp Once we submitted our game to your email, can we send other upgrades? LIke if we forgot something in the previous version, we can send the new one with that thing in it?

    Yes, just please send it as a response to the first email so it is in one thread

  • Hi again GameeApp,

    I have noted in previous answer than it's better to use our own assets for graphic stuff.

    However, what about sound fx and music design? Can we use royalty free ressources?

    Yes, no problem

  • We only post our zip game, not all the assets that are mentioned at ... principles ?

    Yes, just two things to submit:

    1) Zip file with the game

    2) Link to working game with GAMEE emulator

  • Okay, I'm in. Came up with my game idea last night as I was drifting off to sleep. =)

    Great! Looking forward to play it!

  • > Must comply


    I don't know how to implement Gamee's button/joystick interface but would it be ok to use my own graphics?

    Dude I don't know if you read correctly lines in our answer. DO NOT implement buttons/joystick that is in GAMEE wiki. Use yours Plugin doesn't offer GAMEE buttons/joystick.

    [quote:jl43wvp9]Our default control system is portrait fullscreen. It's also possible to use some of our predefined controllers.

    Must comply, only fullscreen

  • Try Construct 3

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  • >

    > [quote:3dobshd2]We prefer games that are language independent. Try not to use any text if possible.


    Exception, simple English allowed, expressions like "BOOOM" allowed.

    So using text for tutorials and another things that uses text like ingame shop and achievments are extremely discouraged?

    I think ingame shops and achievments are great for player retention, but so do you prefer a more simple and direct experience?

    The thing is GAMEE application itself is multilingual. So we maintain files with translations for the application. But games do not, because so far we have no mechanism for it. And in case we want to add some other language, we can't track back all our games and do the translations. We could extend API but everything we made so far would be against our strategy "make it simple as we can".

    We reallize that we are losing some opportunities there. But at the same time, there are many and many and many people in the world that DO NOT understand english but DO WANT to play games. In Africa, Brazil, Middle east, Russia... we are running marketing over those places and we are ready to give you an opportunity to expand your games over there.

    If you apply with game with text, you will get less points for:

    [quote:3dobshd2]UI + onboarding - if game is understandable, smoothness of the process of learning and mastering it

    How much less is based on amount of text your game contains. I can't tell for sure if you can or can't win, but hey, if your game is good you should try

  • hi, i use construct 2 and i dont know how to implement the gamee.js plugin can someone explain to me? PLEASE :3


    Take a look at our video tutorial - it is almost identical for Construct 3 and Construct 2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • [quote:1uhdfy15]No intro in-game menu. Players go directly to the game and our native UI guides them through the whole process.

    Exception, there can be intro but you should avoid it. In case of big and complicated game that requires menu or allows multiple saved positions there can be even menu

    [quote:1uhdfy15]We prefer games that are language independent. Try not to use any text if possible.

    Exception, simple English allowed, expressions like "BOOOM" allowed.

    [quote:1uhdfy15]No adult content. Games have no age minimum so the content must be appropriate for all ages.

    Must comply

    [quote:1uhdfy15]Playable on iOS, Android and web. Since the games are coded in HTML5 and Javascript it has to work on every mentioned platform. For acceptance, the game must comply with the Technical rules.

    Must comply

    [quote:1uhdfy15]Our default control system is portrait fullscreen. It's also possible to use some of our predefined controllers.

    Must comply, only fullscreen

    [quote:1uhdfy15]Games can't have any in app purchases.

    Must comply

    [quote:1uhdfy15]5 MB maximum size. We want games to load quickly, even on slow connections. So please make your games as small as you can.

    Scoring has to be connected to our framework. Otherwise the game wouldn't be visible in our leaderboards.

    Must comply

  • I will install the plugin tomorrow and send a Bomber Q game.

    Cool! Looking forward to it!

  • Ok, I also just recorded a tutorial on how to prepare games for gamee, while preparing my second game, is there a problem to publish the tutorial here? The tutorial game will also be sent to the contest.

    We already have tutorial available at

    but if you want to make another want, feel free to do so!

    Also congratulations! Your game was first one to be submitted! The zip file was also fine, cheers

  • Could you elaborate on the tutorial? Is that supposed to be a trailer?

    We meant just to show players how to control your game / introduce to story if there is any, etc...

  • MATAGUIRIS congratulations, we are so excited to see the game I will ask Laura and we will probably create another thread so this one stays open for questions only.

  • agg1401 as answered before, yes but make sure it is working properly in emulator

  • Bigheti

    Judges will rank games based on

    gameplay - mostly if game is fun and if it feels complete

    graphics - mostly if assets has same style

    UI + onboarding - if game is understandable, smoothness of the process of learning and mastering it

    bonus points - anything that hits judges taste and he wants to rate it, it might be an easter egg, some craziness, well used physics mechanism or genre

    You will get majority of points for first three mentioned. Bonus points is just a minority. Thats all I can publish, hope it helps.


    You can only update the score. Leaderboards are automated, yes. There is no way to change it directly or indirectly.


    Plugin supports "Full screen controller" only. No you must not use those buttons and you are not expected to use them. In case you need buttons, make your own

  • Isaske

    As I know C2/C3 games always adapt to the window size. So if you keep aspect ratio 9:16 everything will be fine.

    In theory pixel density doesn't matter. Game should look good and run smooth, this is something you decide. As we know, higher pixel density means nicer game but also decrease performance.

    Since screen of mobile phone is very small compared to display, personaly Im not even afraid to use 360x640. But it is all about balance. I think you can always start with higher resolution and in case of future problems lower it down. Yes, vertical is only accepted so 480x854 is allright.


    There has to be controlls for both, mobile and computer. Mobile is the more important one. In C3 there is a demo in section "Intermediate examples" called "Detecting input method". I suggest to use something like that