firebelly's Forum Posts

  • Ashley, I'm wondering if this is something that can only be done on your end?

  • Peter did a new escape this week! Loving the design. Also started looking a better lighting system for the platformer.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Awesome, that fixed it. What about the window icon on the node-webkit window. I used Resource Hacker to change all the icons but I can't seem to change that last one.

    Seen here

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • When I'm on the loading page, I've tried changing the C2 icon to something like my game. Is there a way to access the HTML and Icons on the default loading page?

    I've tried changing the loading-logo.png and icon 128, but that doesn't seem to be it.

    Same goes for node, how do I change this screen BEFORE export.

    Is that possible yet? I know there are a few threads, but none of them pointed to the correct file location.

  • Ludei has worked for exporting, It's been an up and down battle, black screens and that type of thing. I still to borrow my GF's macbook to try it out.

  • Animations are just references to sprites on a sprite sheet, so depending on where that image is, it is "loading" a certain subset of images.

    Lets say you have 10 animations with 20 frames a piece, that is going to be broken up into a couple of sprite sheets.

    Are you worried about memory or performance?

  • firebelly - have you been reading my mind? That drone following the player with the light is EXACTLY like a mechanic I have in Orbit. Going to have to change it now! haha!

    I swear I made that up a while ago!! lol Don't ever change your vision because of someone else, that's my only advice.

  • Updates: v0.1.1009

    *Added some sound effects here and there.

    *Worked on the transition screens and how you move from level to level.

    I wanted to put on some animations. They are pretty small and don't show a ton of detail. Sorry :( There is a lot of work left on the art. There are still a lot of place holders. �

  • Here is some stuff for ya!

  • Is the XBox kit different than the Windows Phone one? I've had my WP dev account for a few years.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • As we move into a world where C2 can deploy to PC and Mobile and beyond, I was curious if anyone had done the numbers on costs for doing dev work for Wii and PS. I looked into it, and couldn't find much for Wii. I'm curious if it is similar to iOS and WP, where you pay 99$ a year and that's about it.

  • Wouldn't you help me?

    If there is no chance, then no problem.

    HEre is the formula, what were you looking for particularly?

                   // Get all instances with this behavior
                   var all = this.behavior.my_instances.values();
                   var sumx = 0, sumy = 0;
                   var i, len;
                   for (i = 0, len = all.length; i < len; i++)
                        sumx += all[i].x;
                        sumy += all[i].y;
                   var layout = this.inst.layer.layout;
                   // Is in a shake?
                   var now = this.runtime.kahanTime.sum;
                   var offx = 0, offy = 0;
                   if (now >= this.behavior.shakeStart && now < this.behavior.shakeEnd)
                        var mag = this.behavior.shakeMag * Math.min(this.runtime.timescale, 1);
                        // Mode 0 - reducing magnitude - lerp to zero
                        if (this.behavior.shakeMode === 0)
                             mag *= 1 - (now - this.behavior.shakeStart) / (this.behavior.shakeEnd - this.behavior.shakeStart);
                        var a = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
                        var d = Math.random() * mag;
                        offx = Math.cos(a) * d;
                        offy = Math.sin(a) * d;
                   layout.scrollToX((sumx / all.length + offx)+xOffset);
                   layout.scrollToY((sumy / all.length + offy)+yOffset);          
  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Description: Sorry to reopen this, but I have a file attached this time. As soon as it broke I copied this over.

    I know this has been discussed, but there is something up with loading UIState and not handling all exceptions. When I load my project, it crashes C2 on load. If I delete all the UIState files, it loads again.

    I don't know if this is linked to the age old issue of the app crashing on close.    

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open C2

    2. Try and load a project


    Observed result:C2 Crashes

    Expected result: Loads

    Browsers affected: NA

    Operating system & service pack: win8, win8.1

    Construct 2 version: r143, r142, r141, goes back a few at least.

  • Have installed the 8.1 preview, and IE 11 has webgl (flagged as experimental).

    However when you create a win8 app it still uses Canvas2D.

    We wait and hope......

    Yeah...I might have to ping the dev who gave the talk at the BUILD conference. They might not have enabled it fully. I really need this to happen, I only have windows phones at my house and I want to test my game with WebGL because it uses a good deal of physics.

  • That's not really an issue to be concerned about I don't think. Any game can be changed/hacked, even the most successful ones are (minecraft, skyrim etc.).

    Neither of the games require hacking to change those, they allow users to mod. You don't see a ton of Mass Effect mods or changes, because they are harder to change.