EncryptedCow's Forum Posts

  • epicjelly

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100 ... index.html like this sort of I guess (left and right arrows for a epic adventure!!).

    capx (need license because of families): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100 ... aring.capx

    capx if you don't have a license (only has black blocks): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100 ... amily.capx

    just place the objects in the layout view on the tower, and have fun

    I love you Fishy.

  • Ashley yep it works correctly with both in Chrome. I can work with this for now, but is the problem only with nw? Because I need to do some stuff with files on the computer but that won't really work with Chrome unless theres some workaround (a database + php + what not would work but thats above my skill level).

  • blackhornet What kind of changes did you make? Just adding logs? Also were you running the server in Chrome? Because I'm wanting to run it with node webkit but I'm starting to think that's the problem since the examples work in the browser.

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  • Ashley The first image is from the client project, and second is from the server. The reason I'm not building them in the same project is because it's a dedicated server. I don't want players to have all the server side stuff, and I don't want the server to have all the client stuff, also syncing objects is unneccessary for this.

    I've also tried using Send Message to Peer "", and still it is not receiving anything. Same result with sending it to Multiplayer.HostID, messages just aren't being received.

    As for capxs, the screenshots are pretty much all I have. But here they are anyways

  • jayderyu hmmm..... even with leaving it blank to send it to the host its not working

  • I've been having some troubles getting multiplayer working. So far I've gotten the client and server connecting to the same room, but sending messages is not working. When the user presses a button it saves data from 2 objects into a dictionary then sends that as a message. However, the server is not getting that message. I have confirmed that they are connected to the same room, the message tag is the same, etc. Even when I use on any message received, there is no result. I have also confirmed that the client (should be) sending messages. I say should be because I'm not sure how to tell if the data is actually being sent, only that the event block is firing.

    This first image is what happens when the user clicks the button

    And here is what happens on the server when the message is received.

    SEE BELOW ... The only thing I can think of is that I'm running the client on Chrome, while the server is a node webkit application. But the fact that they are connecting doesn't support that theory.

    Any and all input is appreciated, I'm new to this plugin.

    EDIT: Just tested it with both client and server on node webkit. Same results.

    EDIT2: Ashley does the plugin somehow prevent 2 projects from communicating in the same game/room? I don't see that being right, but just a thought.

  • It seems to me like you're adding only 1 block per tick. Just use a nested for loop on start of layout/function/whenever and it will happen in one tick (It will lag a small amount though, and more lag the larger it becomes.)

    As for the random terrain, look into the simplex noise plugin. It might be called Perlin noise, but you have the option of both.

  • Yep. The game is definitely stuck in an infinite loop. Honestly, there isn't much use for While since every non-trigger event already fires every tick. And for your While Key is down, take out the While block. the event already fires every tick that the key is down.

  • WOW! This game looks absoluely fantastic. If I had to play a single game for the rest of my life I would wait for this. 10/10 GOTY. I will get a job at IGN to give you a 10/10 with them too. Beautiful, amazing, spectacular, exciting, I can hardly come up with any Earthly words to explain this game. You've brought it together so well, and are a true inspiration to me. When I grow up I want to be an amazing game developer like you, but I know that will never happen because your skills are out of this worldplsmarryme. Thank you for being the greatest man to ever live.

  • I too stream sometimes Might be doing it tomorrow for my MiniLD game, depends on my connection. http://www.twitch.tv/encryptedcow

  • Fixed it. The conditions were triggers and when I didn't put the trigger flag in, this happened.

  • All I did was change 2 conditions and 1 actions flag to 0 from deprecated then tried loading my project from when they were deprecated and this happened. After going back to the older version of the plugin it's still shwing this. Any fix?

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/peJJodo.png" border="0" />

  • when you load the api, check if synaptop is undefined. If it isn't, don't load it.

  • I think the keyboard with 8-direction would work fine if the angle wasn't changed when you stop moving. As it is, you have to fly straight at enemies to hurt them unless they are on the same x/y axis. I can see it having a lot of potential with improved controls. Good job <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • baterism I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Everything is working fine on my end.