DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Would this help?

    Just copied this, but you can find a lot of various methods. But this looked pretty good.

    Find the slope m=(x1-x2)/(y1-y1) and make a loop of x where y=mx+c (c=0). now get

    (x,y) for a range of x.

    Your two points: (x1, y1) (x2, y2):

    m = (y1 - y2) / (x1-x2);

    c = y1 - x1 * m;

    Then, for any given x:

    y = mx + c;

    This looks interesting(a little complicated)

    If it is on a straight line, can't you find midpoint then midpoint between point a and midpoint, and midpoint and point b, and repeat etc?

  • Ctrl+Home top of sheet

    Ctrl+End Bottom of sheet

    Ctrl+F2 Toggle bookmark at selected point

    F2 next bookmark

    Shift+F2 previous bookmark

    Will the above meet you halfway at least?

    But, you will be paying more for it... in C3 lots of cool new features are coming - lol.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Variables aren't manageable for data like this.

    You can store a lot of text. But I believe you will encounter memory problems etc etc etc.

    Easiest option: You can select to use a text file and import it, or json.

    Lets be honest. Depending on size of game. Going through countless variables is going to drive you made when you want to make an edit. Put them into a text file and attach that to your project. Or use json and arrays. Or any of the other options, but don't use variables - lol.

    You also limited to 100 events with free version. (Import a file which you can edit in notepad, etc and use search and replace functioniality)

    Here is a simple example of using text as external file: simple trivia game example of course change it to your needs.

  • For those looking for the microsoft advanced course and who couldn't make the live event:

    Construct 2 Advanced Game Development

  • udemy has a few, and then microsoft has 2 which delve into many areas of complexity. A lot of the guys twitch as well, a look over their shoulder deal.

    In the end, google is your friend.

  • yeah like whatever they do they can't beat Unity3D but anyway that is cool!

    Actually, they can beat Unity3d.

    Game Industry is a trillion dollar Industry (bigger than movies), and the sudden rise of small indie companies producing big profit producing games. This offers a great win win for both parties.

    Unity3d is super cool. But So is Cry Engine and Unreal. They are tools. Each can make a blockbuster game, each does make blockbuster games each year.

    Profit sharing of 5%. That is a great "Offer".

    A game can take a considerable amount of time. Ureal understand this, they are offering the developer free development time, and share in the risk (if you make money, they make money. If you don't make money, they don't make money) Pretty cool deal.

  • Lordshiva1948, I know you have license. I was asking the Original Poster whether he is using free version because he doesn't have the gold medal attached. Or if he has steam license like I do on this account.

    [I have multiple accounts. This one is steam version, other accounts are scirra versions]

    Steam License owners don't have gold medal attached. Only users who purchased at scirra, or asked Tom to add gold medal once they purchased via steam.

    Reason is because the free version (no license) cannot preview over wifi. That feature is removed.

  • I hate steam and furthermore I don't need steam to use C2

    I agree with you. Hate steam. Was asking the OP as he won't be able to use wifi if he has free edition. And since he doesn't have a coin like me (this account has a steam license attached) my other account(s) have licenses purchased via scirra. I assume he either using free, or he has steam account.

  • Do you have a license? Steam? Because this isn't available in the free version.

  • [quote:151p2qmb]Just don't expect any help from Scirra apparently.

    Sorry, posted this message Friday, unlike the earlier days we tend to not work weekends any more.

    About time you guys take a weekend like the rest of the world

    You guys do more in a Mon - Fri week than some other(s) do with a whole team of devs behind them.

  • Have a look at this

    I would suggest reading the manual. And learning the basics. Do a few examples, go through a few tutorials.

    You have to learn how to use the software.

    Here is another one to look at.

    You will find many many examples on timers, in tutorials, and in forum. Search

  • You say you got timer to work. I presume you storing the seconds in a variable.

    So when you die

    Save your time

    Set variable to 0 again.

    restart game

    You can also add a condition called pause....

    Variable "pauseTimer" = 0

    so your timer counts when condition "pauseTimer" = 0

    When you character dies. Set pauseTimer = 1

    That'll work too

  • I thought the problem with functions in this case is they don't continually run. so where i want the layers to fade into one another, a function cant do that (am i wrong) because it just 'starts' to set the opacity of the layer, then stops after the first tick.

    Hoping for some genius wisdom to cause a paradigm shift in my thinking tho. Ive tried functions and just couldnt get it working as i need here.

    Wow, see you got some great stuff from the others

    Yes, functions can continually run. As long as you give it a reason to run.

    Call it everytick works or you can give it a reason to run

    Just as example

    run function = 1

    if run fuction = 1

    and x<100

    do this or that


    run function = 0 x =99

    or whatever floats your boat.

    Remember every tick is reading your eventsheets from top to bottom and if a condition isn't met the function/code will run until that condition is met.

  • Use functions. With return value. That way you only code once and can call/use that function(code) all over the place.