Egyptoon's Forum Posts

  • Most criticisms people raise of platforms like Crosswalk are simply temporary bugs. They'll get fixed. Native platforms have bugs too, and they usually end up fixed as well. Everyone was crying for us to develop a new desktop exporter when NW.js had a v-sync bug. As far as I can tell, it's now fixed, and I haven't seen any other demands for a native desktop exporter since. I knew it would be fixed and I tried to explain this, but people demanded native exporters anyway. It would be crazy if we started this massive engineering project just because of a temporary bug. In the space of a year or however long it would take, any temporary issues would almost certainly be fixed. And given how fast HTML5 has developed - from no mobile support at all just a few years ago - it seems unwise to bet against this.

    No, this is completely wrong.

    Not just temporary bugs, starting this "massive engineering project" is a must if you want C2 to stand for the next year.

    The problem is not related to bugs, playing HTML game inside a web browser on android system is a very big waste of CPU power and battery life, at the end the games performance is horrible.

    Flappy bird clone game consumes about 70% of CPU power and makes the mobile device suffers a lot, APK size about 23 mb just for a very simple game! and runs at 35 fps ! WHY ?!!

    such a game must be 2 or 3 mb maximum, consumes about 10% of CPU power and runs at 60 fps on most mobile devices.

    Scirra must work on a native exporter, C2 must allow us to create more advanced games on mobile devices, i can't make 2 sprites to move smoothly on mobile device with C2 regards any optimizations to both code and images.

    I'm not saying that to open fire on C2, i LOVE C2, and i LOVE making games using C2, and i tried every single program avaliable and i didn't find a single one can replace C2 even Fusion 2.5

    I appreciate all your efforts making C2 an AWESOME software and it is really awesome. except for the mobile export options.

    in my country we have a Proverb says: "He ruined the whole dish by 1 penny salt!"

    explanation: when someone makes a perfect thing and ruined it completely by a very tiny mistake at the end. the cook is ruined because of some little salt that makes it uneatable!


  • neversommer

    Construct 2 is a very powerful software for web and pc games, it's also very easy to learn and use, and you can save hours and hours compared with other programs. i finished my 1st complete game in just 2 days!

    But it's the worst choice for mobile, the worst ever!

  • set x to (2*t^3-3*t^2+1)*p(n).x + (t^3-2*t^2+t)*(p(n+1).x-p(n-1).x)/2 + (-2*t^3+3*t^2)*p(n+1).x + (t^3-t^2)*(p(n+2).x-p(n).x)/2

    set Y to (2*t^3-3*t^2+1)*p(n).y + (t^3-2*t^2+t)*(p(n+1).y-p(n-1).y)/2 + (-2*t^3+3*t^2)*p(n+1).y + (t^3-t^2)*(p(n+2).y-p(n).y)/2

    it must be written by Albert Einstein !

  • I just tested Ludei CocoonJs compiler (canvas+), using the updated CocoonJs plugin for C2 r195

    Here is my Results:

    Image quality: not perfect but there is no artifacts, the images aren't super crisp like crosswalk but just fine, as if it is ignoring High dpi settings in C2.

    fps: 60 yes believe it or not, 60 fps and very smooth, sometimes fps dropped to 35 and cause a little lag but the game is very playable.

    apk size : 11 mb Vs 22 mb using crosswalk.

    unfortunately no ads, no leaderboards or achievements or may be i just can't configure it.

    is there any way to use admob ads directly without mopub account with Ludie ?

    anyway i just want to confirm that my game is OK and optimized to show a good performance. it can reach 60 fps with Ludie but i can't use many features, only "vibration" is working fine

  • szymek

    BTW I'm just looking for 40 fps, it'll be enough for games to be playable , and i can't even get this without crosswalk 7, according to those results the future is DARK, No, totally BLACK with no hope, Xwalk 10,11,12 ---- > stop "downgrading" please they are all useless.

  • szymek

    That's exactly what makes me mad. this issue MUST be FIXED somehow ASAP or C2 will be totally useless.

    after all those tests I'm waiting for results very soon from Intel and Crosswalk

    or C2 MUST provide native exporter or even replace the whole software with a new one makes NATIVE android and ios.

  • szymek

    Your test device came with useless results because it's very powerful, it can run anything and you will NEVER feel a difference in fps. as if you run the game on a PC, please try something else, s3 , s4 , etc

  • Noga

    Test results on Galaxy s3 mini

    Crosswalk 7 (canvas 2d)

    Min = 52 | Max = 59 | avg= 56.9 (AMAZING!)

    Crosswalk 10 (canvas 2d)

    Min= 34 | Max = 40 | avg = 36 (poor - too much lag)

    Crosswalk 11 (canvas 2d)

    Min= 36 | Max= 42 | Avg= 38 (poor - lag)

    Crosswalk 12 (canvas 2d)

    Min= 19 | Max= 24 | Avg = 22 (****! and totally unplayable)

    This is it.

  • Noga

    Ok, thanks

    i thought it's a demo played automatically for 20 secs

    I'll come back with test results

  • Noga

    Time is jumping between 20 and 19, it'll never end

  • saiyadjin

    This is suggested by a member from intel it's not my idea.

    ask your self first: what is the purpose of what you called "cluttering" ?! please check the other post, no one answered my question there about building with command line suggestion "How to do this" ?

    it's not about the same thing BTW, the purpose of the Crosswalk performance topic is to test the crosswalk new versions performance, no one aim to fix the "old" one it's a closed topic and if you want to do this do it by yourself as I've been told.

    and i can't do it by my self for sure, i'm asking about HOW we can achieve that because you have only just two choices now:-

    1st: fixing crosswalk 7 OpenSSL issue by yourself or with help of other experienced developers etc.

    2nd: waiting for crosswalk 13, 14 or may be 15 because upcoming versions 11 and 12 are USELESS.

    if you want a 3rd option it'll be: stop making games with C2 for android.

    so what do you think ?

    thanks for your reply.

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  • Crosswalk 7 has a problem with OpenSSL and GooglePlay will remove games built with it.

    Crosswalk 10 came with a big performance issue which makes games unplayable.

    and after testing the upcoming Crosswalk 11 and 12 they both are useless too, so no hope in the near future.

    I create this post to help each other fixing crosswalk 7 !

    if we can collect sufficient information we can make a tutorial for that.

    The mission is to replace the old OpenSSL library by a new accepted one for GooglePlay and build with command line with all the necessary plugins.

    I didn't find a tutorial for that, and the 1st question is: is that even possible ?! making a custom version of crosswalk 7 and use command line to build ?


  • TiAm

    Thanks man, you got the same results that i got.

    That's exactly what I'm talking about. and really thanks for your great efforts optimizing my game.

    I ignored the GooglePlay Alert, and check every day for the game removal from store. it'll be a really big punch on my face if they did, I've nothing else to do.

    Many players didn't like the performance of the crosswalk 7 version! (check the comments on Google play) can you believe that?! what if i use 10 ?!! they'll eat me alive

  • imaffett

    They should do for low end devices, crosswalk 7 is the best regards the OpenSSL issue, or the games won't work on those devices. using any newer versions of crosswalk will limit devices so so so much regards the android version.

    I don't know how to use the command line and how to use plugins with it, but I'm ready to learn anything to save my game on GooglePlay store, can you please tell me how? and which software to use ? Thanks

    just give me the resources as links.

    I really appreciate your great efforts helping us on this.

  • Iolva

    YES, Exactly and that makes me very upset because it's a very simple game, and many thanks for TiAm he helped on optimization to get better performance and modified a lot of things in the code + reducing the size of BG images by half, i noticed real improvements and increase in fps but still not enough to use crosswalk 10.

    believe me the game is working so smooth using crosswalk 7 on Samsung S3 mini (test device), 45 fps is very nice.

    with crosswalk 10, 11 or 12 it's unplayable.


    EXACTLY, i noticed the same thing ! may be because of the GPU blacklist, Canvas is much faster than webgl.