eli0s's Forum Posts

  • You are welcome! Fiddle around with it and if you come up with something else just ask.

  • jairfabricio , no problem, keep it up!

  • Ok, I've added more stuff, now it's more like a game. However, you will need the LiteTween Plugin ((

    I am dropping any further progress on this and I've left it a bit of a mess (and it's undocumented from a point on), but if someone has a question, again, feel free to ask...

  • You are right. 173 is the latest stable, my bad, sorry! If you do update to the version 175 however, here is an example with the simplest way I can think off, without using any plugins.

  • It's not that I don't get the concept, it's just that I don't get the term "Jump" that you use. I interpret it like in a platformer game, meaning that the beginning of the movement is abruptly fast and it gradually stops. Then you say to fall in the ground quickly. Quickly compared to what? To the time it took for it to go up, or with out the deceleration? Like a linear movement..?

    Anyway, you should update to the latest stable version (175) and try the capx, it's a starting point. Also, search the forum for the plugins I mentioned, perhaps they will help you, if not on this project then surely somewhere else.

  • Your instructions are a bit vague as to the result you are after. There are many ways to move a Sprite around, and a few plugins that help a lot too (litetween, easetween, moveto).

    Since you used the Physics Plugin, here is an example capx that acts the way I interpret your post.

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  • jairfabricio ,

    I've updated the file (added cooler dirt bullet hits too ) to have information about the events. I hope that now it is more instructive. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Just use the eli0s thingy so I know that you responded to me in particular.


    Oups!!! I Attached the same file! Re-attaching the correct one!

  • I am not sure I can clearly see the difference in performance between the two videos that you posted. Perhaps the first one has more abrupt flow, a staggered frame rate, this is what you describe as jagged. I don't see any blur though. I am confident that between the video capture software and the youtube decoding, some information is lost and that you see more of this problem than I do.

    Now, first of all I should say that Construct 2 does have an issue with occasional staggering. It is described on other posts, basically, it looks like every few seconds a frame or two are being dropped and as a result the movement losses its continuity. It's a subtle, but evident effect that I wish it wasn't there.

    In your case, I wonder if you use the Platform Behavior in conjunction with the 8directional Behavior...? If yes, when you walk and jump around in the platforming section of your game, do you have the 8directional Behavior deactivated? If not, perhaps there is some conflict between the 2 behaviors and that is causing the jagginess...

    I can't think of something else for now, if you like you can attach your capx file for the rest of us to see and check if there is some error from your part and/or if we experience the same problem as you do.

  • Here you go... I've added some things, lowered the BG resolution in order to keep the file under 2 Mb (otherwise it won't be attached)... Keep what you need and like

  • Can you better describe your problem? I don't get this blurry and jagged thing... Perhaps share a screenshot or a capx file..?

    (And why you are using the 8direction behavior and not the Platform behavior?)

  • The Particle object (plugin) doesn't allow for it's individual particles to have rotation nor collisions. This is by design in order to have less calculations and better performance.

    If you want better control over your "particles" you can use a sprite and make it behave as a particle. Of coarse, this will tax your game and add to the calculations. If you don't overdo it it will not be a problem I think... See the attached example.

  • damjancd ,

    Magistross already gave as the solution and a practical example. I can't test if the AJAX method is faster in CocoonJS and Ejecta, I believe that in huge texts it will be.

    Looking around on the "how to" thread, I've found this topic , and in it Yann provides a great example that uses a txt file (and AJAX).

    There are other examples too, although I am still skeptical if the glitchiness that you describe is really caused by the text loading method or the text object it self. On an other topic Kyatric mentions that hundred, perhaps thousand lines of text won't cause loading/performance issues. I am sure that I've read somewhere that the text object is causing a hit to performance though.

  • Thanks Magistross , I will look into it!

  • LittleStain thank you!

    Magistross WOW! First of all, thank you very much for your example! Very funny dialogue there Secondly, I'd hopped that it's easier to pull something like this in C2. Never the less, your capx provides a solid foundation to understand the logic, so thank you again!!!

  • Magistross , thank you in advance for your help!