Epox's Forum Posts

  • I have similar issue that others. The BG music starts, but the Sounds - in my case these are narrations - do not first time. In my stroybook the first time a page is displayed, the narration not starts, but the second time.

    I would like to ask if there is any lenght/size limitation of the sound files? I'll try to preload the sounds...

    My narrations not play trought the end, but for about 10seconds.

    I have 130-250 FPS... :)

  • tap I've done the test modification with the new AppMobi plugin.

    IfAppmobi - Play BG Music by - AppMobiPlugin/PlayAudio

    IfAppmobi - Play narration by - AppMobiPlugin/PlaySound(by name)

    The C2's default audio actions were placed in an Else of the IfAppMobi condition to avoid double play.

    In the emulator(XDK)


    It starts to play Music, but do not plays narration, and I get tons of 404s in Chrome dev tools:

    "GET localhost/eventlight.alpinecrocostory/3.4.0/media/Story1Page2.m4a 404 (Not Found) "

    Checked the file were here but with lower case characters (story1rage2.m4a), and as I renamed it to uppercase it started to play correctly.

    In the Test anywhere(Android 2.3.6):

    Loads the game, what is super fast (paging, story loading), but the narration not works, and the bug music not started for about 2 minutes. After that - when my phone gone to sleep - it suddenly started the bg music, but as soon as I get out from sleep, it stopped again.

    I trought to use the debug from AppHub, added the debug script into the index.html, reloaded in XDK, pushed into the cloud, received an update in my phone...

    The debug window now shows 1 client, but not any console log is here. :(

    What can I test or how can I capture more debug info now? Do you have any documentation about the debug feature? Am I doing something wrong?

  • Well, after the real-world test I need to tell that Cocoonjs also have bugs with audio. My narrations were not played in ful lenght, and the BG music sometimes stops. :(

    So I'll go and test the AppMobi plugin and try to use Music for BG music and Sound for Narrations. Will post the results! :)

  • Grubb

    I used to play with RPG maker long time ago. The RPGM provides a wery staight, but so limeted way to make games. As I can remember You have the tilesets, makes levels from it, and add events to the map itself like: If collusion/on - with Door - Go to map2...

    With C2 you will have a chance to divide the specific program pieces, for example - the map generation or map reading from xml is one "Event sheet

    • the menu is an another
    • the movement/actions of the main character is an another
    • the logic of NPCs is an another
    • the score/stante handlig is an another

    So when you need to add something new, you will find it, and can change in one place.

    Code optimisation

    The C2 export default is to Minify the javascript, and since several months it have a great auto-stritesheeting feature, what combines small images into one. This last one is perfect for character animations for example.

    I dont think that anything more can be done technically to make smaller footprint and better performance.

  • Sorry tap, It seems that I have some trouble about the new features of the AppMobi plugin. :(

    The most easy way to let you understand my situlation is to descibe my app's audio logic. It's a simple childeren's stroybook app with currenctly 2 stores, 38 pages each.

    I have a bg music, it starts like this:

    Play AlpineCrocoBGMusic looping (Tag "Music")

    I have narration for every page, when a new page display is fired, the narration work as follows:

    Play "Story" & StoryActive & "Page" & ActualPageNumber not looping from Music (tag "Narration")

    Cause of the tagging the narration can be stopped anytime (Stop "Narration"), and I can start a new narration.

    In the AppMobi plugin the music do not have tagging, so I can not stop the "Narration" when the "Music" is keep playing, can I?

  • Thank You tap! I'll place the new events/action to handle AppMobi audio, run the tests, and will notify you if the app will be build for production.

    I wounder if you can tell me how can I publish now, when the Ads plugin is not ready for include in my app. I just read the Read more, and How does it work (whitepaper) pages of the LiveUpdate.

    Well, I cant imagine to avoid several updates with bug fixes. Can you help me to find a long term strategy for publish my free app by AppMobi?

    Ways I see:

    A: Dont use cloud services:

    + free

    • cant update, publish bug fixes

    B: Wait for Ads plugin

    + Free up to 10 000 MAUs

    + Can update the app with LiveUpdate

    • I do not know when it will came out... :(

    C: Use 1Touch

    + Free up to 10 000MAUs

    + Can update

    • I'm not in the stage where it is ethical to charge any amount for the app (should be in several months, but not now)

    D: Go live with payed cloud (no ads, no in-app-payments)

    • 25-50-100USD/month fee

    + Can update

    + Can publish now

    About AppMobi's audio feature usage in C2


    From a viewpoint of a C2 game/app maker I have now 2 ways to go to Android/iOS: the most ready for production is AppMobi. Altrought the CocoonJS - even if is not ready and available for prod. - solved to handle the C2's standard audio features: I have great results with 2-3 parallel audio play.

    To find the longterm production way I see that to use AppMobi publishing, I'll need to add the alternate audio actions, additional conditions, and programatically disable the C2's standard audio actions to avoid conflicts (double played audio).

    I see that it may be much easier to update the AppMobi plugin with the audio features, and this could be the best way to start, but do you plan to switch to support C2's standard audio actions somewhere in the future?

    Please note, that I wouldnt want to be offensive, I just tell my feeling so you have some feedback and maybe can make better decisions.

  • Hi,

    I have the same issue, with 176MB capx. Followed the save as project (folder)... than when I try to open the caproj I've got this error message:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Cannot find project file for animation frame

    File: H:\Google Drive\Projects\Tales4Fun\Game\BookInteracrive\BookSimple104R100\Animations\AlpineCroco1\Default\000.png

    This can indicate project corruption - you may be able to retry/ignore these messages and replace missing images in the project. However, please report this issue to Scirra with the steps you were doing immediately before this problem occurred.

    Condition: false

    File: Projects\AnimationFrame.cpp

    Line: 205

    Function: void __cdecl AnimationFrame::Load(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)

    Build: release 100 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 2)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


    I've checked the Animations folder, it have the dir structure, but not any image is inside in, the size is zero. I use R100.

  • Ohh, thank you austin! Sorry I did not want to make you under pressure, you make really good work. Also did not know that you just got a license... :)

    To make you clear - or make you sure - I really feel that lot of us waited the R100 to be able to use AppMobi and/or CocoonJS, and simply jump into the mobile markets. The R100 was great, but did not solved all of problmes. Personally I have to workout music playing bugs in AppMobi, and just wait for CocoonJS's cloud build to go to production.

    The only one thing prevents me to publish is the Clay.io plugin functionality. I belive, that I can not go to live without it! :)

    Please PM/email me if you have a solution, what is need to be tested on a harware device with CocoonJS and AppMobi! I have an Alcatel Onetocuh amd Sony Ericsson near me to run the tests...

  • You can make a menu screen, with easy/medium/hard button, on button clicked set variable:

    Easy - Cards 6, Rows 2, Columns 3

    Medium - Cards 12, Rows 3, Columns 4


    How to set variable?

    Add Action - System - Set Value - Than select your global variable, and type the value... :)

    After set of all the card, row, cols, you can use the Action - System - Go To Layout to start the game.

  • austin

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3138530/Screenshot_2012-08-09-17-20-10.png" border="0" />

    austin I have exactly the same error in CocoonJS with clay.io plugin, when I copy it to the zip, what is opened in CocoonJS launcher (Android).

    Do you have an android device to test CocoonJS? Would it help if I can copy the full error message (not cutted in the right)?

  • Thank you tap!

    Great to see the activity from AppMobi's side. Since you change your solution's pricing, I would like to ask if there is an easy way to implement the AppMobi's AppAds in my app.

    We would like to push out the app for free, and I think we will not have more than 10 000MAUs in several months... :) But till than the update is an unavoidable feature, so I consider to include Ads.

    Do you plan to make ad placement easy for C2 users by the plugin? Unfortunately I do not know your ad system, so can not tell what I would love in C2, but the IsInAppMobi could be the starting point before the display of ads.

    Thanks for your kind reply in ancipation!

  • Great to hear about Appmobi updates!


    I try to test the new feature as a complement of the C2's internal Audio/Play sound. I use it to play narration for a childeren's storybook (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hpoodhffejkmofghgbkjkghagiicdgmo)

    In C2 I can play sound by name, so can construct the audio file name like this:

    "Story" & StoryActive & "Page" & ActualPageNumber

    So can play progamatically the Story1Page1, Story1Page2...Story1Page30 and also Story2Page1, Story3Page1 ...Story10Page1.

    Could you add this kind of playing logic for the AppMobi plugin please!

    This is the only thing prevents us to publish the app, we can not push it if the bg music and narration not works.

    I will be happy to assist to you by testing the music playing, stopping functionality - as the Android/iOS complementer of the C2's actions.

  • I'm excited about the production ready AppMobi and CocoonJS support.

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  • ludei

    Is there any deadline for the initial/first availability of your cloud building platform. I know that everyone here and alround you asks the same question, but we will have the R100 of C2 in 22 of august, and it could be fantastic to start the final testing of our ready projects in Android and iOS... :)

  • I've started to test my game in the CocoonJS, what have Clay.io in it. Unfortunately this not works in the CocoonJS Android launcher, the CCJS gives me an error: CCJS can not open the hhtp://clay.io/api.js.

    austin can you run some tests with CocoonJS? It would be great to use clay.io in Android/iOS!