DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • well...your question is a bit redundant... you ask if a game like "LIFELINE" can be made... well LIFELINE is made... so yes it can be made....

  • Here you go a frog that jumps and follows the player if in line of sight... using only behaviors...

    Download capx

  • it may be that the comic sans is not a supported font anymore for the android compiler u are using... see their settings on that... if u using ludei they have settings on that manner... if ur using intelxdk i think they have it two not sure... if u use some other stuff... have no idea... i didn't done a mobile wrap in a while im focused on standalone apps..(desktop).

    that if its a mobile wrap u are doing... u didn't specified... i just wildly guessed it... if its a html5 wrap u do for browsers... then it might be script minimize if u using that?

    or u forgot to set the font familly for all the text of the same type...

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  • I'm going to hopefully publish this game, however a song I want to use ( Rollin at 5 by Kevin MacLeod ) sounds a little similar to a Kirby video game theme song. Is it still safe to use?

    depends... i encountered a similar issue with a mix for a project i was working on...

    in my case the guy who mixed the original song... had a license for it... however i needed to find by myself the actual creator... and get a license from them also... and then i found out there was another guy that had a publishing deal licensing i needed to pay...

    anyway... what u need to do is ... find who is the original creator... dont mind Kevin MacLeod... unless he has a publishing deal on his mix given to him by the original author... which allows him to resell licenses of his work ...

    in other case where the original creator is Kevin MacLeod u need to contact him... for legal purposes... in case ur thing is monetized... (iap, selling digital copies of it including the song inside, etc) if its only Ads well ... ehm... not sure ...

    in ur case... i did a little research... u need to contact this people is them who owns the license publishing deals for that song... read their terms of use for their sounds and what u can or u cant do with their songs... gluck

  • here you go mate download i just created u the same effect. u can take a look inside i added some poorly commented events ... this is the easy and long way... there might be a more shorter way ...

  • mardoch here you go download

    i used line of sight... its easier then what u got there... which was a bit of to much spaghetti code... u can duplicate it and do the same thing for ghost also...

    i used r220

    Edited:updated the capx... sometimes before cause of the distance view was 500 or to large and the bats where to close to each other 1 of them was not rising up but flying in sleep mode... so i fixed that ... i updated the download link hope its what u wanted

  • Edited: ehm i might be confusing things...i got old lately.. meant exactly that Pause on Unfocus. but then u saying it doesn't work so then there is no point of me replying i guess i misunderstood ur post... sorry

  • you can always have 4 hidden objects in, following the object u want to be surrounded.

    when all 4 are overlapped destroy the main one? u can also try it with the chess board plugin from r0j0hound i think ... considering at all time the slots around the main object ... then there is another way... similar to the first suggestion ... the same way u do match games... but that is a bit array based and slightly difficult since involves some more then usual math .... those algebra hours wold come in handy now... to bad i always did something else at the class...

    another way the simple c2 way is to check for position but not for overlapping... but for the X + - y + - something and in center being the position of the main object... which i think its easier to do then the rest of the above i used something similar to create a cue stick angle position and guide line for a pool example il try find it if u dont get some more help till then i guess

    ie: 1 event with 5 conditions inside pos x= mainobjx+mainobjwidth and so on ...considering the squares are equal to the objects width and height

  • The canvas plugin is causing the cpu usage when webgl is on. Basically it has to copy the canvas to a texture every tick. If you disable webgl it's fast or alternately you could use the paster object instead.....

    i see ... i did tested the paster object runs blazing fast compared to the canvas i always avoided it ..however they seem to have the same issue all of them doing the same thing even if u do it by spawning normal sprites in the 2d canvas or in the canvas plugin or even in paster ... they all create sprites ... none draws ... which is something that i think is really needed for c2 ... paster does have that option to draw shapes based on coordinates however i need to test it more to understand it ... thanks again for reply ur plugins are awesome ..

    i wonder if someone could strip down paster from all other functions and keep only the drawing to coordinates or spline ? part but then it will need a fade out on them or some behavior to create the fadeout effect of the trails ... if its used for that purposed. but as newt said ... is not that simple

  • ..........- if you want to take a look and let me know if you still think images are the problem or you see something else.

    i did take a look inside... and i was pretty amazed by the fact the event sheet is pretty clean all events trigger once when is needed however .... i have tested it on a duo core older rig i have... and fps showed me 47-57 most of time didn't drop under 50 and cpu utilization was somewhere under 0.05%... but then when i started the debug mode...i barely hit 30 fps ... even if it wasn't necessary had no reason for it ... and cpu utilization blown to 50-70% ... thats something i never seen before doing in debug mode ... for sure is not ur event sheet but i guess something is up with the debug viewer...

    u can lower the approx . download weight of the game by loading the sounds from a ftp server or preloading it (for preloading sounds all music or sounds have to be uploaded in the sounds folder) i prefer having smaller music loops to prevent audio breakage on intelxdk building or other mobile wrappers.

    kinda thats it.. u had it all good from beginning the memory use being at 6.6mb its something i cant really say how u can lower it ... but again from my point of view for small games which c2 is meant to be used for... u had the optimization if i may say ... pretty darn right

    keep it going for sure ul encounter other problems. but as for a optimization test u did good. just keep in mind when u build ur games ... the key for success is always optimization that 1% that u have to push defines the unexpected results ... have a great day hope it helped u ..

  • you said" Is opening the image in Construct's image editor and scaling down the image work as well as in an outside program? They both will reduce the number of pixels, right? Or does Construct save the original image somewhere or something."

    i think what u miss understand is the memory usage of image sizes... lowering the image size or the sprite in the visual editor or when u place it in the layout that u see or prebuilt is not going to change the actually image weight... so what u need to do is ... if u exported as png jpg or whatever use the auto cut space out from image editor c2 has ... it will automatically adjust the image transparent parts which are known to heavy the image memory... 2nd thing re-scale the image upon import in c2 in the animation editor where u place ur frames... not only in the layout part ... cause if u only re-scale in the layout that wont change the actual image weight ... which the engine still has to resize from the high quality frame u use ... hope u understand..... i have a bit of work to do il upload a schematic later if ur interested...

    try this... make the sprite frames in the object animation editor.. as small as possible then see if the app runs faster... if it doesn't then its something else u might missing cant really say if i dont see ur capx

  • seems about right however all my image memory on a 800 events game has 1.2 mb image memory... tops ... with high quality sprites... something u do there that heavy's the image cache... however on my projects total download memory is around 10 mb... u can see those stats at the bottom of c2 ... cpu utilization u can lower it down by tweaking and optimizing ur events... i did a gain of 5-10 -20 fps by re arranging the entire events-sheet... maybe take a look at what ur events triggers?and when... and yes debug mode uses more cpu about 20% more then what actually the app uses... which is weird... so based on ur performance benchmark ur app should be in the optimal running area... and u should have 45/50+fps ...dont worry if ur app isn't running at 60fps.. it will depend also on the power the devices used have

  • thats some nice capx but its to heavy for using it in a game... my pc went 70% usage on preview ... which is nothing i wold use inside a game that has another 1000 elements and events to worry about... but its good that works but not sure if is CPU utilizable for what u want as performance even if u make it standalone app. ul cut half of ur players maybe more.

  • use arrows to control the green player move to yellow to teleport to 2nd gate download capx everything else is effects and graphics u have to figure it out

  • Read this for better understanding of webgl and canvas2d ... in short ... webgl is mostly used in this community for effects such as light... blend modes... lava effects and other cool stuff that u usually do in flash... which html5 (javascript based) cannot do without WebGL