Effregy's Forum Posts

  • Hello, my name is Justin, and I do pixel art and pen/ink sketches.

    I'm interested in doing freelance work.

    Accelerated timelines may increase the cost.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I only accept Paypal.

    Examples of my work.... in video =D


    I'm not that great at designing ui or logos...I could try, but it's far more efficient if you have an idea in mind beforehand.

    Prices vary based on work assigned, time I believe it will take and other factors...

    --Character Example

    You want me to make a new character for you based off of the style of the other characters in your game. lets say the size you want is roughly 40x75

    I make somthing like this - $10 -- price depends on size - complexity - and if I'm coming up with the style.

    Then you decide you want me to animate the character - 6 frame running animation - price per frame depends on uniqueness of frames and size- for running on a 40x75 character it comes to $7 a frame -for a total of $42

    Lets say you want me to animate a stand sequence for the above char like 4 frames long looping

    it'll be something more along the lines of $4 a frame depending on how involved you want it to be

    basically animation frames could be between $4 - $10 per or more depending on size

    like violent awesome explosion is something that changes wildly every frame - thus costs more per frame

    --Backgrounds - flat $8/hr

    --Logos-- depends on complexity - but $10 per

    --Tile Sets - flat $8/hr

    --I can also do some pencil sketches - $8/hr

    Reiteration Cost depends on how wild the change is - to avoid this - be very clear and concise when I give updates.

    you can either pm me, or email me at

    More Examples... If you'd like to use any of the work I've shown on this page, simply contact me with an offer.

  • I do own the full version - and from what I've seen of containers - they won't actually work for my purposes - unless I missed something - you can only have each object in one container, and I'm trying - failing - to make complex systems based off of a single object/family that affects a large amount of other objects...

    in this case, I'm having the enBox as the only object that performs calculations, but has an assosciated enemy object pinned to it

    this enemy spawned is chosen by type in an instance variable - given a roll for "elite" at run time, an left on its merry way - running w/e behavior groups the instance it spawned has set enabled

    -- this means I'll only need one all-inclusive enemy sheet - witch means - I can progress...

    however, it all starts with figuring how to make a specific object choose another specific object

    --for each enBox
    -system pick by comparison -- pick rdSlime - where redSlime.nestUid = enBox.hostUid - - reversing it has no change
    --- sub - enBox.mirror = 0
    --rdSlime - set not mirrored
    --- sub - enBox. mirror = 1
    --rdSlime - ser mirrored[/code:16f1q3z9]
    doesn't work =[
  • This part works

    [patol Logic] - basically - on collision set mirror = 0 when moving right - 1 if moving left <-- works perfectly

    This part is borken...

    on creation -- enBox
    	[li]spawn object rdSlime[/li]
    	[li]set rdSlime.nestUid = enBox.UID[/li]
    	[li]set enBox.hostUid = rdSlime.UID[/li]
    system - compare 2 variables (enBox.hostUid = rdSlime.nestUid
    --- sub - enBox.mirror = 0
    --rdSlime - set not mirrored
    --- sub - enBox. mirror = 1
    --rdSlime - ser mirrored[/code:3j59mj14]
    my question - how do i make a specific enBox object - choose it's specific rdSlime object - so the code I run only affects those two objects?
  • holy crap it works now - thank you thank you

    -- this is actually my second rebuild of the game - previous "installments/versions" didn't have these systems

    since i was having trouble with convoluted means of choosing animations for actions

    -- first time using functions for example lol

    -- and for each >.>

    -- also made that last comment before seeing yall's previous ones

    ./ignore it =]

    Edit: and i was late lol

    [quote:1h67oa68]No I noticed as I tested your game, that after a while there were 77000 objects, which is pretty uncommon.

    But you can always run it in debug mode then you can see that it keeps making them.

    I haven't run the game in debug mode, but i've gotten no lag lmao - so i had no idea

    [quote:1h67oa68]As Magistross said there are some complications

    But it shouldn't prevent you from picking individual family members, you just have to make sure that you work with the correct families. So if you pick a canDamage and then need a genEnemy all of the sudden in that event you have to add that:

    Pick genEnemy.UID = canDamage.UID

    Which in it self is not to bad and can be quite useful in a lot of cases. But it ofc complicate things a bit if you didn't do it on purpose, as some of the code might not have been made with this intention. And the way you created the families might not really work as well as you thought. And that will cause some complications at some point....most likely

    probably true lol.. *crosses fingers*

  • if i use pick by unique uid - wouldn't that still present the issue of being unable to choose the individual object's uid that is being affected? - since i broke the family system and am unable to make code affect individual members -----

    or am i missing something lol

    Edit: had no idea about how it was constantly making health bars - that system is very much infant stages lol

    • you're sure it's not just that it can't tell if the object has taken damg?

    because that health bar is supposed to be invisible until it takes damg for the first time - but im having the same issue where it cant single out objects in a family - in the event sheet - since when one object takes damg - all the health bars appear - though im not sure how it's variable is reacting to that - since it should stay false

  • I figured this would easily work as intended, and was in the process of creating destroy-able barriers and knockback from enemies inflicting damg to the player

    also character takes a lot of fall damg, because it's currently based on air time as opposed to vertical fall distance

    -------the error I came to the forums is housed in the damgText_Logic Event sheet

  • doing a Pick where damgDealt=0, then a For each canDamg. showed me that every other expression i had involving families chose the first object in the family added to the project - that construct 2 can't pick out individual objects in a family that make a statement true - thus defeating the entire purpose of families

    I've never used UID before, but I'll look into it

    thanks for the replies

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  • make a debug console lol

    just create a text object -- textDebug - and place it in your ui layer - can even have a key toggle it off an on -- hint hint leave it on though

    system every tic - set textDebug to -- "plState: " & pl_State & newline & "varName: " & player.varName & newline & "globalVar: " & globalVar & newline

    "Variable Name: " & root object.Variable Name & newline

    I'm using the steam version - and it's glitched - like it's been since my purchase - so that i cant download the unstable betas...so i'm sorry but i cant personally check it

    making the debugger text has saved me soo much headache though lol - it might help you resolve this issue

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    watch this guy make a tower defense game

  • I haven't tried using containers, I'll look that up -- but i am picking specific family members -- all members of the "canDamage" family, who's damgDealt does not = 0

    Edit: containers will not work for what i'm doing

    • this code is designed to make text pop up over an enemy - with varying affects - colors ect - and i'm creating and destroying them so i can animate them in a satisfying way - critical hit - weapon effects - ect
  • Resolved by

    pick fam.uid that == fam.uid

    the error came from nesting families - and derping >.>

    Ok, I'm confused...


    This code affects every single member of the family, as opposed to each individual member of the family that ACTUALLY matches that criteria

    Edit: Maybe i have not been clear in my description....

    Create family - canDamg

    - variables

    -healthCurrent = <varies>

    -healthMax = <varies>

    -damgDealt = 0

    -healTaken = 0

    if canDamg is overlapping damgBox

    trigger once

    - set self.damgDealt = 6

    if canDamg -- damgDealt does NOT equal 0

    --- spawn damgText

    ----set damgText to Visibile

    --- set damgText.Text = damgDealt

    --- set canDamg.healthCurrent = to (canDamg.healthCurrent - canDamg.damgDealt)

    --- set self.damgDealt = 0

    this causes EVERY single object in the family to have damgText spawn and display the amount of damage done

    it should only cause canDamg.mobA the slime beast who just got hit - show 6 damg dealt

  • No - if your game makes any kind of money - monetization scheme is irrelevant - it needs the personal license


    ""** Once you make more than $5,000 USD revenue (or equivalent) from your creations you must upgrade to Business ""

  • Switching to platform.Vector Y solved the issue - thanks =]

  • The comment block where it says "Wall Jumping 2.0 by BluePhaze" is all that i got from his tut

    I'm using the steam version - and its bugged - and not allowing me to opt into beta =[ I'll try recoding it w/out the bullet behavior though >,> also over complication is my curse lol the right side works =p Thanks for the reply =]

  • I'm using the steam version of construct 2 - so...I can't check your capx lol

    are you using the beta version?