Emperor Ing's Forum Posts

  • I still use the lessons learned in your tutorials to this day; they're probably THE tutorial to use to begin learning about the intricacies of Construct. They were and ARE a great help.

    I'll check out these sometime soon, when I'm not working on my own projects and trying to actually finish something.

  • You DID put your HUD on the very top-most layer, right?

    It needs to be the very first layer in the layout, with the ScrollRateX/Y being 0.

  • I'm roughly 68% done with what will be my first completed project on Construct, and progress is going well; better than any other of my projects (ie I might actually finish this one this time).

    I've tinkered around with C2 now and then, here and there, and have gotten some surprising results and I like how things are shaping up; however, and I've said this a lot, at this stage, I see no reason to abandon using the feature-rich C0.x for the bare-bones C2. Right now C2 is kind of in its novelty stage, its "Oh look, this is all pretty cool." It won't stay that way forever, as it inevitably gets more and more powerful, but right now Construct1 has a good several years head-start in terms of actual practical usability.

  • Google ads works like this:

    For every refresh your page gets, it gives you a teeny tiny amount.

    However, if people actually CLICK your ads, it's a whole lot more. Now, this is all relatively speaking, since I mean like 60 bucks a month, AT MOST, if you have shittons of people clicking your ads.

    We installed it in a forum I moderate a year or two back, and it was largely successful because of our large userbase committed to "helping out"... so much so, in fact, that the AdSense account was suspended and we were left high and dry.

  • What I would try to do is first and foremost, use the event under System called "Every X Milliseconds"

    And then have it like

    Player is On-Screen

    Every 1000 milliseconds (1 second- you can have this anything you want)

    ---->EnemyTurret Spawn object "Laser" on LayerWhatever

    ---->Laser Set Angle towards Object Player

    Now you need to give the object Laser the Bullet Behavior, and set its speed accordingly. Make sure its rotation count is at 8, but that shouldn't be a problem because that's the default.

    You might want to have a condition that makes it so that the Turret stops firing when your ship is too far away from the Turret.

    You'd do that by using the System command Compare Values, and then

    abs(Turret.X - Player.X) is Lower Than 500 (or whatever distance). This is not necessary, but it makes things neater and you don't have a turret constantly firing.

  • I usually love cheesy bad action movies, but my mind could really not comprehend what the hell I was watching.

  • Tested it out and that worked like a charm!

    I am pretty limited in my knowledge of certain C.0X functions, so the thought to use absolute values in System CompareValues never crossed my mind.

    Thanks a whole bunch!

  • Updated. The area in question is Layout "L3", with the event sheet "Enemies"

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  • .CAP file in question

    What I would like to happen:

    An enemy I have in a spaceship horizontal-scrolling game has the set movement pattern of up-and-down.

    While it is traveling down, I have set its private variable "BulletTime" to 1.

    IF BulletTime is 1, and IF the Enemy's Y is equal to the Player's Y, it should spawn a bullet "Ray"

    If the player's X is less than Enemy, "Ray" moves at angle 180.

    If the player's X is greater, "Ray" moves at angle 0.

    However, this should only happen once per cycle; I don't want to have a sheet of bullets following my player (this is what happens when I set the parameters to anything BUT Player.Y = Enemy.Y).

    What DOES happen:

    The enemy moves down, and then fires the "Ray", but only does so once in its entire movement cycle. Naturally to avoid getting hit, the player will have to move out of the way, but once the player moves out of its initial position, the enemy will not fire again.

    What my events look like:

    NOTE -If you wish to look at a .CAP, just ask, if this isn't helping-

    NOTE2 -the private variable 'Border' determines which direction the enemy moves in

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Problems/SSATroubleShoot1.jpg">

  • A good thing for you newbies if you haven't already is to check Jamesx's topic in the Help and Tutorials section, which lists every single tutorial that he has found on this site.

  • Minitroid looks better every time I see it.

  • In these scenarios it's best to post a .CAP file (uploaded to mediafire or something), or post screencaps of the event sheet in question.

  • I should think that would be the least the fellas up top could do, ie, at least a user-friendly manual for its functions. C2's descriptions of events and actions already go a long way, but I look forward to even more being put in that regard.

  • That looks truly delightful. I can't wait to see what you guys got there!

    I've been working hard on a game myself in C.0x, and I'd say I'm about 50% done.

    It's a four-level space ship flying game that is in some ways an homage to the Darius series by Taito (anyone ever play those?).

    Last night I spent a large chunk of time making the sprites of the enemies of the third level, and the "final boss," so to speak.

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Previews/GranGola.jpg">

    A nice big sunfish, for all you midwesterners out there : D

    He took quite a while to make, considering I made him basically pixel-by-pixel in MS Paint.

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Previews/SSAPreview1.jpg">

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Previews/SSAPreview2.jpg">

    I also did custom music for the entire game, which I can't post right now, but I will soon. It's a pretty bitchin' score.

  • I must say, you're quite the Dude, Rojo.