DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • you can use the bbox top and bottom of the standing truck, and measure between angle of those positions its a bad solution though to play with angles. better use distance.

  • Okay, Thanks a lot !

    The game is free just I am using ads.

    ads are a income this days, so copyright is needed!

  • Yes its a must if you intend to make money with it! if you dont intend to make money with the game, not so important.

  • Good job!

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  • Hi guys,

    This are some various tests and examples that im doing from time to time! hope it helps you all!

    line creation based on random points (something i was trying to achieve when i was testing the audio waveforms and road creation)

    Circular movement between 2 points

    A to B using Qarp some request from a few months back that R0j0 helped i think on it! was requested by a member that wanted to do some football type of game and couldn't achieve the arc trajectory of the ball

    Simple drawingusing Sprites and a few variables.

    using Tonejs.API for keeping the audio analyser effect, and some of r0j0 solutions with some inline scripts, i managed to pull up together a simple capx, that reads the waveform of an entire song/ogg/mp3/ and i think even videos with sounds and then using a bit of C2 basic expressions and some number playing creates a road/curved line on peaks and bass beats! keep in mind this example requires ToneJs.API u can find in the forums.

    Music Example capx is rudimentary commented since wasnt meant to be shared plus it's just a old test. useful for those who want to make a rhythm game like audiosurf or other similar games like ride your music. with a bit of tweaking it can read even soundcloud live feed and youtube feeds.

    Edited : More fast paced and with waveform creation based on song length/duration.Music Example v2 duration calculation its a bit offset instead of *10 multiplication it should be *31 or around there.... since we space the lines more.... it seems to depend on (songs length) not length but songs bitrate/?Mhz the more Mhz or quality the more audio samples therefor creation is longer even though the song length is the same so if you calculate the sample rate, then you can split the bins accordingly to the length of the song properly.

    more to come!

    Folder with all my test capx files (C2 only / not sure if they work with C3 also didn't tested.)

  • you sure you assigned the WASD keys for the right sprite?

    it should work no matter what event u already have in C2 the WASD will overwrite the movement or other events if its placed at bottom of C2 eventsheet.

  • move forward (distance(self.x,self.y,arrow.x,arrow.y)+(60*dt)) at angle angle(self.x,self.y,arrow.x,arrow.y)

    see if that works

  • The first relies heavily on extensive use of plugins (which is incompatible with the goals of this project), the second doesn't work for slider-bars Thanks though! I've managed to get the rail to style using "webkit-appearance: none" but that's all so far.

    ah that is because sliders dont take CSS if i remember correctly, someone said something about that in a very old post! i think was ashley. i would do a custom slider bar though.

    just use the loading % rule usage.

    sorry for giving you those dead end links ... forgot sliders arent working 100% (css wise atleast)

  • arrays dont use that type of memory space, its definitely your images or sounds or a files you imported. also the 40 mb on device, might actually be the safety number that the app requires to run, i seen c2 games that where under 5 mb but requiring 250 mb to run. we can't say for sure without seeing your project file and what you have inside. im more curious about the stats at bottom of the c2. that tells you total download size, running memory required. also u might want to run a debug and see what you get from inspect tool as size and cpu usage. 40 mb on mobile device is normal though, i wouldn't worry about it.

  • I am saving only 39 items of which 32 are global variables while 7 are arrays as json:

    1st Array is 14 wide and 3 high

    2nd and 3rd Array are only 14 wide

    4th and 5th Array are 111 wide

    6th Array is 111 wide and 2 high

    and the 7th is 2 wide and 6 high

    So, is it normal for this data to take 40mb of space on a device?

    depends on what you are exporting to, however mb space is only referring to image download size! so if u have high quality images you might want to drop them down, also screen/layout resolution must be under 1080 if u want lower mb weight!

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  • Hey! Thanks for reply !

    But i don,t know what you just said,

    I think you misunderstood the question here so i am going to explain it one more time...

    I want to make an artificial android control panel in construct 2 to match my game's theme

    i.e.A panel consist of 3 buttons to operate back, home and switch buttons

    now so far i don,t need switch button, and i have got back button working too!

    all i need is to add action to move to android home screen when i touch a custom made button!

    and i cannot find a plugin to move to android home screen!

    Can you help me now?

    when you are saying android screen.... you mean your application menu? or the device screen?

    if you mean your application menu/game transition you just need different layouts and create a button/sprite when is touched or pressed you use the system reference go to layout! if u dont use layouts and u are using layers, its same thing u just hide or show the specific layer.

    for the device android screen.... is what i said before! you can try using the browser plugin and use .js to hide the app.

    hope it helped you!

  • Hi guyz,

    I am making a game and i want to make a custom back-home-switch buttons like there are in android , i hve managed most of the stuff.

    its only that, Is there a way to make event like on clicked > go to home screen of android , such that it does not quit the game but go to home screen and when we switch back to it it just resume if you know what i mean!

    I hope you understood what i said!

    Any ideas??

    Thank you

    C2 games are usually automatically doing that, however u need permission to ask android device to keep the progress of app if "closed" so the switch between apps can work.

    in short is not a c2 software problem, is a android device settings problem i think what you might have!

  • maybe some kids learning game? math stuff/abc's for little kids? if u answer correctly rewarding points which unlocks character customization? sounds more complex than is, actually it might get pretty confusing in the journey of development! but is the easiest one if u got like a school assignment!

    mario style? have 3 concrete blocks hit them to give the correct answer and increment ur input? if u sure of answer jump like mario on a pole flag thing? get results etc. and somehow mix it with the above? (for mathematical basic situation +/-*)

    this is like a pegi 3 design ! and pretty easy however its a bit of graphics involved but there's plenty of free stuff out! let me know if u need some help!


    there was a similar kids game by a c2 community member forgot the name! but should be on arcade on learning category i guess?!