DravenX's Forum Posts

  • I finally got it to work correctly

  • This seems rather unfair.Aka favoritism.What about the people who made Plugins and Tutorials?.Everyone should be treated equally unless they are shareholders.Donations should not be used as payoff's for a commercial product.

  • When i try to recreate it from scratch it just ends up showing nothing on the screen.I have noticed that when i try to create the global variable ('Cellsize') it goes to ('cellsize') when i press ok.I created it exactly as you created it now but still nothing shows up.All your tutorials work ,But when i try to recreate it then it does not work at all.

    Maybe there's something wrong with my Construct

  • [quote:34q03kco]Not quite sure what you're talking about here, the tutorials seem to work fine for me with Construct 0.99.97.

    No the tutorials are working fine.I tried to recreate the tutorials from scratch and i must have screwed up somewhere.

    Thanks PixelRebirth I will try again.Hopefully i will get this right this time

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • This is the first time im using Arrays.I tried the puzzle tutorial method but the blocks are created the wrong way.They seem to be all in one place and the tiledbackground won't resize as the tutorial's tiledbkgrnd.Im using v0.99.97 of construct.

    Are there any tutorials explaining exactly how Arrays work.I know it stores values etc....I want to know how to create Arrays with Construct in different situations.

  • It's good but still very limited.By the time C2.0 comes out then both Mmf and Game Maker would probably be on their next upgraded versions as well.So the competition will be fierce and who knows what other Programs,Technology will be out there at that time.

    Now if Sony or Nintendo decided to create some user friendly games creation app (Which will never happen),Only then could C2.0 have real competition.MMF could also be truly powerful if the dev's would stop with all their DRM nonsense.Anything can be cracked,no matter what security measures are in place.

  • [quote:q3gnorzy]For the older example I did, you can pick correctly matched cards with an inverted overlap condition of the Card sprite with the family blue.

    PixelRebirth Could you please create a cap file.I want to see how you did it.

  • I created this little memory card game using my own methods.The array method is great but i just couldn't seem to get those tiles to disappear.Then i found the solution.Anyway here is the first Stage of the memory game.Im creating more cards as the stages progress.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7658043/memgame.jpg">


  • Ah thank you.I thought i was going to run out of space soon lol.

  • Im asking because the game im creating has lots of events.How many lines can be created on one event sheet??.I am at line 106 now.

  • I have just the solution to your problem.I made a cap a few months ago and i made an infinite scrolling background.Here is the cap.Examine it closely because it can be tricky.


  • And here is the new and improved memory card game.Almost like that old klik and play memory game, I added pictures now and the cards gets destroyed.Added a scoring system too.


  • Here is my attempt.The cards are getting destroyed now if the right colors are picked.I did not use arrays etc for this.


  • That's easy,Create more objects as blocks and give each block the same event's as my demo cap.

  • Block Pushing Example

    Want to get to a higher ledge using a crate?.No problem, This example will show you how to create a crate which you can push and jump on to get to that higher ledge.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7658043/blokpush.jpg" border="0">


    The character uses the standard platform behavior.