Finding the xy's between two points

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  • Just looking for a good formula to get all the points in between two points.. without having to add a bunch of conditions.

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  • Well, if A.x and A.y are the coordinates for point A, and same logic for B

    with let's say course being a variable between 0 and 1

    you have lerp(A.X, B.X, course) returning an X value

    lerp(A.Y, B.Y, course) will return the Y value on the same line corresponding to that X, as long as course is between 0 and 1, the point will be between them.

    EDIT: if you prefer the actual equation of the line (AB), you can have it:

    Y=(A.Y-B.Y)/(A.X-B.X)*X+ init

    Init being found with

    A.Y=(A.Y-B.Y)/(A.X-B.X)*A.X+ init

    init= A.Y-A.X*(A.Y-B.Y)/(A.X-B.X)

    In the end, If I am correct,


    or Y= (X-A.X)*(A.Y-B.Y)/(A.X-B.X) + A.Y

    Depends on what you want to do exactly after that...if it is verifying if a point C is between A and B, you just verify that A.X<C.X<B.X

    and that C.Y= (C.X-A.X)*(A.Y-B.Y)/(A.X-B.X) + A.Y

  • I've used lerp before with distance(). It seemed a little overly complicated, but then again so does this.

    Like I don't know what init means, and I'm not sure how to get the x component out of that.

    Or should I say overly simplified?

  • Would this help?

    Just copied this, but you can find a lot of various methods. But this looked pretty good.

    Find the slope m=(x1-x2)/(y1-y1) and make a loop of x where y=mx+c (c=0). now get

    (x,y) for a range of x.

    Your two points: (x1, y1) (x2, y2):

    m = (y1 - y2) / (x1-x2);

    c = y1 - x1 * m;

    Then, for any given x:

    y = mx + c;

    This looks interesting(a little complicated)

    If it is on a straight line, can't you find midpoint then midpoint between point a and midpoint, and midpoint and point b, and repeat etc?

  • I've used lerp before with distance(). It seemed a little overly complicated, but then again so does this.

    Like I don't know what init means, and I'm not sure how to get the x component out of that.

    Or should I say overly simplified?

    I may have over complicated it, it is the same as dutoit ( init was a value, which dutoit calls c)

  • What is your use case for getting all the points between two lines? You mean for picking objects on the line?

  • linear Bézier curve is what you need

    dx = (1-t) * x1 + t * x2;

    dy = (1-t) * y1 + t * y2;

    t - is a coef. from 0 to 1. ... _1_big.gif

  • R0J0hound

    Say for example I wanted to place tiles between the two points. Snapped accordingly.

    I'm not terribly worried about picking objects between the points, theres a system command to do that. I think that would work.


    Thanks, thats pretty much the same as the lerp way.


    In y=mx+c (c=0) its m*(x+c)?

  • For that you could use Bresenham's line algorithm for a nice result. But it isn't simple.

    You could use lerp to do it like this: ... _step.capx

    but you'll have to handle the case when deltay is more than deltax and do the loop in that direction.

    Edit: actually this would do it:

    variable delta= max(abs(x1-x0), abs(y1-y0))/32

    repeat delta times

    --- create sprite at (round(lerp(x0, x1, loopindex/delta)/32)*32), round(lerp(y0, y1, loopindex/delta)/32)*32)

  • Yeah.


    We need a line expression please.

  • Here's what I came up with using sin/cos as alternative. ... oline.capx

    It ain't pretty.

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