Effregy's Forum Posts

  • thanks a bunch =D

    I'd been fiddling with it for ever lol

  • Actually haven't quite yet gotten to the array part of it lol

    I read the event section of the manual, instance variables, ect, and got this idea to try to create a menu, so my game begins to look a bit more professional

    anywho I've just started, and I've gotten stuck <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    interesting quirk:

    if I set the menu to start out visible, it'll set it to invisible properly... but won't set it to visible afterwards

    <img src="http://s15.postimage.org/j1116oly3/problem_cs2_menu.png" border="0" />

    logically it should work...right?

    edit: it doesn't set the menu to visible and it won't even register that it's supposed to be ignoring user input for the platform behavior

  • silly me lol


  • Edit: Solved by Arima


    I was using a single check trigger

    "left mouse clicked"

    when it required a constant check trigger

    "left mouse held"

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  • Hello, my name is Justin, or Effregy I. K.

    I'm an artist that has been drawing since I was in the first grade, spriting on an off for the past few years, and a cynic by trade.

    I was working with gamemaker, before I decided to up and quit it, because the simple shmup I was working on at the time, although beautiful cuz hey thats what I do, was using 86k megs or w/e of memory and avging .5 on the cpu of task manager. Witch is total crap when you consider that all the resources took up a measily 15megs - no sound - no sfx - 320 x 240 content that chew up cpu like a madman.

    Came to Construct 2 because my hero that I'd been following ever since the release of Noitu Love 2 and Legend of Princess started using it.

    The following is my deviantart


  • and you know, more code then just what the excellent platformer tutorial by Ashley gave you...