Fwumpy's Forum Posts

  • Create a sub event and use "System > for each" > Destroy

    Excellent! I'll remember that for later projects. Thank you!

  • Plugin Location on hard drive: Program Files/Construct 2/exporters/html5/plugins

    For plugins being used in current project, they are listed in the "Projects" window within C2 under "Object types."

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to make a matching game, but I'm having trouble adding FX to it. After a color is matched, I want both matched items to explode and disappear. The problem is that when I create the explosion, it's only created for one the items being destroyed. I'd like the explosion to appear for both items being destroyed.

    I tried to search the forums about this, but most the the keywords I use are being ignored. Any help will be greatly appropriated.

    Link to my game project (remove the spaces):

    dropbox .com/s/oodgrdmq7nip158/matchGameProblem.capx

  • Ldk

    I'm not sure this will work, but try exporting the project as an HTML5 website, then search for the image on your computer. When you find it, right click it and check the properties. It'll tell you what folder it's in.

  • No. That's totally wrong


    The purpose of constructive criticism is to improve the outcome. In collaborative work, this kind of criticism is a valuable tool in raising and maintaining performance standards.


    I now see why you might think that. The Wikipedia definition I read says something different. It reads, "Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one."

    That's a more accurate definition. Oxford Dictionary states "constructive" as "serving a useful purpose; tending to build up." You're not building anything up by taking something away or replacing it with a better solution. You "build up" with positive comments. Constructive criticism is meant as a polite way to criticize someone's work in an effort to help them improve.

    You can make the argument that it's "constructive" to offer solutions while criticizing work, but that falls apart when that person doesn't accept your solution and takes it as you just making counter arguments as to why they are wrong. Arguing points is not constructive. Aphrodite stated what she thought was wrong and argued what a better solution would be without any positive feedback. That is not constructive. That's simply criticism.


    I don't really take issue with what you said. I think it's fine. I don't see it as overly negative, but it just wasn't positive either. That's not to say it wasn't helpful. I'm certain it was and that you meant well by it. I just took issue with what Whiteclaw defines as "constructive criticism." As an instructor dealing with critiques on a daily basis, I feel it's important to clearly define what constructive criticism is.

  • angeltekno

    I've used After Effects for a game before. You can export a QuickTime movie with alpha channel enabled and open it Photoshop. You can then resize it, edit it, and export each frame as a PNG. Keep the animations small, because C2 has a ghosting problem when using lengthy animations.

    You can also export a TIF sequence with alpha, but I haven't tried it. I've heard Photoshop doesn't handle TIFs very well. It sometimes ignores the alpha channel.

  • Whiteclaws

    You are confused about what "constructive criticism" is. It means you also point out whats good about the tutorial and offer encouragement. The point is to "build up" instead tear someone down. Although Aphrodite's initial post isn't overly negative, it doesn't point out anything that's done well.

    So it's simply criticism.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What all this really boils downs to is this:

    • If you know little javaScript, Construct 2 makes it incredibly easy for you to make a game without any knowledge.
    • If you are a programmer and very comfortable with javaScript, there are other libraries that allow you direct access to the code and would be a better suited for your needs. You don't need learn the shortcuts C2 provides.
    • "C2 is better for prototyping, but not for making a professional game" is an opinion. It's not true for everyone. Most likely, those people have a personal preference like programming in a different language or like to have direct access to javascript.
    • You can make professional games with C2, as C2 is a very powerful program. It won't cripple your game as there is almost always a work around.
    • C2 has the nicest and most helpful community, in my opinion, than any other that I have experienced. Many other communities have very little patience for noobs.

    Just try it out and if you like it, cool. If not, here's a list of other options:


  • I tried to place the event Audio: Stop "themeMusic" just before the play music event On start of layout as a work around, hoping it will stop the music before playing it again, but no such luck. It still plays the music on top of each other after the first round of play. Still working on it...

    Anyone know a better work around?

  • I'm testing my game out in Xcode via Ejecta and I found an issue with the background music. After the game is over, the music stops as it's suppose to do, but when the layout is restarted again, it continues to play the background music where it left off in the previous game and then starts playing the same music from the beginning on top of it. It sounds terrible.

    I have the following events:

    On start of layout | Play Theme looping at volume 0dB (tag "themeMusic")

    Player Is overlapping Spikes | Audio: Stop "themeMusic"

    Am I doing something wrong? Is the a better way to do this?

    Edit: I should mention it works fine in Firefox and Chrome browsers. It's just an issue when testing on iOS Devices. Thanks!

  • Joannesalfa

    Thank you. That took care of the issue. Maybe Ashley can add that to the Ejecta Tutorial? I just looked over the Overview documentation on the Ejecta website. It's very brief. Did I miss anything or is that the only problem with Xcode?

  • Launch Screen freezes when Device Orientation is selected in Xcode. I'm using the Ejecta wrapper for my game. Game runs fine when no Device Orientation is selected and plays in Portrait mode (except I use scale outer and it requires landscape mode).

    There's a thread in the "How to" forum about this, but I can't find anything referring to this in this forum.

    I'm using:

    Ejecta (Latest Build)

    Construct 2 r168,

    OS X 10.9.3

    Xcode 5.1.1

  • Same issue for me. I get stuck on the Launch Screen when enabling left and right orientations for iOS devices.

  • r2cvv

    Try ArtStudio by Lucky Clan on the iPhone. I have the iPad version and it's the closest thing you'll get to Photoshop on the iOS.

  • It's only a matter of time, if there isn't something out there making a ton of money already. No one is required to say they used C2 to make their game, so it's hard to tell.

    I think your missing the entire point anyway. How successful a game is depends on the talent creating the game, not so much the tools they used to make them. Owning a paintbrush doesn't make you an artist.