GabrielIq's Forum Posts

  • JLH1964

    On the cordova export options im always using on android build with fullscreen mode letterbox scale, android studio project, for an easy install on my cellphone.

    I have on gradle dependencies {

    classpath ''

    classpath ''

    Also on project window on android studio, project mode, on module settings... Dependencies:

    {include=*.jar, dir=libs} Compile

    {path=CordobaLib, configuration=debug} debug compile

    {path=CordobaLib, configuration=release} release compile compile

    Edit: this time i build a debug apk on C3 with test mode disabled, and i installed it on my cellphone, but still not showing any type of ads

    edit2: another debug apk with test mode enabled, its still the same.

  • JLH1964

    Tried with an object with video reward ad

    Logcat message on the object being touched:

    4444-4444/com.mycompany.myapp W/art: Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread

  • > ....

    > I have my own ads and i used the test id ads too. Im desperated.


    Is it your logic to launch an ad? For example "after so many clicks, ad" etc. Using interstitial or banner? Loaded on start of layout or after something happens? etc. etc. etc.

    Tell us your story...

    I have interstitial ads when the lifes are 0 or less.

    banner on top menu and being hide when the player touch Start.

    They are loaded on the start of layout

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • JLH1964

    Thanks! Glad you liked the game.

    I intend just the opposite, to present soft ads to the player. Personaly I hate when games are full of ads and they are constantly breaking the game experience. But you are also right, this policies are tricky and I have to be carefull about when and how to show the ads.

    Yes I have think about interstitials but I think they are to much to show every time a round ends. I'm thinking about creating a global variable to show an interstitial maybe every 10 or 12 rounds played. First I want to learn using the pluggin begining with the banners and I will implement interstitials in future versions.

    Thanks to your help I am now very close I think. I managed to watch a banner using the admob test banner ID but I ran into other problems that were interfering. I will post my conclusions on this thread once I solved them all.


    Hi, im not seeing the test ads or real ads, can you explain the solution a little more please?

    Also, on export i selected android studio , i opened with android studio and used the "play" to test on my phone, but im not getting the ads.

    I have my own ads and i used the test id ads too. Im desperated.

  • I did the admob guide using the ad id in the guide and here is what its on my

    [quote:15tks4ye]package com.mycompany.myapp;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import org.apache.cordova.*;


    public class MainActivity extends CordovaActivity



    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)




    // enable Cordova apps to be started in the background

    Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();

    if (extras != null && extras.getBoolean("cdvStartInBackground", false)) {



    // Set by <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml




  • I did and its not working... Not showing the ads Also i added the permision of network status on the androidmanifest.xml and the dependencies of google ads... I am using android studio to test the apk on my cellphone

    [quote:1w88bdfj]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    -<widget xmlns:cdv="" xmlns="" version="" id="com.mycompany.myapp" android-versionCode="1000000">

    -<feature name="InAppBrowser">

    <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser.InAppBrowser"/>


    -<feature name="Whitelist">

    <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.whitelist.WhitelistPlugin"/>

    <param name="onload" value="true"/>


    <name>Juego Uno</name>


    <author href="http://"/>

    <allow-intent href="http://*/*"/>

    <allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>

    <icon width="256" src="www/icons/icon-256.png" height="256" density="xxxhdpi"/>

    <icon width="128" src="www/icons/icon-128.png" height="128" density="xhdpi"/>

    <icon width="114" src="www/icons/icon-114.png" height="114"/>

    <icon width="32" src="www/icons/icon-32.png" height="32"/>

    <icon width="16" src="www/icons/icon-16.png" height="16"/>

    <access origin="*"/>

    <preference name="loglevel" value="DEBUG"/>

    <preference name="orientation" value="portrait"/>

    <preference name="fullscreen" value="false"/>

    <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/>

    <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="22"/>

    <preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="23"/>

    <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob"/>


  • Hello Toby, i bought your plugin, looks good but...i did every video tutorial, but is still not showing inster ads and rewarded video or banner ( im using C3)

    I tried ultimate ads on test mode enabled ( not getting the ads test image) and disabled with my own admob id ( not getting ads or exaples)

    Im testing on a real device with android 5.1.

    Also, i opened the config.xml file in \res\xml inside the project and i did not found the "cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" part from others posts.

    Its my first game ;_;

  • Thanks for trying to help, but that is not working.

    Please guys i see a lot of views, but no answers, i have the personal lincence and a game ready in c2 to be published, but i can't use C3..

  • Hello , can someone help me to use construct 3 please? i got an error on editor.construct. :

    "Try to disable browser addons

    unhandled promise rejection [object Event]"

    And i did...i have chrome with his default extensions, all are disabled. Also i did a re install.

    I also did everything here wikihow.c om/Disable-Add-Ons

  • Its works, thank you very much.

  • Does the number of coins decreases?

    Please share your capx, it's hard to guess what could be causing the problem without it.

    Yes, it decreases.

    I did the capx again from 0, the frame change works. But not if I make a layout change, so it is blocked again and I can not use the animation until I buy it again.

    For example:

    Click on play, starts the game, get the cash coin, lose the life with the yellow box. Click on options, click on the unlock box, its turn to green and you can use the other skin. Click on play, it works.

    Now ... if you click on menu, then on options, the box is blocked again, so you have to buy it again, it does not remain permanently.


    ht tps://ufile. io/ymb7l

  • Hi, I'm trying to use the coins earned in the game to spend on skins.

    I want to make the selection of the skin through an animation of a layout, which changes(unlock) after having bought the skin.

    The problem is when I click on the text field, I does not change the animation of the sprite in the options layout


    on touched / Text "buy"


    System / substract 1 from coin

    Sprite8 / set animation "second" play from beggining

  • Sounds like it's playing constantly because you are triggering it every tick that life is 0. Use 'trigger once' if you want it to play once on dying.

    Thanks! its works! =)

  • Hi, I have all the sounds of objects working well. But, the sound that must be reproduced when dying (with duracion of 0.2 seconds) got bugged, because it sounds like a lot of metal being crushed, very different from the real sound.

    Please,someone helps me to add it correctly.

    The event:

    System/life <= 0 /


    Audio/ play "nolife" not looping 0 db

    System/wait 0.5 seconds

    System/ go to start

  • Correct, "time" is different from the system time.

    "time" starts from 0 when the application starts.

    Ok thanks you very much, now i learned how to implement events with time.Thanks!