Edit : damn my bad sorry.
Klik and Play all the way!!!.I solved the prob by examining how the oldskoolers did it, So i spun it ,mixed it up and modified it so that that particular method would work on CS ,And it works!!.
Not very easy to do,But at least it works correctly.
It should work,It must work.It works on my v0.99.97 ,So it should work without any problems.
Eureka!!!!.Problem Solved Case closed.Now my sprite moves the way i want it to.Thank you Pixelrebirth for that exellent tutorial.But i solved it by using a different method.
Dewald , wasuuup boeta .I know but i cannot waste one minute,They have to help me now,Before the others find out ,You know those little green men with those beady eyes.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Still not what im looking for.The sprite has to move when i press left or right and stop when i release left or right.
[quote:1drevcns]Why do you insist on posing questions in an immature manner and acting silly?
Because im craaazyyyy lmao
Ohh you meant make such an example with Construct 2 .Unfortunately i won't be using Construct 2 in the near future.So no MM with Construct 2.I only use Construct 0.X.HTML5 is still new and slow and very limited.
Do you have v99.97 of Construct??
It has the built in RTS movement.Maybe your RTS movement is corrupt?.
Is there any way that this can be done with Construct??.I tried almost everything and all i get is the sprite that keeps on rotating.I can do this simple movement with the old 1994 KNP ,Surely Construct can do this??.
You mean the city bomber example??.I have included th path movement plugin within the zip file.Take those two files path.csx and the runtime folder and paste them in your plugin folder where your construct program is located.
Here is the fixed cap.You only need to create a new image point.
The MM example has RTS movement behaviour.Path movement is way to linear.