Emperor Ing's Forum Posts

  • Alright, there is only one major problem left- the correlation between a switch being "closed" and the door consequently being "open"

    Here is the set of events as I have them now:

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Problems/Problem3.jpg">

    They do not work. I suspect I have yet to find the right event that distinguishes which switch and which door I want to act.

    the .CAP is here:


    I have a feeling that I am close to finding a solution, but my tweaks have been less than effective. Essentially, if the switch (with value "Number" being equal to a corresponding door's value "Number") is closed (and the value "Openness" is greater than 0) I want the door to have its value "Open" set to 1. And then, when the switch is open, set that same value "Open" to 0.

    No one has to tackle this right away, and I am patient, and if need be, I'll just throw every idea i have into the damn thing to see if I can get a working solution. Anyone who does help, though, I will be rather appreciative of your assistance. I hope ya'll reading this have a merry Christmas

  • This is me shooting in the dark, but if I thought about trying to implement that, I'd try to have a big invisible sprite/box overlaying a certain section of the level, and if the player was overlapping said sprite or box, I'd change his movement attributes, or have something that constantly pushed him back.

    But that's only if you want the player to be affected by the wind.

  • Judging from a few other topics in this section, if you wanted to advertise for a collab, this'd probably be the section to do it in.

  • It looks like I'll have to dust off my old mathematics books.

    But ah yes, that makes the operation much clearer! Thank you friend, because I have a feeling that that is going to be a particularly useful tool in game-making; I think using it to control the timers on the doors will make things much easier.

  • I make all of my sprites in MS Paint.

    Ohhhh yeahhhh.

  • I tried both methods, and initially, calling a function worked (and was rather easy to understand), but when I would jump on the switch, it would sometimes not go to the MyFunction I had set for it (which had me jumping on the switch three or four times before the Function was called). Is that a bug of some sort? The event I had was

    If Switch greater than 0 > Call Switch Function with delay of 3000 milliseconds

    On Switch Function > set Switch(Openness) to 0

    set Switch animation to "Open"

    However, using the time-delta trick worked like a charm, and I report back 100% bug-free behavior using that.

    Unfortunately, I just have no clue what the hell you did to get that equation!

    all that stuff about "clamp (openness) timedelta 100 * 10000" stuff is awfully confusing. I'll have a look at the wiki page about it to see if I can grasp it a little better.

    All the same, thank you both for your help- I very much appreciate it. It's nice to actually make progress for a change.

  • Here are some problems that have been frustrating me enormously- In fact, I probably would not have joined this place so soon if I had been able to figure them out.




    .CAP found here; the project, as you see, is in its skeletal stages. No bullet-behavior enemies, no death traps, no life HUD yet.

    While you all d'aw at my cute sprite character (go ahead ), here are some specifics:

    I am making a simple test of a platformer game to be an "inaugural" project of sorts- with this done I can start working on my other projects which have been left on the sidelines, rotting in unfinished .CAP files (sound familiar?). I realized only after many failures that ya gotta start small before you go big. With some fundamental problems out of the way, I think i can go and finish this (with the only major hurdles being bug testing and level design), and be all proud of myself and stuff.


    1) This platformer centers around pushing boxes to get to new heights and jumping on switches to open doors. Right now, the major problem is the switches. Here is a snapshot of my group event sheet for when the player jumps on the switch:

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Problems/Problem1.jpg">

    One condition is not shown at the bottom (window size), saying

    Switch: Animation "Closed" is playing

    Now, I am trying to set it up that when the player jumps on the switch, a timer goes off, and this timer, after 2 or 3 seconds or something, resets the switch back to the "Open" position. I have tried using the timer behavior (to no avail), and the millisecond timer thing does not seem to be working in the least. It's probably something really simple that I'm overlooking, but it's really bugging the hell out of me. When I do a debug of the game, I notice that the private variable "Openness" goes straight to 3 when I jump on the switch, and just stays there. Is there something that I am missing? Any help would definitely be appreciated.

    2) To spice things up, as switches keep on resetting into the Open position, I have it so that you can push a block onto a switch and that will keep it closed so long as it is on top of the switch. I am somewhat pleased that I was able to figure out how to do that much on my own:

    <img src="http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp257/Emperor_Phoenix/Construct%20Problems/Problem2.jpg">

    However, the problem comes from moving the box off the switch. I'd like it so that when you move the box off, the switch resets to the open position once more. This does not happen- the switch never goes back to the open position once pressed, either by the player or the box. I suspect that it has something to do with the intrinsic coding of the switch itself, but I have tried lots of things to get that damned button to pop back up, and I am out of ideas.

    Solving those two would be a great boon for me, and I would appreciate any help given.

    For "touch up" optional questions, to make sure things continue to run smoothly, I have these to ask, but don't feel compelled to answer : )

    1) I originally set it up so that there were spawn boxes that would spawn doors and switches at pre-determined points on the world map. However, I ditched that in favor of just having copies of the same sprites all over the place. Was this a wiser decision?

    2) I would like to have it so that one particular switch opens one particular door- for example, I have the private variable Door set at 1 for a switch, along with the pri. var. Door set at 1 for a corresponding door. Is there a feasible way to set it up so that a switch always unlocks its corresponding door, instead of a long tedious event list? Something like "If Switch var. Door = Door var. Door, then do X" or something like that? Using the "Pick closest" can only take you so far, and I envision problems in the future. i set up switches and doors in the same container. Is this a hindrance to this plan, or a boon?

    3) This is more aesthetics, but the way I have pushing set up is that every time the player uses the push control on the box, it moves at a steady 205 pixels per second. This makes for some awkward moments when you lightly tap the box and it still flies. Is there a way to make the speed gradual?

    Of those 3, number 2 is the most important, but those are not major concerns right at this moment.

    Thank you for any and all help you send my way- I will be very appreciative of any kindness thrown to my small corner of the internet!

  • This is just a wild guess, (if you haven't fixed this already), but perhaps when you have a monster in the event sheet, you have it so that Construct does "Pick closest to Player.X, Player.Y" or something like that.

    So in the events with the monster with the whirlwind, you have it so that the whirlwind makes vulnerable the closest monster to the player (of that type).

    However, a week later, and you probably already figured it out.

    And if my advice doesn't help, well, sorry. : p

  • Sounds pretty weird. Like I said, though, you might want to post a link to your .CAP file so folks can take a good look at whatcher doin'.

    To me, it sounds like you overlooked some simple stuff that is making things all buggy, but I wouldn't know.

  • I think it's kinda funny that the in-testing-phase freeware game-making program, Stencyl, has an eerily similar logo.

    Is it just me or is cog-C like the new black or something?

  • It might be a problem with Construct itself, like if there were any problems during the installation (did any windows pop up that seemed strange?). If that IS the case you might need to re-install or update or do whatever to Construct, to see if it can settle in your computer with more stability.

    Or it could be you're using some wonky files for sprites, though I highly doubt that. I myself use bitmaps and they work peachy.

    I've never heard of crashing due to sprite deletions though (my crashes have been kinda isolated events).

    EDIT: in fact, the big topic that says "READ THIS IF NEW" in this forum says:

    [quote:2z5yb9b2]4) If it crashes, it's a bug! Ideally, software should never crash. A crash indicates the program has failed, not the user. In this case, post a bug report.

    As far as the "unexpected movement" thing, you'd have to be more specific, because there's no way to gauge what you mean by that vague statement. If you know how to post a .CAP, that might help (I don't personally), so one of the pros can look at what's going on.

  • > I wish nintendo could put your game on thier indie games list.Id love to play this on my ds.


    I bet it would be possible to add DS homebrew support for construct... somehow... I know plenty of people have already made their own games for the DS-- but they did it will all that fancy coding and whatnot-- it would definitely be interesting to see something as human friendly as construct be incorporated with the DS or even the PSP...

    That'd be nice, but as far as indie goes, Nintendo is probably the MOST indie-unfriendly publisher/partner out there.

    Heck, just look at all the crap they made the NICALiS team doing Cave Story go through...

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  • This is pretty good, as far as I can see (though I did manage to fall down the pit and continue to be able to move around the level).

    My only criticism is that the placement of the jump button on the space bar is pretty awkward... I'd have it as C or something (or perhaps Jump = X, sword = Z, and magic = S or something like that). It was a little bit off and I kept on not-hitting the jump button when I wanted to.

    Graphics look nice, especially the backgrounds.

    Keep up the good work!

  • I don't join new forums very often- I tend to stay in a few communities and just accrue posts there.

    However, since I actually want to go somewhere with my myriad hobbies, I decided that after months and months of lurking, I'd join here.

    I downloaded Contruct a while ago, and while I love the interface and the possibilities, all of my projects have hit repeated roadblocks that have put them all on hiatus- though admittedly, I might have set my sights too high initially. Thus I will try to receive help from some of the more experienced people here. Though I'm not too bad a learner, and have figured out quite a lot by myself plus tutorials/lurking, some things I can't figure out.

    However, since i don't want to seem ungrateful, I'll try not to be a post-twice-and-leave type of guy, and try to help others in any way I am able, which at this stage might not be much, but i can do SOME things. Also, I make game music, or music much like it (because I love games so much) so if you need some tunes for a game, I'm always happy to oblige. See signature.

    However, to get the ball rolling, I do have a question for anyone in the know: does construct export specifically to .CAP as well as EXE? because the help page says "Post a .CAP" yet, I see no option. Or do I just upload my .CAP to mediafire and post the download link from there? Thanks for any responses.

    Look forward to integrating myself in the community. I too noticed how helpful everyone is here, which honestly surprises me. Nice to see a good group of selfless programmers/game devs.