EpicRaid's Forum Posts

  • Lots of issues here don't seem to get any replies from the staff. Which could only mean they just don't care. I mean, what's the point of having a sub forum about website issues if they don't even look at it?

    Or is this yet again one of those 'let the community figure it out because it will be cheaper' cases.

  • Do you still have this issue? It works fine for me though, I also use Google Chrome, Windows 10. I do use some type of ad blocker, but it still works fine.

    I'm not sure how 'old' your Google Chrome version is, if it's the newest, then you could look into other extensions you've installed. Some ad blockers for example could block scripts too aggressively.

    So disable the extension(s), reload the page and see if the problem persists.

    I'm not C3 staff but maybe this helps.

  • Hey yeah you're right! Weirdly enough, my own project works fine now as well. I didn't change anything. I tested on iPhone 7, Safari browser. I don't know what went wrong, my apologies!

  • Hey dop2000, I tried your example on my phone, but I can't move/use the thumbstick. I tried tapping the screen a few times and adding an extra layout before it, but it just won't respond to touch input. Buttons and such that I added work fine, but your example only works with mouse input. How to fix it?


  • If I resize the window (not tab) when previewing the game, close it and preview it again, it remembers its previous resized state. Is there a way to reset that so it previews the exact viewport size again?

    Odd that I could not find this anywhere. I'm using Google Chrome.


  • I can't be the only one who finds the dropdown menus infuriatingly annoying!

    I often have multiple tabs of Construct 3 pages open, why are they dropping down on hover and not on click?

    Select another tab, BOOM giant drop down menus fold out as you try to navigate down, can't read the top content, have to move your cursor AROUND the menus else they'll stay active.. and this is the case EVERY time you switch tabs. C'mon guys don't tell me you thought this was the best way to make a menu?

    It wouldn't even be so bad if they weren't so huge.

    Or does someone know of a Google Chrome script or something I can use to block the on hover menus on the Construct website?

  • Hi, thanks for your reply.

    I looked at the tutorial and file but it only makes it more confusing with the json stuff and everything around it. I'm just looking for a simple 'clean' example how to call a random or chosen function.

    For example;

    Function 'CallAnyFunction' > Call random(Function1, Function2) OR Call choose (Function1, Function2).

    Function1 > Do this

    Function2 > Do that

    This was super easy in Construct 2 I don't understand this new technique in C3 at all.

  • Can someone post an example of this? I don't understand what to fill in at or 'do' with the mapping function. If someone could post it I would be greatful and I'm sure others would be too!

    Basically I'm just trying to call a random function, or use 'choose'.

    C2 made it much easier to do this I wonder why it was made more difficult?

  • As for locking layers, one can do: right click the layer > lock/unlock > lock all but this. A 'reverse' option would also be nice, to you know, set back the original 'state' before locking any or almost all layers after done doing the editing or selecting (not talking about undo commands of course).

    I would add it as a suggestion, like many others, but they make you jump through waaayy too many hoops it's ridiculous. You need to go to another website, register there, figure out how that website works, and then study what is almost a book worth of 'guidelines' on how to post a suggestion or bug so it doesn't get immediately closed for being 'incomplete', and if finallyyou get it online, then maybe, just maybe if you're lucky they will take a look at it if it gets enough upvotes!!

    You pay serious money to these guys on SUBSCRIPTION basis and still they don't make it easy for you.

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  • Hey , yeah I was aware of the snipping tool in Windows, but the C2 way to do this was soooo much easier! Thanks though. I wonder why they didn't keep this.

  • I know of the 'workaround' to lock all the layers except for the one you want and then select all (ctrl+a). But is there are less tedious way to do this?


  • Thanks man!

    Works great, I set the 'Drift recover' to a high number so it doesn't drift anymore.

    Code edited to this from your example 'Thumbstick_car':

  • In C2 you could select the code, right click and save it as an image using 'Screenshot selection'. Is that feature still there or is it removed? I thought it was quite handy.

  • Hey thanks, that's really nicely done! I probably should've mentioned I tried to make controls for an airplane. Initially I used bullet behavior for the Player object, so it would always fly at a minimum speed. But I ran into the 'flip' and another issue, what do you recommend I use for airplane controls?

  • dop2000 Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, unfortunately the '8 direction' isn't what I was looking for , I really liked the 'smooth' 360 degree movement as opposed to the 'arrow key' movement.

    I tried the Car behavior, but the Player object is still able to do that 'flip' with the example I tried.

    One thing I just noticed now is that the Player object also auto-rotates to the closest of any 8 directions if you let go of the thumbstick. Is it possible to make it 'continue' in the direction when the thumbstick was let go?

    Hope I'm not asking for too much. I'm trying to figure out it myself, but there are so many options to try in combination with others, I don't know what to do!