After change GPU i have weird visual glitches in game editor and in gameplay also

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  • Hello, today i change my GPU from RX 580 to RX 6600 XT and i receive weird visual glitches in Construct 3

    I try older version of C3 and my older backups but this dont help, something is wrong with cooperation between C3 and Radeon GPU

    Any tips to fix this?

    Other Example is in editor, Fogexponential is isnt visible

  • Ashley any ideas whats going on?

    Its GPU problem or Construct 3 is not up to date?

    If GPU or his soft is bad you contact with AMD support to cooperate to fix this ?

    If c3 cause this problem because dont want work with AMD Radeon and c3 should be improved, will be improved?

    i have 2 weeks to send back GPU if this is reason but need a tip where i should start

    if you can fix this weird glitch let me know

  • This has most likely nothing to do with C3 but with the GPUs drivers.

    Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date and restart your pc.

  • This has most likely nothing to do with C3 but with the GPUs drivers.

    Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date and restart your pc.

    updated Drivers is most basic thing, its updated by AMD Adrenalin

    other Games works perfectly. "nothing to do with C3 " i dont know, im only see this in games from c3

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  • seems like the depth is not working, can you press f12 to see if there are any error messages?

    Are you testing other games that use webGL? As if they are using Vulkan or directX it isn't the same graphics API.

  • seems like the depth is not working, can you press f12 to see if there are any error messages?

    Are you testing other games that use webGL? As if they are using Vulkan or directX it isn't the same graphics API.

    im not playing in other games currently so i dont know any games using WebGL

    On exported game by NWJS i dont see this glitches, but on preview in C3 yes

  • Relase 339 prabably fix this glitches


    fog exponential works again but game still have glitches

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