I have seen the true power of Construct on Scirra's Russian site.ProjectStar2 is the most awesome game ive ever seen as far as 2d games go.And the Russian site itself is absolutely gorgeous.I have no idea how they got that plane to move sideways with the mouse and have the plane yaw at an angle left or right.My question is ,Can you create 10 different stages with the same quality gfx on every stage?.
The boss is absolutely fantastic.Did they use python script for ProjectStar 2 or did they use Construct's built in library of event's?.After visiting the russian site i have more questions than ever before lol.
Construct is the best 2d games creator in the universe!!!.Ive had some commercially availible 2d games packages before but they pale in comparison.I don't know if Construct ever got an award for best freeware 2d package but it definitely deserve's all the awards.To everyone at Scirra,YOU ROCK!!!.