DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • .......

    i shared the link of the main C2 theme section ... where you can find how to change the theme from the event sheet to the entire look... i didn't shared the first post of that section ... im using the classic one im used with very bright light burning my eyes ))

  • I have 2 eyes I want to take care of, but I also want to work on computers, is there a way to turn everything in construct 2 to dark? because my eyes are burning with the white construct 2

    here you go check this thread

  • part12studios

    yea but for 2d games or isometric stuff you dont need shaders really... 4.5 is more then enough if you are already making games in c2 and u just want to transition or rebuild them in unity 2d to be able to compile without to much hassle .

    as for switching platforms personally always got the impulse of moving from construct to another platform but something keeps me here i guess its so easy to work with c2 and the community is just awesome so active and vivid even though 99% of the time the same problems repeats day by day.

    sorry for double post just the above one was to big and wanted to keep it like that since had its meaning.

  • you have to sign up for a 12 month $75.. and if you want iOS it's another $75.. and if you want Android it's another $75 a month.. maybe you can cancel... that probably is true.. but then what happens when you want to make an update 2 months later? or the month after that? keep signing up / canceling? do two updates and you've shot past the $500 one time fee..

    bottom line is that if you're going to be a pro unity user you're paying $225 a month.. for iOS / Android..

    thats true.. they changed the subscription plan, before you where not forced to subscribe 12 months... since that wold mean 10,000 usd in 12 months or more.... but you know unity 4.3 or 4.5 is free and comes with all the addons right? if the splash doesn't bother you, you can do that

    or get only the addons you need, that allows u to use 4.5 or whatever version is free... and then u pay 75$ a month and before u do that... u build ur games using the unity system, and just compile 10/20 games in 1 shot when u ready. unless u got a freelancer deal and clients then that is a hiccup but if your a self publisher then thats the safest way to do it. plus no headaches with the compiler is so easy being built in and not trough a 3rd party.

    but as i seen the subscription on personal license is free with all addons included android+ios just after the first year if u made 100k or more you need to buy the addons and the only thing they do is to remove the splash if u dont make 100k + u can keep using it as personal and export as many games as you want just with a splash... till you get the money to buy the addons.. i think in 1 year exporting games with unity you can do a easy 5 k atleast if you doing small games and not market them... and then reinvest a portion of those in the perpetual licenses.

    the 5 k in a year is a low expectation but if your not serious about it and only doing it when u got time... but if u put yourself to do that 24/7 full year you might start a game dev that turns in profit. and then all this doesn't matter... also you know cryengine is free? they only take 4% or 5% life time royalty and an additional 10k or smth if u going AAA game type meaning you got the funds and you plan something big. 5% isn't that bad its peanuts if you think about it, unless your a greedy one and you want 100% profit in which case the next words will shutter your world..... if you manage to make 10k you pay what 500 bucks? lol ... thats nothing... its less then what the income report takes you (usually 16%-24% per personal account and 32% -56% depending on country if your a business) ... presumable you doing it as a registered freelancer(or sole trader) or a ltd/inc.

    and if your not legalized then when your first 10k will come in... you have more trouble then you will ever think. atleast if your from USA or UK or other countries with similar regulations... if your from other countries like isle of mans or some weird country that doesn't take no income %... then your good.

    but for hobbyists and not big deal breakers cocos io is a good choice and other services like it.

    im still gonna wait on C3 and see what new stuff are coming in, that where not unveiled yet

    this is a good thread you did, keeps me learning and researching stuff i forgot hahahaha

    edited : added some more yawing and blabbering

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  • start learning Blender and if that is to hard for you there is a less used software in the market or atleast isnt that spread cause its not free... but u can get it for free if ur a student its called cinema4d its very easy to use runs fast no high pc spec required im using it on a 512 mb ram computer old P1 and runs as fast as notepad even though equals the power of maya there might be some needs of plugins for renders but thats for videos. for what u need will do the perfect job u want.

    as i remember spriter is for 2d animations if u got ur frames exploded and add a skeletal animation to them for "easier" animation later on. not sure whats latest in spriter didn't used it in a while but that was their main pitch.

  • But Caleb, they want $500 to remove a splash screen!

    this is optional! you don't have to pay $500 to use the service and make a game. you just see a little short splash screen before your game loads. If you think this is unfair.. EVERY unity user who uses the free tools has this and guess how much it would cost to own the software to not have a splash screen with unity.. if you want iOS and Android it would cost you $4500 and ONLY $3000 if you just do iOS or Android.. a steal!

    actually for android unity u only need to pay 75 $ for a month when u got ur game ready, just buy 1 month the license and start compiling ur games ... u dont need the android or whatever features to start developing with it .... and u can cancel and repurchase that monthly option whenever u want. paying 3000- or more to own the license is for those who have a game studio a large amount of games and they need the license, since they have a exact date of release. ... where most people here are indie game developers and are working alone ...... im waiting for c3 im pretty sure there will be some untold updates including native exporters.

  • i dont disagree blender and 3d max are good, but as a newbie artists in 3d modeling i prefer cinema4d its easy to use... straight forward same command keys as Photoshop runs fast on any rig even if its old... and has the power Maya has... minus some render parts... but as well as blender and other 3d modeling software they got their own plugins and effects i suggest take a look at it.. and oh not to mention cinema4d key frame system is so easy to work with and skeletal animation :X i purely recommend it for people new to 3d modeling.(2.5 d is still made in 3d unless u want to spend 1000 hours on developing each frame and angle)

  • can we see ur artwork?

  • personally i love all tycoon games, however for me doesn't matter the theme or the game story, but more the functionality how fast u can perform actions inside, everybody knows we have to wait on tycoon games or strategy games, but most devs out there are overdoing it, for example u got a time waiting system, and u got a energy system that recharges every5 minutes for 1 and u need atleast 5 energy to move... that is just a pain to even think how twisted that game waiting list is... then u got really great game like swords and potions.. and they overdone it the 1st version where u had to wait sometimes even 1 -2 real days to be able to run ur shops... and in meantime u couldn't see what happens with ur store.. there are many aspects of the game industry and if u want my real opinion... and u want to make a close to perfection game, think as a player and not as a game developer.. play other games or similar games, and test ur own, see how fast u wold love to interact and then compare ur system to others see where there are their mistakes and where are urs.. its more of an trial and error but also a simple logic thinking in process of it. dont go thinking il do a tycoon game cause i can add iaps and charge players every 2 seconds to do an action ... nobody will play it.... it wont have functionality.

    there is no place that tells u how to do a specific game ... you can find it on Wikipedia yes... like what its needed... but u still want to have an idea as a player what wold you like to be the game like.. how its going to work ... and most of times since we are around 7.5bil people now on planet... u got a a huge chance people to think like u and like what u like... dont over think things just do the system as respectfully u can.. and clean .. i did not done it in my own's.... but i know what im missing in them...

  • i played the short demo its actually good and i didn't expected it to perform that fast on pc

  • wow that looks insane cool are those flash animations?

  • Yeah! That's working!

    Thanks so much !!

    So I have to deal with the instance to make the animations works fine! Gotta check that closer…

    About the ghosts, I know that they look pretty much like dead KKK guys …I also have to fix that!

    Thanks again!


    no problem, its not a big of a difference from what u initially did... instead of using the inRange variable u had created i made a new one that checks for the pre animation before flying and etc... that was the issue causing all other ones to play or get stuck ...

    u can also use the familly u got for ghosts and bats... and name their animations the same... and instead of using the skullbats object u use the famillyobject and that way u can incorporate in those 5 conditions all ur characters or monsters u want to add.. but u got to have the same animations name

  • uh yes... i seen this one way back... test no7 got closer and closer... i love it ... dungeon adventures :X

    uh and that theme mate ... and the fire thing really gives u that mood of playing good job ... when is it public released ? didn't read all posts sorry

  • see if this one works... it does on my side. ... Download 2

    the issue was the animation end was applying to all other objects even if the conditions where placed under each individual instance of the object... a weird logic thing ... but ehm... now it should be fine... not sure however about ur ghosts they look weird...

    but u can replicate the same thing for the ghosts or whatever it is ... hope it works for u ... gluck...

  • interesting tool steamspy... yea good insight... if u want to know the sales number and not actual profit... which is a different dish ...