I like
Somebody 's idea of having the object parameters exposed and manipulated visually with nodes. It's like having all attributes available from withing the editor for an initial setup state. Afterwards one could manipulate the hell out of them with events. I see no conflict here, other than more development time for the developers.
I am afraid that Lately I see
Ashley being fast to reject ideas coming from forum members. Perhaps it's just me, having no experience from other game developing forum and not being a very old member my self. I know that answering to all us is time consuming and perhaps most of the time a mundane task, and I really appreciate and honor his effort. It's just that I'm noticing either a "it can't happen" or not commenting at all policy lately.
There are many-many things that float around and probably inhabit the todo list, but here are (again) my top 5!
1) Timeline: A way to animate-timing up stuff within the layout and be able to trigger those animations with events. Perhaps this can replace the path system feature request. If not,
1.5) Path System: A way to make stuff move along a path over time, with the ability to control the position/path percentage, the curvature of the path and the easing in/out between each path point.
2) Masking: A proper masking system that allows any Sprite or Layer to mask in/out any other sprite or layer, taking into account either the opacity/alpha or the Gray-scale values.
3) 2.5D work space: Parallax offset/scale is just annoying. It happens from 0,0 coordinates and it's just unintuitive to frame/compose a complex level this way. A workspace that has z-depth and a "real" camera will allow for a natural compositing workflow.
4) Lighting system: A proper and Global lighting system that has a Diffuse-Normal-Specular setup within the Sprite Object and illuminates-casts shadows accordingly. I feel graditute for the system that we have, but it's just not there yet.
5) Audio enhancements: This is very well covered on other topics, the thing is that the audio workflow needs to be greatly improved. Synching multiple audio tracks is impossible, there are no mixing/bus tools and many-many other things that could vastly improve the outcome audio-wise
+1 for real time preview-editing!
Lastly, since this is a recurring subject, I haven't voiced my opinion about native exporters for a long time, but after seeing this on this topic, I must say WOW! This is a huge difference! I don't know about fps or any technical mumbo-jumbo, but it just feels so damn fluid and good! No jitters, no jerkiness, no wait a few seconds for the code to settle (in layman's terms), no nothing!
Anyone noticed that the mouse doesn't lag behind? In C2 can anyone manage to make "every tick---> Sprite set position | mouse.X, mouse.Y" and not having the Sprite lag behind the mouse cursor?
Anyway, I don't know which of the above fall to the "New Editor" or "New Engine" category, so I'll probably be flamed for being naive and out-of-topic. As an artist though, these are the things that stand out for me and I would like to have them in this game creation tool.