DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • +1 for learning Unity as a backup plan.

    yip - game institute course

  • Also starred.

    I seriously hope this gets sorted. I am about to port all my games to unity as this is bollocks.

  • reads are instant. The functions will only be used if you call them or you set up some sort of trigger. Includes are standard, and recommended.

  • Create an eventsheet called myfunctions.

    Now on top of event sheet 1 and 2 include myfunctions

    Now you can use "Move Enemy" on either.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • One outlandish option:

    Publish html, and check user agent is ipad using js or php or whatever your flavour.

    I think ipad can save html games as apps...ashley did a tut on it.

    Quick google:

    detect ipad

    Ashley web app ios tutorial

  • Most important is the company, the copyright, the trademarks if they apply etc.

    And links to your website, and other games.

    Generally nobody actually reads the credits or cares 2 cents about it.

    A: Just your company is sufficient. Probably recommended unless you trying to market yourself. But if you are the company, then company name is best.

  • Gave up!

    Brought a SSD, did complete re install of everything.

    Everything is prrring again

  • Clean install, and back dated didn't solve issue. In fact issue is now present all the way back to. Must be registry issue then.

    I had endless issues with the steam version. The standalone have had very little issues.

    Thx Mate... I'll figure it out.

    As i said, it is just the launcher. I can still paste ip/50000 into url so it isn't end of world.

  • zenox98

    Figured that too...

    I also know its isolated issue - probably just me again

    Nope, just installed latest beta 203, and can't run firefox or nodewebkit.

    I also updated firefox it is now 37.0.2 which could be the issue - update came through today.


    No big changes. I can run it off laptop so it is something based on my setup/system.

    C2 is the most tempremental software - lol.

  • Problem Description

    When launching projects in preview I get

    Unable to launch browser 'Firefox' for preview. Please ensure the latest version bla bla

    It works with chrome.

    It doesn't work with nodewebkit(NW.js) or firefox

    I can copy my preview url and paste it direct into firefox an it works. It is the run layout that pops up error.

    Yes my browsers are up to date.

    Attach a Capx

    All project files.

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open any capx
    • Run Layout

    Observed Result

    Won't launch project to browser and throws a browser isn't updated error

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)
    • Node Webkit: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 service pack 1 (64bit)

    Chrome 32bit

    Firefox 32bit

    IE 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This will be updated in next beta - thx Ashley

  • What's this cranberryplugin? I didn't get you

    Scirra allows 3rd party plugins / behaviours. Bookmark this link

    As for that particular plugin, I haven't heard of it. Check the list or seach cranberry plugins scirra

  • If we add global warming to the discussion ... we likely have covered just about everything >_>

    And what did we all have for breakfast?

  • +1