Eisenhans's Forum Posts

  • It might be a bit different for hobbyist vs. money-making, but I typically work on 4 - 5 products at the same time. It's not all from scratch though, some stuff is on finished products that need some parts reworked for certain clients (change logos/texts for example).

  • It's a pretty wide grey area, even in commercial music.

    There is no way to determine if one song is still just inspired by or ripped off from another song. That decision is made on a case-by-case basis by the corresponding court, I'm afraid.

  • Yes, it might get lost as a mere forum post.

  • don't know how to find out the exact FPS,

    Put down a text somewhere, set it to fps (in every tick).

  • There is none.

    If you can see it in a browser, you can download it. Some people obfuscate their code, with varying success, but your graphic assets are only protected by copyright laws, not physical means.

  • Even though this all is obviously a work-in-progress, I must say I appreciate the way the intel-guys communicate and fix stuff, I really do. Certain other parties do this very differently.

  • don't want someone to lift my entire game.

    To some extent, you will have to live with that possibility.

  • tenbolts your account says it's from dec 6th, 2013.. the early adopters period ended sometime in 2011 I believe. You are a little bit late <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • - No Fullscreen (ie Statue Bar can be seen currently)

    This seems to be device dependent. On a Nexus5 (4.4.2) I have clean fullscreen, on a Nexus7 pad (2013 edition, 4.3) I get the battery life bar and the button-bar at the bottom.

  • Guys, test again. IntelTyler just wrote me an email that they fixed something server-side and ta-daaa, the stuff I'm testing runs through.

  • end capx to tyler.smithord@intel.com :D

    Brace your inbox, good Sir!

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  • Seems like my hunch was right... no APK link means this:

    <img src="http://www.doomsday-machine.com/zeug/failed.png" border="0" />

    Not sure why the build fails though.

    Ashley Are there any known culprits that must not be in a project right now to work?

  • Right now the Intel part of it all seems a bit.. non-verbose. I have not been able to get an apk-link, too (the spinning "building-wheel" just disappeared), but I'm suspicious, since the Build-Page shows no "previous build".. so I suspect it did not build at all or crashed on the cloud.

    It would be better, if one could see some sort of progress log of what the cloud builder is doing, but alas, nothing Scirra can do about that.

  • This thread should be an example to be taught at business schools about how stock markets basically work <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • anta might have something for Android in his sack!

    *Christmas spirit intensifies*