DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Construct 2 can't make games for consoles.

    Yes it can!

    The only 2 it can't is Xbox and Playstation the rest it can.

    sidenote; and soon they will support html5 games. But consoles are being overtaken by phones etc. Heck why use a console when my tv does the same thing????

  • >

    > >

    > > I'm actually in the middle of moving to GameMaker Studio.

    > >


    > Unity or Unreal if you willing to learn GM Language - lol.

    > Seriously GM has its own fair share of issues. Spend some time and learn C# or C++, and move to unity or unreal.


    You're forgetting that some people don't have years to learn C++ or C#.

    GML supposedly takes about a month to master and is a lot easier to use, not to mention I'm focusing on 2D only so it's better suited for me.

    Also Unity costs a metric ton and UE takes 5% forever.

    C++ takes 60 hours to learn. Takes 10000 hours to be proficient.

    Trust me, it takes 10000 hours to be proficient with gm too. Took me 10000 hours to be proficient with C2 and anything else I want to master. Learning the basics is quick, mastery comes with time.

    As for cost, unity is free and royalty free as of recently. You get a fully functional software that allows you to develop freely for years before you have to sell your game.

  • I'm actually in the middle of moving to GameMaker Studio.

    Unity or Unreal if you willing to learn GM Language - lol.

    Seriously GM has its own fair share of issues. Spend some time and learn C# or C++, and move to unity or unreal.

  • Well, soon we will be reading about Excal and how he did the same. Moved away from construct 2 to unity.

    Bold move, and the right move in this case

    Zems Can't Wait


    You obviously not happy based on your last couple posts. They all have bugs It is just a matter of how much you willing to endure. And what requirements you project needs.

  • 2 things.

    Have C2 running on a solid state drive, and more ram. 16gig in total should be fine.

    As for CPU (and muliple cores) don't think it make a difference with c2 preview per say, I think it only uses 1 core anyways (i speak under correction) but since I installed a solid state drive I've noticed a 10X performance boost, and that is with all my programs.


    I hope this goes all the way. I'll be first inline to buy it

    This was my favorite game of all time growing up. Still have a copy or two floating around.


    YOU Guys have seriously outdone yourselves. It looks fabulous. and yes signed the petition.

    Need testers? Need a coffee. Shout

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • open c2.


    preview on LAN address push the ...

    It should pick up your new address.

    click it.



    Do you mean aTP-LINK range extender?

    You can set static ip, I pretty much mirrored everthing from my router including the ip

    and sharing same ip does cause havoc with my eset antivirus, so had to create an exception (shared ip)


    Ports etc

    If it worked before, is should work fine after. i cycle routers every couple months to a year with no issues. As long as your firewall allows ports 50000-50100 you are fine(you can choose your own range too).

    I just set up ESET which took over my windows firewall. So ashleys tut is pretty good with stuff like that

  • Brought the editor long ago, it is very cool indeed. He did a lot of work. I think the capx part is even better, his use of functions and data are great.

    php file that connects to database you post/get user id (stored when user logs in) to that php file and it returns a string.

    I'm a little rusty, I actually think lennaerts multiplayer covered the basics of connecting to database retrieving and writing data. Worth a look.

    I'm sure you can save the contents of the json file as a db entry itself, thereby elimating the need for json files entirely.

  • What are you on about? Did you seriously just brag about taking a programming exam in a Construct 2 post criticizing flaws in a game engine that is marketed to non-programmers?

    We didn't buy this program to get frustrated and learn how to program. Some of us, like myself, bought Construct 2 to make games and we're running into some serious performance issues. This thread isn't for you.

    Anyway, I've arrived at this thread because I too am experiencing some serious performance issues that really shouldn't be happening. I hope we can get somewhere with this and reach a conclusion.

    You missed my point!

    And only I decide what is or isn't for me - alrighty!

    This thread is about sorting out issues outside of c2, you might have missed that point too.

  • So save the json data into a mysql database entry

    User Id | Userdata string

    The url is a post/get system it can send the id to a php file which retrievs the data string shouldn't that work better having it saved in a database vs tons of json files lying all over the place

  • Edit: You need to import you json file into your project.

    From what I understand.

    You want to get data in a json file into your game using ajax?

    In your projects window you want to import files - in your case it would be your json file. It will now save it allong with the c2 icons. If you save project as project you will see it there. And you can edit it directly. {C2 saves as single or project, project allows you to edit files within the folder structure directly}

    Ajax is simple. You request a file dropdown will list files you've imported and tag it with a easy to remember name "MyAwesomeData"

    The trick is ajax on "MyAwesomeData" completed, this means it has all your juicy data.

    Now you can load from json string using AJAX.LastData to either array or dictionary ect.

    Ajax request "your json file you imported into project"

    Ajax on completed, load json string ajax.lastdata.

    I don't know if this will help: load data from json into array

    So, import you json file into the project. and it will save it under Files folder

  • here is link rikoshe inc


    So it is a new download every 24 hours too - lol.


    Personally I understand the concept, (giveaway for a day comes to mind) but it is flawed on various levels.

    Seriously, Good luck, nice out the box thinking But I think google play will have some issues with this.

  • Wow this took a turn.

    Bottom line: nothing holding anyone back from actually learning a language.

    I love C2, it makes me barking mad, but i love it. But nothing stops me from jumping into unity, or unreal, or gm, and nothing stops me from continuing to use C2 (it is great)

    But in todays fast pased world, a profeciency in some languages is a must.

    I am writing my CPP (C++ Certified professional Programmer) exam in 12 weeks... the thing is WE can't stop learning. You stop learning, you stop developing and you will fall on your face.

    I hope to get professional certificates for all the C's and possible a CPS (certified senior Programmer).

    Truth is, my brain has come along in years and learning isn't as easy as it used to be. I see youngsters complaining about everything, and they have the time and brain power to actually learn, but do nothing.

    You are limited only by your ability and not the ability of the tools you use

  • includes go at top of eventsheet. I would make a condition within ES_gameDetail as to whose turn it is and trigger events accordingly. There is a turn based multiplayer in tutorial section which handles turns very well.

    Edit: link

  • shortwave, then check step 2, it is your firewall

  • As zenox98 beat me to it - This feature isn't available in free version.

    But if you have steam license, check your firewall

    Look at step to for firewall