eli0s's Forum Posts

  • End

    ok, Now I saw this post... For some stupid reason I've missed the whole time <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you for your input!

    I suppose that a system based on sprites that have frames which are referencing different points of view of an object and it's related on the distance from the center of the screen, could make up for a simple pseudo 3d effect. A simple example,

    -if object is on the right side of the screen-> display frame 2 (object as seen from the left)

    -if object is on the center of the screen-> display frame 1 (object as seen from the front)

    -if object is on the left side of the screen-> display frame 0 (object as seen from the right)

    Adding inbetween frames/points of view will render more fluid results.

    I've used a similar method in a test game to fake the movement of the defensive towers. Please, check it out if you don't mind the waiting time (it's 100Mb, not very well optimized) and somewhat lengthy introduction (which can be skipped).


    Best regards,


  • Aphrodite Thank you for your explanation <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Tokinsom I am sorry for making things complicated, I understand now <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    BluePhaze This is a very helpful hint and as you can see I am abusing it in this particular reply. Thank you very much for your welcome! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello BluePhaze,

    I am not sure that I understand what you mean by Infinitys End, is that some kind of plugin? I don't find anything in the forum except from a post about a "Bubble Bobble Blitz" project. Are you perhaps addressing mr Tokinsom..?

    Please excuse me if I overlook something obvious, I am new to the forums and to this community.

    I certainly agree about the goal of this thread as you put it    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • inkBot,

    You are absolutely right!Although I did search the forums, I hadn't had the chance to read the post you are referring to, however, the particular method that you suggest will surely help staging all the sprites at the correct position while being in the editor.

    Ideally, a real 3D workspace and a camera (like the one that can be found in Toon Boom Animate or Hitfilm) would be perfect, at least for me, based on how I have used to work.

    I know nothing about programming but I am curtain that this isn't an easy task to tackle though..

    I'll keep my finger crossed nevertheless <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Tokinsom,

    Thank you for your kind reply! As I understand it, by using families you are actually creating something like a precomposition (in after effects terms) or a symbol (in flash), in order to manipulate all the sprites as one element..?

    In my example, I tried to make a family with both a floor sprite and the bullet holes (in essence the objects that I want to be on the same parallax level), but the bulletholes are being spawned on the family's origin point, not at the collision point which is at mouse.X, mouse.Y.

    So, I am guessing that your method applies on static elements only..?

    Never the less, it's a brilliant workaround that I am sure I will put in use!

    Thank you again!


  • Maybe if you put 2 conditions for your diagonal animation instead of one.

    For example, if you want the North/East direction + Animation:

                          Condition-----> Action

    (On)key is down | up arrow    ------> player | set animation to "NorthEast" (play from the beginning)

    (On)key is down | right arrow

    Just make sure that both conditions are on the same "cell"

  • eli0s.com/Tests/AdjustHSL/firefox.jpg


    Link to .capx file (required!):

    eli0s.com/Tests/AdjustHSL/AdjustHSL.capx (I promise you won't have to wait or anything)<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create/Import any graphic with various transparent values.

    2. Put it on a layer with the transparent setting set to yes.

    3. Add the AdjustHSL webGL effect (either to the graphic, the layer, or the Layout)

    Observed result:

    Chrome renders some reddish values on the transparent pixels.

    Expected result:

    Chrome should respect the original color regardless of the transparency value of the pixels.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win7 ultimate 64 bit, service pack 1

    Construct 2 version:

    Both 126 and 132 stable releases. The capx I am sending you has being saved with the 126 release.

    System specs: Nvidia GTX 660 Ti driver version 320.18, Intel Core2 Quad Q9559, 16 GB RAM, Asus P5Q3 Deluxe motherboard.

         <img src="http://www.eli0s.com/Tests/AdjustHSL/Firefox.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://www.eli0s.com/Tests/AdjustHSL/Firefox.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://www.eli0s.com/Tests/AdjustHSL/Firefox.jpg" border="0" />

  • Hey,

    Well, if I am not mistaken you have to do the following:

    (assuming you have imported the sound file correctly) let's say that the audio file is named "music"...

                                   Conditions -> Actions

    1) System/On start of Layout -> Audio/Play

                                   (Audio file)- select: music

                                   (Loop) - choose what ever you want

                                   (Volume) - "0" is the original volume of the sound file

                                   (Tag) - important! give it a tag, let's say "soundtrack". Leave the quotes.

    To stop the particular sound:

    2) System/On end of layout -> Audio/Stop

                                   (Tag)- "soundtrack".

    That's it! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Mr Tokinsom,

    Could you care to elaborate on that? Are you describing a workaround that achieves a similar result to the one that I am referring to?

    Can you please be more specific, I am a newbie to all this      <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you in advance!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello DrGreenThumbCAN, thank you for the reply,

    Well, in the particular example the shadow is being used in order to illustrate the problem. The bulletholes on the other hand should appear on the floor layer and stay there, that should create a pseudo-3d feel, just like in the Space Ship Demo example I was referring to.

    My main argument is that having the layout's 0,0 coordinates being a fixed point that everything scale and move away from, in some cases is limiting and at least in my case somewhat disorienting, since I don't really understand where everything I put on stage actually exist in the game. Perhaps my background with 3d software has made me to expect a "look thru camera" view of the scene/stage, where the world x,y,z, coordinates doesn't affect the result of what you see.

  • Hello!

    I would like to know if there is a way to change the point of origin for the parallax's point of view.

    As I understand, the origin from which everything begins to offset in relation to the layer's parallax value, is the layout's 0,0 coordinates. Everything is fixed in that point and as you start to move away from it, the graphics on the layers "above" or "bellow" (with greater or lesser parallax values) scale or move away from that point faster or slower, depending of their parallax value.

    For me, most of the time this is inconvenient, because I can't really predict the actual offset of a layer the further I go from the 0,0 coordinates. I know that there is a "Parallax in the editor" option but that doesn't work as I would expect it, it feel's like it is depended of the editor's layout view zoom level and not from the layer's actual z depth position.

    Further more, at some times I would like to have a fixed "0,0 like" parallax focal point, which always scroll with the camera.

    A great example of what I am trying to say can be seen in the Space Ship Demo at the Construct Classic Demo page. The walls and the floor seem to be on a different depth, but they always move accordingly to the player's position, not a fixed 0,0 point.

    Is there a way to achieve a similar result in Construct 2?

    Contrasting the example above, here you can see in action the problem I am talking about:


    The starting position of the player is on the top-left of the layout and his shadow/bulletholes are being generated in a layer below, with lower parallax values (90,90). At the beginning, everything seems to work ok, the shadow is in place and the bulletholes appear at the mouse.X, mouse.Y. The further you stray away from the starting point though, the more you can observe the offset I am talking about.

    Oh, and turning "Unbounded Scrolling" on doesn't do any noticeable difference to my eye.

    I would appreciate any input on the subject!

    PS: Sorry for my lengthy and probably poor written post    eli0s2013-05-26 16:29:54

  • Hi, perhaps I am not qualified to answer you, I am new to construct.

    The software is capable of playing simultaneously many sound files (I am guessing the limit has to be set bu the hardware), and it doesn't matter if they are contained in the sound or music folder. The difference is that the audio files that are referenced as "music" are being streamed while the game is running, while the ones that are in "sound" will be downloaded the first time they will be triggered and there will be a delay until you listen them.

    That being said, I tried to make an example where two looping sounds should play in sync and that doesn't happen. I made the loops my self and I know that they are correct. Perhaps something is being messed up upon the conversion into ogg/m4a format, I don't know.

    Never the less, a crude but effective way to achieve what you want is to use two instance variables (one for each object, player-enemy) that are linked with the volume of the corresponding music track. Every time an object is being hit, it receives some x value of damage, a value that can be translated to a degree of db subtraction.

    I know that I haven't described very well, so I made an example capx, you can download it here eli0s.com/Tests/musicExample.capx (use Construct 2 r131 or above).

    I hope that helps!

  • Like I said, under my nose <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you Kyatric, I really appreciate your help. This is a lovely and very helpful community here in scirra, I've learn a lot from you, Yann, pode, R0J0hound and many-many others    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    If you like you can check a demo I made the past 3 weeks, while I was trying to understand how this wonderful software works. It's not very well optimized, so it will take a minute or two to download and it requires a decent cpu/gpu.


    Best regards,


  • Hello, this is my first post, I am new in game design and programming, so I might be missing something that is right under my nose. Please excuse me if that's the case!

    I try to make a 3d audio scene and I read in the manual about many parameters that can be setup, like the "Panning model", "Distance model", "Reference distance", "Maximum distance", "Roll-off factor", "Speed of sound", and the "Doppler factor".

    For some reason I can't find these parameters anywhere (version beta r130).

    The only action that I find is the "Set listener Z", which I guess relates to the manuals "Listener Z height"(?).

    I'd appreciate any input on the subject! Thank you in advance!
