Hi everyone,
So I have this game i want to explore.. It's basically a 2d top down minecraft-esk game. I ran into this problem with GameSalad as well, but I highly suspect there IS a solution with C2 that simply doesn't exist with GameSalad.
here you can see i'm making a tile grid and i'm using "ever tick" to fill the screen with tiles. this is pretty fast, but far from instant. What would be the best way to create instant grids. This test is relatively few boxes.. I would imagine the game could have many many more.. C2 might not be the right engine for this, but I'd like to experiment with it some..
Also, bonus question.. the other big unknown would be how to create terrain.. yes this is still top down 2d, but imagine you have a grid world you roam around in.. and there are raised areas that represent random hills and curves that you dig into.. as if you're digging tunnels (think Dungeon Keeper) through these raised areas..
It boggles my mind how Minecraft and other similar voxel based games are able to create caves and various hills and such.. i wouldn't want to just create random blocks, but more like random groups of block on an x/y plane.. the idea of manually crafting would be in thinkable.. it would be ideal to let the engine generate the terrain.