firebelly's Forum Posts

  • Cappdog I'm hoping it will be similar to a lot of the classic 2D games like megaman, blaster master, etc. But with other game mechanics to spice it up. Like a shooter aspect.

  • Trying out a new scanner effect.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I've been looking through the manual and other Effects, but I can't find a page that lists out all the properties available to the effect. I don't know if this is a standard glsl thing or not.

    in my effect.fx, what can I access? I know I can pass certain things in using properties from the XML file. Like this: <parameters>...</parameters>

    But I wanted to know what things I Can get at. I tried to find the corresponding page, but it didn't seem to list them. I checked here:

    If I have a sprite, I wanted to do some effects on it, what do I have access to? Position? width? What about layout size and window size? If this can be accessed, what are the keywords?

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  • Yeah, cleaning it up right now, will post soon.

  • It's is basically an edge glow, which is something I had been looking for when I wanted to do faux lighting. Also possible is using a mask to mimic lighting. Although this requires a mask sprite.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm going to work with my buddy to see if follow edges can be done. The main concern is performance, this thing might be an issue on slower machines or lots of sprites.

  • A friend of mine is working on a glow effect for me so you don't have to do the double sprite thing.

    Here is an example of it now. Stepped antialias because of the gif.

    <img src="" border="0">

    I'm curious what else people would want on this.

    These were my ideas for the settings and features.

    -Intensity (opacity)



    -Follow boundary, not just a circle


    Version 0.1:

  • woooooow

  • I'm trying to go for that nice dynamic lighting effect of games like Legend of Dungeon. Obviously, we can't do that level of effect, but at least a nice glow would be nice. I'm still not seeing a plugin that just makes a sprite glow without the blur. On top of that one that can change color on the fly.

    Below are 3 sprites. 1 with C2 glow and a sprite above to make it easy to see, the next is without the C2 Glow and the final one is something i added via Photoshop. A sprite with an "Outter Glow".

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I know the easiest way to do this, make a sprite with a glow, and use additive and use 2 sprites. This seems like a lot of work when we have access to WebGL...

  • Glow blurs the sprite. Blooms should start at the edge. Unless I am not correct with this.

  • I'm still looking for some plugins or easy ways to do bloom/glow without layering every sprite 3 times. I tried looking for GLSL programmers on a couple of different sites and never got any takers. I was willing to pay someone to make plugins for C2, but alas nothing.

    Has anyone made any progress on this? I checked the forums and all the posts seem to be for CC not C2. Thanks for reading :D

  • There is a puzzle game template. Try that out first and see if you can tweak it for match 3.

  • Awesome, I didn't even know that kind of stuff was in the manual, :D

    I'll let you know the outcome.

  • Lets use the spritefont type as an example.

    It has a couple of draw functions for edittime and runtime. I can't mess with those because C2 needs those functions to be left alone correct?

    I guess my questions is some more insight into what those functions do and how they are called. I understand all the JS inside them, but not how they are called.

  • If I have a plugin that draws an object to the screen with every tick, I want there to be a way to delay the drawing by a configurable item.

    So if I want it to draw l only every 1 second, there would be a 1000 millisecond variable I'd set or something similar.

    It has to be done in the plugin and not through Waits in C2.

    It seems from my research that by design the JS for plugins is ran every draw just like anything else in C2.

    I'm looking for best practices around this. I'm looking to extend some WebGL enabled stuff as well, so any advice is appreciated as this is not my normal territory.

    I've tried adding a sleep function or a function that checks for if the current clock time is 1 second later than when it ran last. Seems not to work right. Maybe I'm not looking at the right functions.

  • I was just thinking, because I work in a team of people who don't live near each other, I'm often having them get builds from Dropbox.

    I don't want to have them open up C2 and break things. I was wondering if anyone ever thought of having some command line features in C2 Paid. This would allow me to leave the hard part of getting new builds on them. Plus I don't have to pass around huge Exes.

    c:\> Construct2.exe -export Desktop -log output.log -file c:\...\temp.cjprog

    Building project.....

    Project Built........


    c:\> Construct2.exe -SetBuildNumber "1.0.1012" -file c:\...\temp.cjprog

    Build Number updated.....

    Thoughts? Ideas? Just tossing it out there.