EmperorIng360's Forum Posts

  • I feel that there should be some sort of stickied topic, if there isn't one all-ready, that just directs ALL early adopters for badge questions, concerns, etc.

    I mean, not like the badge matters in the end, but it's nice to have so not everyone is making a topic every other day about their badges (and mrsponkie, that's not your fault!)

  • I feel that for certain games with more of an arcade-like focus, set number of lives is way to go. If it's a short game by design, give a reason for coming back to it, aside from how obviously fun it is (ha). I like fixed lives + limited continues, but not all games call for that.

  • I would look up "Vertical Shooter Tutorial" since I think that does the EXACT same thing, gameplay-wise. Check out the Tutorial Lists in the Tutorial forum.

    All in all, you could probably just take the instructions in the C2 tutorial and just copy them into CC, since the commands are so similar.

  • I think you'd need to work with the pathfinding plugin, or something. In any event I feel what you want to do would require some advanced math computation to get it to be just right.

  • Understandably, this is something that should be a bit low on the priority list.

  • Then folks like lucid, newt, deadeye, and R0J0 deserve goddamn "Bad Dudes" badges for all the stuff they've done around here.


  • When you are dealing with enemy health, you should always set up the death event so that it's like

    When EnemyHealth LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 0

    Because the way things work, often you can "overkill" an enemy and nothing will happen to it at -1, -3, or -500 health.

    Basically, a lesson you should learn is that when you code in C2 (or anything else) you have to think of ALL the possibilities in your game. In this case, you can't just think "What happens when enemy's health is 0? Easy, death." You have to think "Well what if he's shot a whole bunch of times really fast? What if his health is below 0?"

  • you should post your capx file so we can see directly what you are trying to do.

  • How about your give your character a private variable, "InAir"

    So that when your player sprite jumps, it can be like:

    Player is jumping

    -Set InAir to 1

    InAir = 1

    Control "Jump" is pressed

    -Make player Jump

    -set jump strength to (x)

    Player is on ground

    -Set InAir to 0

    -Set Jump strength to default

  • 26.

    C'est la vie.

    Though it is probably less as I did not take the time to do an accurate inventory of my weekly food consumption.

    Funny survey; I don't "Pay for **** yet I somehow support *** trafficking in several nations. Wonder how that works.

  • That is why you should not have your events for each layout.

    You should have EVENT SHEETS, and include them for each of your layouts.

    Make an event sheet named "Control" or "Shield" or "Score" or anything, then go to your level layouts, right-click, and "Include Event Sheet"

    That way, all the controls are the same for each layout that has the include.

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  • What do you mean, refuses to stay with the ship?

    Do you have a set of events like

    If ShieldActive = 2

    -spawn Shield at Player.X, Player.Y (or wherever you want the shield)

    -set Shield.X, Shield.Y to Player.X, Player.Y

    If ShieldActive = 1

    -set Shield.X, Shield.Y to Player.X, Player.Y

    You have to set up an event that if a certain condition is met, the shield will always be at the image point of your ship.

    ----This might be over-complicating things, but you can also try things like this----

    Have the shield ALWAYS be with you, even from the start, and have three animations:

    ShieldActive = 0

    Animation name: Inactive

    ShieldActive = 1


    ShieldActive = 2


    That way, you can have it that the events check if a certain animation is playing the asteroids will affect it:

    If Shield animation ShieldDefault is playing

    On collision with asteroid

    -subtract x from energy

    Just a thought, though.

    As for your healthbar issues, I'm not sure. There are some tutorials in the classic section (under JamesX's tutorial list) that deal with health bars, if I remember correctly.

  • You'd have to post a capx file to see if you made a mistake of code somewhere, or if there is a bug message you should probably post an image-capture of it.

    It might be something with your browser, or perhaps the way your events are set up, but with the information given, we can't know for sure.

  • Perhaps have something of a dummy variable for your player sprite on startup to control if the shield is active or not?

    Have it set at startup at ShieldActive=0

    And then have the events go:

    Start of layout

    -Set Player.Value(ShieldActive) to 0

    On collision with shield-pickup

    -Set Player.Value(ShieldActive) to 2

    If Player.Value(ShieldActive) equal to 2

    -spawn Shield Object

    -Set Player.Value(ShieldActive) to 1

    If ShieldActive = 1

    -On collision with Asteroid

    -Subtract x from Shield.Value(Energy)

    If Shield.Value(Energy) is less than or equal to 0

    -Destroy Shield

    -Set Player.Value(ShieldActive) to 0

    In that way, you have three states for Shield Active:

    0 No shield, waiting for powerup

    1 Shield is active, able to diminish and be destroyed

    2 Initially getting the shield powerup

    Does that work?

  • I eagerly await said capx file explaining high score tables and the like :p

    All the same, sounds like a nice opportunity. I'm sure your presentation will be the best.