Epox's Forum Posts

  • austin You are right! I will test and write only after that in the future. But I can not wait for my worktime to end and test the new Leaderboard function! :)

    I noticed, that my test with custom stat appeared in the statistic, what is great! I wonder if there is some delay (approx. 4-6 hours) between the custom stat is sent/recorded and it is displayed in the dropdown in Clay.io's stat.

    Unfortunately I did a mistake here again, so I have now "Level0" in the dropdown. If I ask about how to remove a custome metric, you may make a delete metics link... but it's not a high priority thing.

    It makes an another (long term) question: if somebody accidentally clicks to "Clear Scores" for a Leaderboard or for example "Delete Metrics" in this last case, it may be very big loss especially.

    My favourite solution for this is the MailChimp's one:

    • click to the delete button
    • you get a popup what tells, that you will delete "XY" and it can not be undone
    • you need to type in "DELETE" in a text input and click on to "OK, I understood, and want it!"

    It used to save my live... :)

  • Wow, wow, wow!

    It's a fantastic feeling to ask some question one days amd have the solution in the next - with advice or by a new feature developement!

    I have several questions in PM, may be interesting for C2 users:

    1. You may a Clay.io login box appears just after your game is loaded. To turn it on/off look at the Clay.io/admin/Yourgame/Settings and check/uncheck "Always show clay.io login box on load when a player isn't logged in".

    2) I did a mistake, and recorded about 6000 score submits in several seconds from C2 preview. Now there is a new "Clear Scores" link in the Clay.io/Mygame/Leaderboard screen, so this kind of bug may be solved...:)

    austin - I think the data is not removed from the statistic graph's tables.

    3) Now this is clear in Clay.io/MyGame/stats that the first stat type "Views" is how many times a game was loaded in a browser. And the "Plays" is how many times a user played a game.

    The first one is auto incremented, once your game is loaded (with Clay.io plugin)

    And we have an Action for the Plays: "Log Play" in C2 plugin.

    4. We now have an Action to get the Leaderboard date in the background, and show it for our gamers in the game's design.

    Do not panic, if you can not find Fetch Leaderboard Object action, it will appear if you try to add it in a For Loop! :)

    (You will need to download the new Clay.io plugin!)

  • bjadams xyboox I used to have similar problem but with Chrome Webstore and future Android publishment.

    I'm really sure that actually the best option is to use the Fulscreen Scale mode with additions:

    1. Take care about aspect ratios, that can be from 1.33 to 1,5+. You can not avoid to make the background images wider for the 1,5 ratio, and do it in a way it works (not kills the layout).

    2. Use Archor behavior - to let some objects float to the left or to the right.

    3. Somewhere in your menu/game screen you will need to have a streching area, what is 0% if played in 1.33 ratio and could be up to 13% of the screen width in 1.5 ratio.

    My very first game - not an Angry Birds :) - uses this logic:


    This not just works on Chrome Webstore, but i have great results in 320x240px, 480x320px and 800x480px screens in Android (not published yet).

    If you install it to Chrome, you can adjust the browser window with/height, and it will work from 1.33 to about 1.6 aspect ratio.

  • This is a larger question, than just start to use Uservoice (what is great).

    • If they use own/inhouse todo list, they do not need to do unnecessary administration. It's really important for a 2 man company... :)
    • If they start to use Uservoice (or something similar) they risk to divide the community into 2 picees: one in the Forum and one in the Uservoice, what could make all of us to write into all 2 places "It's also reported/asked in the Forum/Uservoice".

    But as an alternate Ashley you may make a monthly survey in the Forum, to let the community vote for a feature that will be done in the next stable relase.

    I used to meet something like that before, and loved it alot!

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  • austin I would like to ask where I can find the graph of the Custom Statistic?

    I used the Cio Custom stat event with

    Metric name: "Level" & myvariable, what needs to make it "Level6" "Level12" "Level24" and

    Increment amount: 1

    I noticed, when used the Cio's Log Play event, a new "Play" metric appeared in Clay.io's game admin page. I trought that this event can be used to record additional information about players:

    • The plugin records automatically how many times a game is loaded in a browser. - The Log Play could be used to record how many times a user plays.

    In Clay.io's game admin it is a little deceptive to have a "Plays" in the top of the Statistic type selection and an another on the bottom. Maybe the metric, what is auto recorded could be have a name like "Visits" or "Opens" or "Game started".

    I really love the value diplay on the right of the statistic! :)

  • austin I've found your example game: firenano.clay.io

    This is exactly the same leaderboard logic what I would like to make in my game!

    When the game ends:

    A: Ask user to Enter name, click on submit, get the score data in the bg, display the Leaderboard with the game design, and place a custom back button to close it...

    B: Dont submit score button, no Leaderboard display.

    I can make all things except to get the score list in the bg, and display it with my game's design.

    Will it be a feature of the C2 plugin?

  • I just noticed, that it's a "Clear scores" function in Clay.io's Leaderboard admin. This helped me alot!

  • Ashley I would like to inform you, that I've got some reply about this bug in the Chromium issue tracker: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=117375

    As I understand, they sad, that the HTML standard do not force browsers to use the new app cache instead of the browser's own (old) app cache.

    I've not a pro, so my only hope is that you can look at this thing, and probably tell me (us) if you can assist to solve it!

    My biggest problem that even if I can ask Users to press F5 or Ctrl+F5 to refresh, Chrome keeps reading the .ogg files from their cache file, so it will never update!

    Do you have any idea how can I solve this problem in C2 by programing?

  • I'm really wanted to help Playtomic in their not so good situlation, but they do not accept PayPal payments, what is a must have for me. Additionally I can never figured out to record level specific data in Playtomic. :(

    As an alternative I've found a fresh C2 plugin, Clay.io, what makes not as sophisticated statistics than Playtomic, but have the leatherbords, and have some other strenghts, like Achievements, Cross Promotion and Ratings.

    Look at Clay.io plugin + thread here

    wgfunstorm tahnk you for your kind again work in playtomic integration, I think I'll need to switch to another solution... :(

  • austin thank you for this promising plugin!

    I plan to use it as a replacement of the Playtomic C2 plugin (PT seems to not have good days :().

  • Ashley I've just spelt if wrong, did not changed the filename after export. I think I do exactly what you described.

    1. New export from C2.

    2. Uploaded all of the files zipped as a hosted app to CWS.

    3. Went to new tab in Chrome, started the installed CWS application, used it for several minutes to take enough time the update to complete.

    Espected: the apps updated in the background, and the new music file is loading from the cache.

    But I get: the old music file is playing from the Chrome's cache (saw it in Chrome's Dev tool/Network).

    Additionally I see the new version number (1.0.1) of my app in the Chrome/Settings/Extensions list.

    Things that may cause the problem:


    1. I used to remove the music file in C2 and than added it with the same filename. The source file was story1page1.wav and the encoded story1page1.ogg. The old and the new file is not the same in size.

    2. I noticed, that C2 places this updated music file at the bottom of the offline.appcache file.

    3. Probably some bug in Chrome Webstore itself with publishing/distributing updated versions of offline.appcache file (I searched for similar threads in Chrome Webstore Dev discussion group today with no success).

    4. Probably some bug in Chrome Web Browser (I use 20.0.1132.57m). I found a bug that seems to be similar, but with V18 of Chrome: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail

  • My problem is not a C2 bug I think, cause I have all the things that may be requied for a perfect working update, but the only way to make it sure is to ask You...

    I have a "game" uploaded into the Chrome Webstore with the documented process: export as CWS app, zip the whole structure and upload. It works great, and uses offline.appchache (saw it in Chrome's dev tools).

    I've changed a music file - with different content, but the same name. Incremented version number (1.0.0 to 1.0.1) and re-exported project as CWS app uploaded and published the app in CWS.

    It were now about 4 days ago. When I start the app in my Chrome browser, it uses the old files especially my old music file.

    What I did to solve this:

    1. Searched for the Scrirra.com, and found this threads: scirra.com/forum/chrome-refreshing_topic53357.html



    2. According to the last link (offline apps) I've compared the offline.appchache files of the 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 versions:

    • the second line (maybe timestamp) is different: #1342020815 vs #1341578707
    • the new file have additional lines of music files updated, but all of them are in the very last lines "media\story1page13.ogg





    Unfortunately I'm not able to find a way to export the offline.appcache file from my browser to compare with 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

    I would like to ask for your help or your experience about this problem!

    Do anyone use Chrome Webstore with regular updates, and used to replace sound/music files?

  • Hey GenkiGenga, thanks for your reply...

    The Playtomic statistic is now works in limited mode. It records (most?) of views and plays but not any level details - what could be the most interesting and useful to finetune the games.

    Unfortunately I found a forum post in Playtomic, that told that they have financial problems, and the worst is that they do not have a scrtict plan for the future. :( I wanted to upgrade to paied plan, but that do not accept paypal... I do not like to give away my card data for a company what have financial problems... :(

    We just published our new app, what is an interactive book:


    Please give us feedback or rating in Chrome Web Store, that could help us alot! :)

  • nothing1969 it's great to know that you testing fullscreen solutions for CocoonJS! I used to use exactly the same logic for real fullscreen:

    Archor with laft/right for specific elements, wider background for wide (16:9) devices and fullscreen scale.

    For others who did not tested this logic yet, it's only trick is that the middle area is "fluid" by this. It means if you have some left and some right elements, you have for example a center space of 60% of the with in 4:3 screens and about 75% in 16:9. In my memory game it calcualtes this center space's width and height, and layouts the cards according this sizes.

    For now I'll use this logic, so hope that this will works very well with cocoon.

  • nothing1969 - the fullscreen scale mode is working very well. Even the support for multiple aspect ratios could be completed with it with an extra care about the layout areas.

    As an update for the topic:

    Currently I do nothing with this kind of optimisation. I've got some trouble in Chrome Web Store publish with larger sprite image than 1024px, so I use it as a maximum.

    Used to make some tests in Android phones with PhoneGap (with that 1024px max sprite size). I've got great results in my simple memory game with Sony Ericcson Live and Alcastel OT-995. Altrought in any phones, have not got some kind of Graphic accellator, the game were not rendered correctly or were unusable. :)

    I think it's much more wiser now to take time for developement for Desktop (Chrome Webstore) and the game/app seems to be successful, that go on the bumpy road to make in mabile ready...