I would like to know if there is a way to change the point of origin for the parallax's point of view.
As I understand, the origin from which everything begins to offset in relation to the layer's parallax value, is the layout's 0,0 coordinates. Everything is fixed in that point and as you start to move away from it, the graphics on the layers "above" or "bellow" (with greater or lesser parallax values) scale or move away from that point faster or slower, depending of their parallax value.
For me, most of the time this is inconvenient, because I can't really predict the actual offset of a layer the further I go from the 0,0 coordinates. I know that there is a "Parallax in the editor" option but that doesn't work as I would expect it, it feel's like it is depended of the editor's layout view zoom level and not from the layer's actual z depth position.
Further more, at some times I would like to have a fixed "0,0 like" parallax focal point, which always scroll with the camera.
A great example of what I am trying to say can be seen in the Space Ship Demo at the Construct Classic Demo page. The walls and the floor seem to be on a different depth, but they always move accordingly to the player's position, not a fixed 0,0 point.
Is there a way to achieve a similar result in Construct 2?
Contrasting the example above, here you can see in action the problem I am talking about:
The starting position of the player is on the top-left of the layout and his shadow/bulletholes are being generated in a layer below, with lower parallax values (90,90). At the beginning, everything seems to work ok, the shadow is in place and the bulletholes appear at the mouse.X, mouse.Y. The further you stray away from the starting point though, the more you can observe the offset I am talking about.
Oh, and turning "Unbounded Scrolling" on doesn't do any noticeable difference to my eye.
I would appreciate any input on the subject!
PS: Sorry for my lengthy and probably poor written post   eli0s2013-05-26 16:29:54