fedca's Forum Posts

  • afaik it's for loading all the assets on the loader layout.

  • I can see the use of another default loader style being logo only and it uses the icon with the purpose loading logo for example.

    Currently we can only choose logo and progress bar.

  • These shaders should be pretty easy to port to c3 by someone with a bit of experience with effects dev.



  • increase the size of the image in the animation editor

  • This is probably the new android 12 splash screen. Make sure to set up the correct icon in c3.

    More info here: https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/releases/stable/r308

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  • Could be a suggestion for Scirra to add, so when creating an objects that is not loaded it could load the lower mip-maps and display them similar to progressive image loading on the web.

  • You either have to load the images on start-up so you can get them instantly, but leading to higher memory usage.

    Or load them from the files when needed, based on file size and the speed of the used hardware it will take some time to load.

    So there is no real other way afaik.

    One thing comes to mind is having a low res version (which won't use much memory) that you load on start up, so you can instantly display a low res version until the proper image is loaded via URL.

    Why not add Sonic physics while we're at it?

    bc it is not a feature for a specific type of platformer controller, but instead a feature that every responsive platformer controller should have imho (including a bit of a jump buffer).

    edit: sorry for the derail

    an interesting feature imo would be to add coyote time to the platform behavior directly, with a toggle to enable/disable and coyote time length value.

    edit: just a coyote time length (similar to jump sustain) no enable/disable needed as 0 would be off.

    you can reset and enable/disable double jump dynamically, this is how I solve coyote time with the default jump sustain and simulate control action.

  • https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/releases

    you are probably looking for this

  • luminosity does not have params (if an effect has no manual input you can also not set anything through set parameters). Luminosity is a way of how the pixels are blended with the pixels below.

    Text from the effect selector "Luminosity: Use the luminosity of the foreground and hue and saturation of the background"

  • I'm a bit scared to get into it because there is a global layer interaction with sub-layers that I and other community members really like and use. (one that makes the layout with the global layer be different in editor than the overrriden ones but the same at runtime)

    So I don't want it to be "fixed".

  • So reallizing that they are supposed to behave the same in editor (which they sadly don't fully do yet). I agree that this distinction is more confusing then helpful.

  • To me the distinction is important as you cannot make changes to overriden layers, so it's an important information to see at a glance!

    edit: Nevermind what I said, apparently you can make changes, it's just a bit buggy rn.