Hi, first I apologize if this is not the correct sub-forum to post this.
I have been recording some video tutorials on classic arcade games, you know the stuff, ASTEROIDS, SPACE INVADERS, FROGGER... specially for beginners.
I know some of them are repeated, but it's always good to have different ways to get the same results.
I'll try to upload at least one game a month. So far you can check those three on the tutorials section:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I saw your tutorials, really well made, well structured and easy to follow! Keep it up and thanks for sharing your knowledge!
By the way, have a happy new year!
Thank you very much, Danuyos!
They are all very well done tutorials and as a long time retrogamer, I am very much
looking forward to your next tutorial.
Hi guys, thanks for the comments, I'll try to update new videos soon. I already recorded the next one but is still in editing