A few serious problems that could use your votes/support!

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  • at 60 fps, the current chrome just does not render properly (the jank) and it is really annoying to look at it.

    And below, on some circumstances, the controls become too unresponsive and so, the game becomes unfaIr.

    I had MAJOR jank issues in my game back in November 2014 using chrome...until I realized that jank didn't exist in NW10.5 so I did all my previewing in Node..

    Fast forward to today, I cannot detect any jank in Chrome or the latest NW12 and my game is fairly intensive... Sometimes when I'm capturing video there's an occasional frame drop, but other than that, the game is smooth as silk. So if the jank is there, it's tiny because there's no way its anywhere near where it was in November - I would see that.

    It seems like this issue will persist since it's a hard thing to prove - I have yet to see it. I don't see how NW or Chrome can actually get any "better" in regards to this if it can't be reproduced.

    EDIT: the jank back in Nov2014 made the game unplayable. It looked horrible... I was not happy.

  • So when you talk of jank, the FPS literally drops to 1-3 for a few microseconds several times in a time span, and it's not detected by the frame rate counter accurately (hence just displaying sub 60FPS)? Is there way to globally limit the frame rate to around 30-45 and will this help?

  • admir As far as I know there's no way to set framerate within C2.

  • Someone responded to Chromium's Issue 422000. Their response:

    Assigning to self since Brandon already did his part on this bug.

    +simonhong since the "unified BeginFrame for Aura" patch (https://codereview.chromium.org/1016033006) definitely added noise to the graph.

    Depending on how bad the jitter is, maybe we should have the unified BeginFrame work land behind a flag while we work on making it more responsive and integrating it with the rest of the system.

    After the patch above, the rAF start can be blocked by work on the Browser's UI thread which is where the jitter is coming from. This isn't necessarily bad though since going through the Browser's UI thread also allows us to avoid races with user input, which can actually improve perceived smoothness; but we haven't yet integrated with jdduke's work to get that benefit.

    Unified BeginFrame should also become more responsive as we move work off the Browser's UI thread with efforts like impl-side-painting in the Browser. We should probably see if there's anything else monopolizing the UI thread and what we can do about it (blink scheduler on the UI thread?).

  • I think this topic has deviated from sqiddster 's original intent. I'm not usually one to get involved in these flame-y/troll-y discussions, like what this has seemed to turn into but I'll echo my thoughts since I literally posted it in another group earlier today:


    My biggest problem with C2 is that it's super dependent on Chromium for its exports and existence. Yet for some strange reason they aren't testing against the nightly builds. That means if an HTML5 bug is introduced into Chrome, and it makes it into the next update 2 months later then it could take a month or two for the bug to be fixed in all the Chrome dependent projects that C2 depends on.

    I understand that Scirra is a very small startup but if they want to remain the HTML5 game engine leader I think it would be best for them to invest in their future success. A lot of these Chrome bugs are caught by the C2 community -rather than any other HTML5 game engine- first because the engine is on the bleeding edge.

    If Scirra is able to devote some resources -or even incentivize a choice few community members- to test regularly against Canary builds I truly believe a lot of of these issues can be mitigated.

    My two bits at least.

  • Wow this took a turn.

    Bottom line: nothing holding anyone back from actually learning a language.

    I love C2, it makes me barking mad, but i love it. But nothing stops me from jumping into unity, or unreal, or gm, and nothing stops me from continuing to use C2 (it is great)

    But in todays fast pased world, a profeciency in some languages is a must.

    I am writing my CPP (C++ Certified professional Programmer) exam in 12 weeks... the thing is WE can't stop learning. You stop learning, you stop developing and you will fall on your face.

    I hope to get professional certificates for all the C's and possible a CPS (certified senior Programmer).

    Truth is, my brain has come along in years and learning isn't as easy as it used to be. I see youngsters complaining about everything, and they have the time and brain power to actually learn, but do nothing.

    You are limited only by your ability and not the ability of the tools you use

  • sqiddster

    I've never came this far with my projects, so i've never had these issues nor have i reproduced them.

    Still trying to help you out in case it's an actual issue which i may run into in near future.

    Left comments on both pages.


  • Today has seen progress of sorts with the issue being re-allocated, though somehow I don't think a 6 month old problem will be fixed very quickly.

    I've also only just realised why Google call the in-testing version of Chrome Canary...

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  • Wow this took a turn.

    Bottom line: nothing holding anyone back from actually learning a language.

    I love C2, it makes me barking mad, but i love it. But nothing stops me from jumping into unity, or unreal, or gm, and nothing stops me from continuing to use C2 (it is great)

    But in todays fast pased world, a profeciency in some languages is a must.

    I am writing my CPP (C++ Certified professional Programmer) exam in 12 weeks... the thing is WE can't stop learning. You stop learning, you stop developing and you will fall on your face.

    I hope to get professional certificates for all the C's and possible a CPS (certified senior Programmer).

    Truth is, my brain has come along in years and learning isn't as easy as it used to be. I see youngsters complaining about everything, and they have the time and brain power to actually learn, but do nothing.

    You are limited only by your ability and not the ability of the tools you use

    What are you on about? Did you seriously just brag about taking a programming exam in a Construct 2 post criticizing flaws in a game engine that is marketed to non-programmers?

    We didn't buy this program to get frustrated and learn how to program. Some of us, like myself, bought Construct 2 to make games and we're running into some serious performance issues. This thread isn't for you.

    Anyway, I've arrived at this thread because I too am experiencing some serious performance issues that really shouldn't be happening. I hope we can get somewhere with this and reach a conclusion.

  • What are you on about? Did you seriously just brag about taking a programming exam in a Construct 2 post criticizing flaws in a game engine that is marketed to non-programmers?

    We didn't buy this program to get frustrated and learn how to program. Some of us, like myself, bought Construct 2 to make games and we're running into some serious performance issues. This thread isn't for you.

    Anyway, I've arrived at this thread because I too am experiencing some serious performance issues that really shouldn't be happening. I hope we can get somewhere with this and reach a conclusion.

    You missed my point!

    And only I decide what is or isn't for me - alrighty!

    This thread is about sorting out issues outside of c2, you might have missed that point too.

  • I think those issues where adressed many month ago... still there seems to be no fix yet. commented again, maybe it will move something...

    for the other topic, pro / con c2:

    I love construct. Because it enables me to live out my childhood dreams to programm games without to much learning / time investment. but construct is merly more than a tool to make very simple games or good prototypes for prove of concept and that makes me kind of sad.

    at some point or another you will run into problems which you cant fix.

    besites of the jitter/jank/framelags that are arround for ages whcih makes all games pretty unsmoth (a problem for every html 5 app) my curret problem is with the multiplayer input lag. for turn based games, construct is the best you can get. but for anything fast... its just not there jet.

    Other problems are with audi... laggy for the first time play of a sound and several other issues (volume on android and so on)

    but i really hope it will reach a point in the future where you can make high quality games with construct. and i am sure ashley is working hard on this...

    i will be there to make one when the time hast come

    kind regards


  • I am about to port all my games to unity as this is bollocks.

    Thumbs up!!!

    Unfortunaly C2 export capabilities are such a joke...

    My 50c to Ashley and the rest of the team...

    Consider making the next Construct (C3) as a tool for work in UNITY... you will make a revolution for milions of non programers out there!

    Just imagine to work in Unity engine with ease of C2 events game making... just a dream come true!

    something like PlayMaker only... easier

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