fedca's Forum Posts

  • You can see this in action if you add a few more instances, the "compare instance variable" get's even slower as it has to loop through each instance and check to do the picking.

  • I think the reason is that the compare instance variable is also doing picking of the sprite, but regex isn't.

    If you do system compare two values instead (not pick by comparison) it is way faster than regex for me, about 50% faster.

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  • check out families

  • change the tiled background to clamp vertical

  • I don't really have a proper solution but:

    You can set a minimum framerate, this clamps dt to a maximum. Making games run at slow motion if they fall below that, this is set to 30 fps by default. So this is basically a fixed tickrate, at least from one way.

    I think ideally you don't want to design the game around extremely tight timings and precision. Not only for dt but other imprecisions like input delay etc. in case the player has to react.

    Alternatively you could instead animate something like this with the timeline, which I think will be much more consistent across framerates.

  • I'd suggest taking a look at the advanced random object, especially the permutation table.

  • This is an effect that is done on top, after the game has been rendered, so it would lag more.

  • The issue might be that the asyncronous "set item" action gets interupted by the layout change. Or that the saving has not finished yet on start of layout.

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  • It was added recently, you can check a box called "read aloud" on text objects to make them readable by screen-readers.

  • ok, for a 3D game you can lower the far distance under advanced in the project properties.

    This would make it so far away objects aren't rendered. (you can use the effect fog (exponential) on the layer with the 3D objects to mask the pop-in/out)

  • Draw calls are instructions from the CPU to the GPU on what to render.

    Very very simplified it means: the more visible objects are on screen the higher the draw calls. (it's more complex bc of batching etc)

    Maybe you have some events that keeps creating objects? Take a look in the debugger and see if object count keeps rising.

    Another thing that is very expensive is updating a text object every tick.

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  • Somone had a similar issue on the Discord Server today.

    From what we found it only happened with this combination:

    layout changing with unlimited frames/ticks, on chromium browsers with an AMD GPU.

    I have done over 40 bug reports on the Construct 3 github and my experience has been pretty decent with the response and efforts to fix the problems.

    I think the problem arrises if you are reporting very vage issues without enough info or no steps to reproduce.

    I think well all know from making games as well, that it is almost impossible to fix something if you cannot reproduce the bug and don't know what causes the issue.

    But on the other hand I also understand that it's really bad to be in that helpless situation where you have a bug that really hinders the workflow that cannot be fixed.